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File Encrypt / File Decrypt


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This function was added to the code

Func GetUserPassword($FileName,$PasswordKey = "MyPasswordKey")
Local $nBytes
$PasswordKey = StringUpper($PasswordKey)
$FileSize = FileGetSize($FileName)
$hjFile = _WinAPI_CreateFile($FileName,2,2)
if Not ($hjFile) Then Return -1
; Read Elements Size Of Encrypt Struct
$StructSize = DllStructCreate("int fnamelen;int formatlen;int passlen")

;Get Elements Size Of Encrypt Struct
$fnamelen = DllStructGetData($StructSize,"fnamelen")
$formatlen = DllStructGetData($StructSize,"formatlen")
$passlen = DllStructGetData($StructSize,"passlen")

; Create And Read All Encrypt Struct
$intSize = 4 ; size Of int Data Type
;int fnamelen;int formatlen;int passlen; ==> 3 int
$filedataLen = ($FileSize) - ($fnamelen + $formatlen + $passlen + ($intSize * 3))
Local $TagEncryptStruct = "int fnamelen;int formatlen;int passlen;" & _
"char FileName[" & $fnamelen & "];" & _
"char format[" & $formatlen & "];" & _
"char Password[" & $passlen & "];" & _
"char filedata[" & $filedataLen & "]"

$EncryptStruct = DllStructCreate($TagEncryptStruct)

;Get $ByteeDecryptPasswordKey
$PasswordKeyStruct = DllStructCreate("Byte[" & StringLen($PasswordKey)& "]")
$ByteeDecryptPasswordKey = StringTrimLeft(DllStructGetData($PasswordKeyStruct,1),2)

;Decrypt Password
$ByteEncryptPassword = String(DllStructGetData($EncryptStruct,"Password"))
Local $X = StringLen($ByteeDecryptPasswordKey), $Y = 1 ,$OutTxt = ""
For $i = 1 To StringLen($ByteEncryptPassword) Step 2
if $Y >= $X Then $Y = 1
$HEX1 = StringMid($ByteEncryptPassword ,$i,2)
$HEX2 = StringMid($ByteeDecryptPasswordKey,$Y,2)
$Y += 2
$Modified = BitXOR(Dec($HEX1),Dec($HEX2),255)
$Rt = Hex($Modified,2)
$OutTxt &= $Rt
$BytePasswordStruct = DllStructCreate("Byte[" & StringLen($OutTxt) + 2 & "]")
DllStructSetData($BytePasswordStruct,1,"0x" & $OutTxt)
$StrPasswordStruct = _
DllStructCreate("char[" & StringLen($OutTxt) + 2 & "]",DllStructGetPtr($BytePasswordStruct))
$OutPassword = DllStructGetData($StrPasswordStruct,1)

Return $OutPassword

#include <WinAPI.au3>

MsgBox(0,"MSG","Encrypt Autoit.txt")

FileDecrypt("Encrypt1.Data","MyPassword_1",@ScriptDir & "\Decrypt")
MsgBox(0,"MSG","Decrypt Autoit.txt")

MsgBox(0,"Autoit.txt File","User Password = " & _

MsgBox(0,"MSG","Encrypt Untitled.png")

FileDecrypt("Encrypt2.Data","MyPassword_2",@ScriptDir & "\Decrypt")
MsgBox(0,"MSG","Decrypt Untitled.png")

MsgBox(0,"Untitled.png File"," User Password = " & _

MsgBox(0,"MSG","Encrypt Au3Info.exe")

FileDecrypt("Encrypt3.Data","MyPassword_3",@ScriptDir & "\Decrypt")
MsgBox(0,"MSG","Decrypt Au3Info.exe")

MsgBox(0,"Au3Info.exe File","User Password = " & _

Func FileEncrypt($FileName, _
                 $Password = "MyPassword", _
                 $NewFile = "File.Data", _
                 $FileFormat = "Au3Ept", _
                 $PasswordKey = "MyPasswordKey")
;error -------------------
; -1 File Format Failure
; -2 Pass word Failure
; -3 File Name  Failure
;MAX FORMAT NAME Char = 32 MAX PASS WORD Char = 32  MAX PATH NAME Char = 260
;error -------------------
Local $nBytes , $MAXFORMATNAME = 32 , $MAXPASSWORD = 32 , $MAXPATHNAME = 260
;int fnamelen;int formatlen;int passlen;

$Password = StringUpper($Password)
$PasswordKey = StringUpper($PasswordKey)
$FileFormat = StringUpper($FileFormat)
$FileSize = FileGetSize($FileName)

if StringLen($FileFormat) > $MAXFORMATNAME Or StringLen($FileFormat) < 1 Then Return -1
if StringLen($Password) > $MAXPASSWORD Or StringLen($Password) < 1 Then Return -2
if StringLen($FileName) > $MAXPATHNAME Or StringLen($FileName) < 1 Then Return -3
if Not FileExists($FileName) Or Not ($FileSize) Then Return -4

Local $TagEncryptStruct = "int fnamelen;int formatlen;int passlen;" & _
"BYTE FileName[" & StringLen($FileName) * 2 & "];" & _
"char format[" &   StringLen($FileFormat)   & "];" & _
"BYTE Password[" & StringLen($Password) * 2 & "];" & _
"BYTE filedata[" & ($FileSize * 2) & "]"

$hiFile = _WinAPI_CreateFile($NewFile, 1)
if Not ($hiFile) Then Return -5
$hjFile = _WinAPI_CreateFile($FileName, 2, 2)
if Not ($hjFile) Then Return -6

;Create Encrypt Struct Size
$EncryptStruct = DllStructCreate($TagEncryptStruct)

;Set FileFormat
DllStructSetData($EncryptStruct,"formatlen",StringLen($FileFormat)) ;Set formatlen
DllStructSetData($EncryptStruct,"format",$FileFormat) ;Set File Format

;Get $ByteFileName
$FileNameStruct = DllStructCreate("Byte[" & StringLen($FileName) & "]")
$ByteFileName = StringTrimLeft(DllStructGetData($FileNameStruct,1),2)
DllStructSetData($EncryptStruct,"fnamelen",StringLen($FileName) * 2) ;Set fnamelen

;Get $BytePassword
$PasswordStruct = DllStructCreate("Byte[" & StringLen($Password)& "]")
$BytePassword = StringTrimLeft(DllStructGetData($PasswordStruct,1),2)
DllStructSetData($EncryptStruct,"passlen",StringLen($Password) * 2) ;Set passlen

;Get $BytePasswordKey
$PasswordKeyStruct = DllStructCreate("Byte[" & StringLen($PasswordKey)& "]")
$BytePasswordKey = StringTrimLeft(DllStructGetData($PasswordKeyStruct,1),2)

;Encrypt $BytePassword
Local $X = StringLen($BytePasswordKey), $Y = 1 ,$OutTxt = ""
For $i = 1 To StringLen($BytePassword) Step 2
if $Y >= $X Then $Y = 1
$HEX1 = StringMid($BytePassword,$i,2)
$HEX2 = StringMid($BytePasswordKey,$Y,2)
$Y += 2
$Modified = BitXOR(Dec($HEX1),Dec($HEX2),255)
$Rt = Hex($Modified,2)
$OutTxt &= $Rt

;Encrypt $ByteFileName
Local $X = StringLen($BytePassword), $Y = 1 ,$OutTxt = ""
For $i = 1 To StringLen($ByteFileName) Step 2
if $Y >= $X Then $Y = 1
$HEX1 = StringMid($ByteFileName,$i,2)
$HEX2 = StringMid($BytePassword,$Y,2)
$Y += 2
$Modified = BitXOR(Dec($HEX1),Dec($HEX2),255)
$Rt = Hex($Modified,2)
$OutTxt &= $Rt

;Encrypt File Data
$ByteFileStruct = DllStructCreate("BYTE[" & $FileSize & "]")
$ByteFile = StringTrimLeft(DllStructGetData($ByteFileStruct,1),2)

Local $X = StringLen($BytePassword), $Y = 1 ,$OutTxt = ""
For $i = 1 To StringLen($ByteFile) Step 2
if $Y >= $X Then $Y = 1
$HEX1 = StringMid($ByteFile,$i,2)
$HEX2 = StringMid($BytePassword,$Y,2)
$Y += 2
$Modified = BitXOR(Dec($HEX1),Dec($HEX2),255)
$Rt = Hex($Modified,2)
$OutTxt &= $Rt

;Write Encrypt Struct Data
$EncryptStructSize = DllStructGetSize($EncryptStruct)

return True

Func FileDecrypt($FileName, _
                 $Password = "MyPassword", _
                 $Dir = @MyDocumentsDir, _
                 $FileFormat = "Au3Ept" , _
                 $PasswordKey = "MyPasswordKey")
;error -------------------
; -1 File Format Failure
; -2 Pass word Failure
; -3 File Name  Failure
;MAX PASS WORD Char = 32  MAX FORMAT NAME Char = 32 MAX PATH NAME Char = 260
;error -------------------
Local $nBytes , $MAXFORMATNAME = 32 , $MAXPASSWORD = 32 , $MAXPATHNAME = 260
;int fnamelen;int formatlen;int passlen;
$Password = StringUpper($Password)
$PasswordKey = StringUpper($PasswordKey)
$FileFormat = StringUpper($FileFormat)
$FileSize = FileGetSize($FileName)
if StringLen($FileFormat) > $MAXFORMATNAME Or StringLen($FileFormat) < 1 Then Return -1
if StringLen($Password) > $MAXPASSWORD Or StringLen($Password) < 1 Then Return -2
if StringLen($FileName) > $MAXPATHNAME Or StringLen($FileName) < 1 Then Return -3
if Not FileExists($FileName) Or Not ($FileSize) Then Return -4

$hjFile = _WinAPI_CreateFile($FileName,2,2)
if Not ($hjFile) Then Return -5
; Read Elements Size Of Encrypt Struct
$StructSize = DllStructCreate("int fnamelen;int formatlen;int passlen")

;Get Elements Size Of Encrypt Struct
$fnamelen = DllStructGetData($StructSize,"fnamelen")
$formatlen = DllStructGetData($StructSize,"formatlen")
$passlen = DllStructGetData($StructSize,"passlen")

;Chke Elements Size Of Encrypt Struct
if $formatlen > $MAXFORMATNAME  Or $formatlen < 1 Then Return -1
if $passlen > $MAXPASSWORD * 2 Or $passlen < 2 Then Return -2
if $fnamelen > $MAXPATHNAME * 2 Or $fnamelen < 2 Then Return -3

; Create And Read All Encrypt Struct
$intSize = 4 ; size Of int Data Type
;int fnamelen;int formatlen;int passlen; ==> 3 int
$filedataLen = ($FileSize) - ($fnamelen + $formatlen + $passlen + ($intSize * 3))
Local $TagEncryptStruct = "int fnamelen;int formatlen;int passlen;" & _
"char FileName[" & $fnamelen & "];" & _
"char format[" & $formatlen & "];" & _
"char Password[" & $passlen & "];" & _
"char filedata[" & $filedataLen & "]"

$EncryptStruct = DllStructCreate($TagEncryptStruct)

$OutFileFormat = String(DllStructGetData($EncryptStruct,"format"))
if StringUpper($FileFormat) <> StringUpper($OutFileFormat) Then Return -1

$ByteEncryptPassword = String(DllStructGetData($EncryptStruct,"Password"))
$ByteEncryptFileName = String(DllStructGetData($EncryptStruct,"FileName"))
$ByteEncryptFileData = String(DllStructGetData($EncryptStruct,"filedata"))

;Get Byte Decrypt Password
$PasswordStruct = DllStructCreate("Byte[" & StringLen($Password)& "]")
$ByteDecryptPassword = StringTrimLeft(DllStructGetData($PasswordStruct,1),2)

;Get $ByteeDecryptPasswordKey
$PasswordKeyStruct = DllStructCreate("Byte[" & StringLen($PasswordKey)& "]")
$ByteeDecryptPasswordKey = StringTrimLeft(DllStructGetData($PasswordKeyStruct,1),2)

;Decrypt Password
Local $X = StringLen($ByteeDecryptPasswordKey), $Y = 1 ,$OutTxt = ""
For $i = 1 To StringLen($ByteEncryptPassword) Step 2
if $Y >= $X Then $Y = 1
$HEX1 = StringMid($ByteEncryptPassword ,$i,2)
$HEX2 = StringMid($ByteeDecryptPasswordKey,$Y,2)
$Y += 2
$Modified = BitXOR(Dec($HEX1),Dec($HEX2),255)
$Rt = Hex($Modified,2)
$OutTxt &= $Rt
$BytePasswordStruct = DllStructCreate("Byte[" & StringLen($OutTxt) + 2 & "]")
DllStructSetData($BytePasswordStruct,1,"0x" & $OutTxt)
$StrPasswordStruct = _
DllStructCreate("char[" & StringLen($OutTxt) + 2 & "]",DllStructGetPtr($BytePasswordStruct))
$OutPassword = DllStructGetData($StrPasswordStruct,1)
if StringUpper($OutPassword) <> StringUpper($Password) Then Return -2

;Decrypt FileName
Local $X = StringLen($ByteDecryptPassword), $Y = 1 ,$OutTxt = ""
For $i = 1 To StringLen($ByteEncryptFileName) Step 2
if $Y >= $X Then $Y = 1
$HEX1 = StringMid($ByteEncryptFileName ,$i,2)
$HEX2 = StringMid($ByteDecryptPassword,$Y,2)
$Y += 2
$Modified = BitXOR(Dec($HEX1),Dec($HEX2),255)
$Rt = Hex($Modified,2)
$OutTxt &= $Rt
$ByteFileNameStruct = DllStructCreate("Byte[" & StringLen($OutTxt) + 2 & "]")
DllStructSetData($ByteFileNameStruct,1,"0x" & $OutTxt)
$StrFileNameStruct = _
DllStructCreate("char[" & StringLen($OutTxt) + 2 & "]",DllStructGetPtr($ByteFileNameStruct))
$OutFileName = DllStructGetData($StrFileNameStruct,1)
$SplitA = StringSplit($OutFileName,"\")
$OutFileName = $SplitA[$SplitA[0]]
if StringRight($Dir,1) == "\" Then $Dir = StringTrimRight($Dir,1)
$OutFileName = $Dir & "\" & $OutFileName
if Not FileExists($Dir) Then DirCreate($Dir)

;Decrypt File Data
Local $X = StringLen($ByteDecryptPassword), $Y = 1 ,$OutTxt = ""
For $i = 1 To StringLen($ByteEncryptFileData) Step 2
if $Y >= $X Then $Y = 1
$HEX1 = StringMid($ByteEncryptFileData,$i,2)
$HEX2 = StringMid($ByteDecryptPassword,$Y,2)
$Y += 2
$Modified = BitXOR(Dec($HEX1),Dec($HEX2),255)
$Rt = Hex($Modified,2)
$OutTxt &= $Rt
$FileDataLen = StringLen($OutTxt) / 2
$ByteFileStruct = DllStructCreate("Byte[" & $FileDataLen & "]")
DllStructSetData($ByteFileStruct,1,"0x" & $OutTxt)

;Write Decrypt File Data
$hiFile = _WinAPI_CreateFile($OutFileName, 1)
if Not ($hiFile) Then Return -7


Return True

Func GetUserPassword($FileName,$PasswordKey = "MyPasswordKey")
Local $nBytes
$PasswordKey = StringUpper($PasswordKey)
$FileSize = FileGetSize($FileName)
$hjFile = _WinAPI_CreateFile($FileName,2,2)
if Not ($hjFile) Then Return -1
; Read Elements Size Of Encrypt Struct
$StructSize = DllStructCreate("int fnamelen;int formatlen;int passlen")

;Get Elements Size Of Encrypt Struct
$fnamelen = DllStructGetData($StructSize,"fnamelen")
$formatlen = DllStructGetData($StructSize,"formatlen")
$passlen = DllStructGetData($StructSize,"passlen")

; Create And Read All Encrypt Struct
$intSize = 4 ; size Of int Data Type
;int fnamelen;int formatlen;int passlen; ==> 3 int
$filedataLen = ($FileSize) - ($fnamelen + $formatlen + $passlen + ($intSize * 3))
Local $TagEncryptStruct = "int fnamelen;int formatlen;int passlen;" & _
"char FileName[" & $fnamelen & "];" & _
"char format[" & $formatlen & "];" & _
"char Password[" & $passlen & "];" & _
"char filedata[" & $filedataLen & "]"

$EncryptStruct = DllStructCreate($TagEncryptStruct)

;Get $ByteeDecryptPasswordKey
$PasswordKeyStruct = DllStructCreate("Byte[" & StringLen($PasswordKey)& "]")
$ByteeDecryptPasswordKey = StringTrimLeft(DllStructGetData($PasswordKeyStruct,1),2)

;Decrypt Password
$ByteEncryptPassword = String(DllStructGetData($EncryptStruct,"Password"))
Local $X = StringLen($ByteeDecryptPasswordKey), $Y = 1 ,$OutTxt = ""
For $i = 1 To StringLen($ByteEncryptPassword) Step 2
if $Y >= $X Then $Y = 1
$HEX1 = StringMid($ByteEncryptPassword ,$i,2)
$HEX2 = StringMid($ByteeDecryptPasswordKey,$Y,2)
$Y += 2
$Modified = BitXOR(Dec($HEX1),Dec($HEX2),255)
$Rt = Hex($Modified,2)
$OutTxt &= $Rt
$BytePasswordStruct = DllStructCreate("Byte[" & StringLen($OutTxt) + 2 & "]")
DllStructSetData($BytePasswordStruct,1,"0x" & $OutTxt)
$StrPasswordStruct = _
DllStructCreate("char[" & StringLen($OutTxt) + 2 & "]",DllStructGetPtr($BytePasswordStruct))
$OutPassword = DllStructGetData($StrPasswordStruct,1)

Return $OutPassword
Edited by wolf9228

صرح السماء كان هنا


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Looks very neat, but why re-invent the wheel? There are several publicly accessible encryption algorithms which are very secure and do multiple passes on the data using more advanced processes beyond XORing.

Truth be told, I'm ignorant when it comes to DLL Struct magic, but the encryption process seems a bit linear to be secure.


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Misc Code Snippets: ADODB Example ◊ CheckHover ◊ Detect SafeMode ◊ DynEnumArray ◊ GetNetStatData ◊ HashArray ◊ IsBetweenDates ◊ Local Admins ◊ Make Choice ◊ Recursive File List ◊ Remove Sizebox Style ◊ Retrieve PNPDeviceID ◊ Retreive SysListView32 Contents ◊ Set IE Homepage ◊ Tickle Expired Password ◊ Transpose Array
Projects: Drive Space Usage GUI ◊ LEDkIT ◊ Plasma_kIt ◊ Scan Engine Builder ◊ SpeeDBurner ◊ SubnetCalc
Cool Stuff: AutoItObject UDF â—Š Extract Icon From Proc â—Š GuiCtrlFontRotate â—Š Hex Edit Funcs â—Š Run binary â—Š Service_UDF


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Looks very neat, but why re-invent the wheel? There are several publicly accessible encryption algorithms which are very secure and do multiple passes on the data using more advanced processes beyond XORing.

Truth be told, I'm ignorant when it comes to DLL Struct magic, but the encryption process seems a bit linear to be secure.

"I'm ignorant when it comes to DLL Struct magic"

I do not think so :mellow: ... Already there are many encryption

algorithms ... But when you use many functions in such a

process We will need a very long time to complete it... And in

this process is encrypted files not text ... Thanks!

Edited by wolf9228

صرح السماء كان هنا


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I also find the code confusing, but that's just my ignorance. :mellow:

Already there are many encryption

algorithms ... But when you use many functions in such a

process We will need a very long time to complete it... And in

this process is encrypted files not text ... Thanks!

Does this mean that you are placing more importance on speed, rather than on encryption strength? Edited by czardas
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...And in this process is encrypted files not text...

erm, what? :mellow:

Things I've Made: Always On Top Tool ◊ AU History ◊ Deck of Cards ◊ HideIt ◊ ICU ◊ Icon Freezer ◊ Ipod Ejector ◊ Junos Configuration Explorer ◊ Link Downloader ◊ MD5 Folder Enumerator ◊ PassGen ◊ Ping Tool ◊ Quick NIC ◊ Read OCR ◊ RemoteIT ◊ SchTasksGui ◊ SpyCam ◊ System Scan Report Tool ◊ System UpTime ◊ Transparency Machine ◊ VMWare ESX Builder
Misc Code Snippets: ADODB Example ◊ CheckHover ◊ Detect SafeMode ◊ DynEnumArray ◊ GetNetStatData ◊ HashArray ◊ IsBetweenDates ◊ Local Admins ◊ Make Choice ◊ Recursive File List ◊ Remove Sizebox Style ◊ Retrieve PNPDeviceID ◊ Retreive SysListView32 Contents ◊ Set IE Homepage ◊ Tickle Expired Password ◊ Transpose Array
Projects: Drive Space Usage GUI ◊ LEDkIT ◊ Plasma_kIt ◊ Scan Engine Builder ◊ SpeeDBurner ◊ SubnetCalc
Cool Stuff: AutoItObject UDF â—Š Extract Icon From Proc â—Š GuiCtrlFontRotate â—Š Hex Edit Funcs â—Š Run binary â—Š Service_UDF


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I also find the code confusing, but that's just my ignorance. :mellow:

Does this mean that you are placing more importance on speed, rather than on encryption strength?

Yes, that's right ... This is a simple way to encrypt the

data ... Try to perform this Process using many functions

And see the time of the process During this While

;Encrypt File Data
$ByteFileStruct = DllStructCreate("BYTE[" & $FileSize & "]")
$ByteFile = StringTrimLeft(DllStructGetData($ByteFileStruct,1),2)

Local $X = StringLen($BytePassword), $Y = 1 ,$OutTxt = ""
For $i = 1 To StringLen($ByteFile) Step 2
if $Y >= $X Then $Y = 1
$HEX1 = StringMid($ByteFile,$i,2)
$HEX2 = StringMid($BytePassword,$Y,2)
$Y += 2
$Modified = BitXOR(Dec($HEX1),Dec($HEX2),255)
$Rt = Hex($Modified,2)
$OutTxt &= $Rt

and this

;Decrypt File Data
Local $X = StringLen($ByteDecryptPassword), $Y = 1 ,$OutTxt = ""
For $i = 1 To StringLen($ByteEncryptFileData) Step 2
if $Y >= $X Then $Y = 1
$HEX1 = StringMid($ByteEncryptFileData,$i,2)
$HEX2 = StringMid($ByteDecryptPassword,$Y,2)
$Y += 2
$Modified = BitXOR(Dec($HEX1),Dec($HEX2),255)
$Rt = Hex($Modified,2)
$OutTxt &= $Rt
$FileDataLen = StringLen($OutTxt) / 2
$ByteFileStruct = DllStructCreate("Byte[" & $FileDataLen & "]")
DllStructSetData($ByteFileStruct,1,"0x" & $OutTxt)

صرح السماء كان هنا


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erm, what? :mellow:

...And in this process is encrypted files not text...

There is a difference ... Just using your mind to know the difference Edited by wolf9228

صرح السماء كان هنا


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There is a difference ... Just using your mind to know the difference

A difference between what? I don't understand the words coming out of your keyboard. I'm not trying disrespect you or bash your script or anything...I just don't understand the value in sacrificing security when that's the point of encryption...not performance, though some ciphers are faster than others. I did try some testing...I get memory allocation errors when attempting to encrypt files larger then 30 something MB using your encryption method.

Time calculated as average between Encryption and Decryption

wolf9228 - File Sizes Doubled

Encrypt/Decrypt wolf9228: (AutoIt.txt|5KB) 0.1 Seconds

Encrypt/Decrypt wolf9228: (Untitled.png|1KB) 0.01 Seconds

Encrypt/Decrypt wolf9228: (flavors.mp3|3,276KB) 82 Seconds

Encrypt/Decrypt wolf9228: (QuickTimeInstaller.exe|33,058KB) 760 Seconds

Encrypt/Decrypt wolf9228: (CD.iso|629,994KB) Error allocating memory

RC4 Algorithm - No File Size Change

Encrypt/Decrypt RC4 Algo: (AutoIt.txt|5KB) 0.05 Seconds

Encrypt/Decrypt RC4 Algo: (Untitled.png|1KB) 0.01 Seconds

Encrypt/Decrypt RC4 Algo: (flavors.mp3|3,276KB) 0.2 Seconds

Encrypt/Decrypt RC4 Algo: (QuickTimeInstaller.exe|33,058KB) 2 Seconds

Encrypt/Decrypt RC4 Algo: (CD.iso|629,994KB) 45 Seconds

DES Algorithm - Minimal File Size Increase (%0.02)

Encrypt/Decrypt DES Algo: (AutoIt.txt|5KB) 0.04 Seconds

Encrypt/Decrypt DES Algo: (Untitled.png|1KB) 0.01 Seconds

Encrypt/Decrypt DES Algo: (flavors.mp3|3,276KB) 0.25 Seconds

Encrypt/Decrypt DES Algo: (QuickTimeInstaller.exe|33,058KB) 2.4 Seconds

Encrypt/Decrypt DES Algo: (CD.iso|629,994KB) 59 Seconds

AES-128 Algorithm - Minimal File Size Increase (%0.02)

Encrypt/Decrypt AES-128 : (AutoIt.txt|5KB) 0.03 Seconds

Encrypt/Decrypt AES-128 : (Untitled.png|1KB) 0.01 Seconds

Encrypt/Decrypt AES-128 : (flavors.mp3|3,276KB) 0.28 Seconds

Encrypt/Decrypt AES-128 : (QuickTimeInstaller.exe|33,058KB) 2.5 Seconds

Encrypt/Decrypt AES-128 : (CD.iso|629,994KB) 60.5 Seconds

AES-256 Algorithm - Minimal File Size Increase (%0.05)

Encrypt/Decrypt AES-256 : (AutoIt.txt|5KB) 0.04 Seconds

Encrypt/Decrypt AES-256 : (Untitled.png|1KB) 0.01 Seconds

Encrypt/Decrypt AES-256 : (flavors.mp3|3,276KB) 0.28 Seconds

Encrypt/Decrypt AES-256 : (QuickTimeInstaller.exe|33,058KB) 2.8 Seconds

Encrypt/Decrypt AES-256 : (CD.iso|629,994KB) 66 Seconds

Edited by spudw2k

Things I've Made: Always On Top Tool ◊ AU History ◊ Deck of Cards ◊ HideIt ◊ ICU ◊ Icon Freezer ◊ Ipod Ejector ◊ Junos Configuration Explorer ◊ Link Downloader ◊ MD5 Folder Enumerator ◊ PassGen ◊ Ping Tool ◊ Quick NIC ◊ Read OCR ◊ RemoteIT ◊ SchTasksGui ◊ SpyCam ◊ System Scan Report Tool ◊ System UpTime ◊ Transparency Machine ◊ VMWare ESX Builder
Misc Code Snippets: ADODB Example ◊ CheckHover ◊ Detect SafeMode ◊ DynEnumArray ◊ GetNetStatData ◊ HashArray ◊ IsBetweenDates ◊ Local Admins ◊ Make Choice ◊ Recursive File List ◊ Remove Sizebox Style ◊ Retrieve PNPDeviceID ◊ Retreive SysListView32 Contents ◊ Set IE Homepage ◊ Tickle Expired Password ◊ Transpose Array
Projects: Drive Space Usage GUI ◊ LEDkIT ◊ Plasma_kIt ◊ Scan Engine Builder ◊ SpeeDBurner ◊ SubnetCalc
Cool Stuff: AutoItObject UDF â—Š Extract Icon From Proc â—Š GuiCtrlFontRotate â—Š Hex Edit Funcs â—Š Run binary â—Š Service_UDF


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A difference between what? I don't understand the words coming out of your keyboard. I'm not trying disrespect you or bash your script or anything...I just don't understand the value in sacrificing security when that's the point of encryption...not performance, though some ciphers are faster than others. I did try some testing...I get memory allocation errors when attempting to encrypt files larger then 30 something MB using your encryption method.

Time calculated as average between Encryption and Decryption

wolf9228 - File Sizes Doubled

Encrypt/Decrypt wolf9228: (AutoIt.txt|5KB) 0.1 Seconds

Encrypt/Decrypt wolf9228: (Untitled.png|1KB) 0.01 Seconds

Encrypt/Decrypt wolf9228: (flavors.mp3|3,276KB) 82 Seconds

Encrypt/Decrypt wolf9228: (QuickTimeInstaller.exe|33,058KB) 760 Seconds

Encrypt/Decrypt wolf9228: (CD.iso|629,994KB) Error allocating memory

RC4 Algorithm - No File Size Change

Encrypt/Decrypt RC4 Algo: (AutoIt.txt|5KB) 0.05 Seconds

Encrypt/Decrypt RC4 Algo: (Untitled.png|1KB) 0.01 Seconds

Encrypt/Decrypt RC4 Algo: (flavors.mp3|3,276KB) 0.2 Seconds

Encrypt/Decrypt RC4 Algo: (QuickTimeInstaller.exe|33,058KB) 2 Seconds

Encrypt/Decrypt RC4 Algo: (CD.iso|629,994KB) 45 Seconds

DES Algorithm - Minimal File Size Increase (%0.02)

Encrypt/Decrypt DES Algo: (AutoIt.txt|5KB) 0.04 Seconds

Encrypt/Decrypt DES Algo: (Untitled.png|1KB) 0.01 Seconds

Encrypt/Decrypt DES Algo: (flavors.mp3|3,276KB) 0.25 Seconds

Encrypt/Decrypt DES Algo: (QuickTimeInstaller.exe|33,058KB) 2.4 Seconds

Encrypt/Decrypt DES Algo: (CD.iso|629,994KB) 59 Seconds

AES-128 Algorithm - Minimal File Size Increase (%0.02)

Encrypt/Decrypt AES-128 : (AutoIt.txt|5KB) 0.03 Seconds

Encrypt/Decrypt AES-128 : (Untitled.png|1KB) 0.01 Seconds

Encrypt/Decrypt AES-128 : (flavors.mp3|3,276KB) 0.28 Seconds

Encrypt/Decrypt AES-128 : (QuickTimeInstaller.exe|33,058KB) 2.5 Seconds

Encrypt/Decrypt AES-128 : (CD.iso|629,994KB) 60.5 Seconds

AES-256 Algorithm - Minimal File Size Increase (%0.05)

Encrypt/Decrypt AES-256 : (AutoIt.txt|5KB) 0.04 Seconds

Encrypt/Decrypt AES-256 : (Untitled.png|1KB) 0.01 Seconds

Encrypt/Decrypt AES-256 : (flavors.mp3|3,276KB) 0.28 Seconds

Encrypt/Decrypt AES-256 : (QuickTimeInstaller.exe|33,058KB) 2.8 Seconds

Encrypt/Decrypt AES-256 : (CD.iso|629,994KB) 66 Seconds

OK ... How do I understand the previous reply ... Can you explain

what you mean by this phrase quote

...And in this process is encrypted files not text...

There is a saying popular

Do not rush scandal

The meaning of a popular saying make sure before misunderstanding

leading to a scandal

I did not pretend that you flout my project

But you suppose this claim

About memory and about the speed of the process and about the power of data encryption

This is normal ... In this topic I put a simple example of the encryption process to benefit programmers did not put the process code to be used by normal user ... There is a difference ... Something else ... No one controls the capacity of memory in a simple example

About the speed of the process and the power of data encryption

When you put a simple example ... Should be a simple and very fast

Why ... I leave the answer

صرح السماء كان هنا


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New Code

#include <WinAPI.au3>

MsgBox(0,"MSG","Encrypt Autoit.txt")

FileDecrypt("Encrypt1.Data","MyPassword_1",@ScriptDir & "\Decrypt")
MsgBox(0,"MSG","Decrypt Autoit.txt")

MsgBox(0,"Autoit.txt File","User Password = " & _

MsgBox(0,"MSG","Encrypt Untitled.png")

FileDecrypt("Encrypt2.Data","MyPassword_2",@ScriptDir & "\Decrypt")
MsgBox(0,"MSG","Decrypt Untitled.png")

MsgBox(0,"Untitled.png File"," User Password = " & _

MsgBox(0,"MSG","Encrypt Au3Info.exe")

FileDecrypt("Encrypt3.Data","MyPassword_3",@ScriptDir & "\Decrypt")
MsgBox(0,"MSG","Decrypt Au3Info.exe")

MsgBox(0,"Au3Info.exe File","User Password = " & _

Func FileEncrypt($FileName, _
                 $Password = "MyPassword", _
                 $NewFile = "File.Data", _
                 $FileFormat = "Au3Ept", _
                 $PasswordKey = "MyPasswordKey")
;error -------------------
; -1 File Format Failure
; -2 Pass word Failure
; -1 File Name  Failure
;MAX FORMAT NAME Char = 32 MAX PASS WORD Char = 32  MAX PATH NAME Char = 260
;error -------------------
Local $nBytes , $MAXFORMATNAME = 32 , $MAXPASSWORD = 32 , $MAXPATHNAME = 260
;int fnamelen;int formatlen;int passlen;
;INT 0000 4 Bytes
;$MAXFORMATNAME = 32  ==> 2 Bytes 00
;$MAXPASSWORD = 32 * 2 = 64 ==> 2 Bytes 00
;MAXPATHNAME 260 * 2 = 520 ==> 3 Bytes 000

$Password = StringUpper($Password)
$PasswordKey = StringUpper($PasswordKey)
$FileFormat = StringUpper($FileFormat)
$FileSize = FileGetSize($FileName)

if StringLen($FileFormat) > $MAXFORMATNAME Or StringLen($FileFormat) < 1 Then Return -1
if StringLen($Password) > $MAXPASSWORD Or StringLen($Password) < 1 Then Return -2
if StringLen($FileName) > $MAXPATHNAME Or StringLen($FileName) < 1 Then Return -3
if Not FileExists($FileName) Or Not ($FileSize) Then Return -4

Local $TagEncryptStruct = "int fnamelen;int formatlen;int passlen;" & _
"BYTE FileName[" & StringLen($FileName) * 2 & "];" & _
"char format[" &   StringLen($FileFormat)   & "];" & _
"BYTE Password[" & StringLen($Password) * 2 & "];" & _
"BYTE filedata[" & ($FileSize * 2) & "]"

$hiFile = _WinAPI_CreateFile($NewFile, 1)
if Not ($hiFile) Then Return -5
$hjFile = _WinAPI_CreateFile($FileName, 2, 2)
if Not ($hjFile) Then Return -6

;Create Encrypt Struct Size
$EncryptStruct = DllStructCreate($TagEncryptStruct)

;Set FileFormat
DllStructSetData($EncryptStruct,"formatlen",StringLen($FileFormat)) ;Set formatlen
DllStructSetData($EncryptStruct,"format",$FileFormat) ;Set File Format

;Get $ByteFileName
$FileNameStruct = DllStructCreate("Byte[" & StringLen($FileName) & "]")
$ByteFileName = StringTrimLeft(DllStructGetData($FileNameStruct,1),2)
DllStructSetData($EncryptStruct,"fnamelen",StringLen($FileName) * 2) ;Set fnamelen

;Get $BytePassword
$PasswordStruct = DllStructCreate("Byte[" & StringLen($Password)& "]")
$BytePassword = StringTrimLeft(DllStructGetData($PasswordStruct,1),2)
DllStructSetData($EncryptStruct,"passlen",StringLen($Password) * 2) ;Set passlen

;Get $BytePasswordKey
$PasswordKeyStruct = DllStructCreate("Byte[" & StringLen($PasswordKey)& "]")
$BytePasswordKey = StringTrimLeft(DllStructGetData($PasswordKeyStruct,1),2)

;Encrypt $BytePassword
Local $X = StringLen($BytePasswordKey), $Y = 1 ,$OutTxt = ""
For $i = 1 To StringLen($BytePassword) Step 2
if $Y >= $X Then $Y = 1
$HEX1 = StringMid($BytePassword,$i,2)
$HEX2 = StringMid($BytePasswordKey,$Y,2)
$Y += 2
$Modified = BitXOR(Dec($HEX1),Dec($HEX2),255)
$Rt = Hex($Modified,2)
$OutTxt &= $Rt

;Encrypt $ByteFileName
Local $X = StringLen($BytePassword), $Y = 1 ,$OutTxt = ""
For $i = 1 To StringLen($ByteFileName) Step 2
if $Y >= $X Then $Y = 1
$HEX1 = StringMid($ByteFileName,$i,2)
$HEX2 = StringMid($BytePassword,$Y,2)
$Y += 2
$Modified = BitXOR(Dec($HEX1),Dec($HEX2),255)
$Rt = Hex($Modified,2)
$OutTxt &= $Rt

;Encrypt File Data
$ByteFileStruct = DllStructCreate("BYTE[" & $FileSize & "]")
Local $X = StringLen($BytePassword), $Y = 1 ,$OutTxt = ""
For $i = 1 To $FileSize
if $Y >= $X Then $Y = 1
$Dec = DllStructGetData($ByteFileStruct,1,$i)
$HEX2 = StringMid($BytePassword,$Y,2)
$Y += 2
$Modified = BitXOR($Dec,Dec($HEX2),255)
$Rt = Hex($Modified,2)
$OutTxt &= $Rt

;Write Encrypt Struct Data
$EncryptStructSize = DllStructGetSize($EncryptStruct)

return True

Func FileDecrypt($FileName, _
                 $Password = "MyPassword", _
                 $Dir = @MyDocumentsDir, _
                 $FileFormat = "Au3Ept" , _
                 $PasswordKey = "MyPasswordKey")
;error -------------------
; -1 File Format Failure
; -2 Pass word Failure
; -3 File Name  Failure
;MAX PASS WORD Char = 32  MAX FORMAT NAME Char = 32 MAX PATH NAME Char = 260
;error -------------------
Local $nBytes , $MAXFORMATNAME = 32 , $MAXPASSWORD = 32 , $MAXPATHNAME = 260
;int fnamelen;int formatlen;int passlen;
;INT 0000 4 Bytes
;$MAXFORMATNAME = 32  ==> 2 Bytes 00
;$MAXPASSWORD = 32 * 2 = 64 ==> 2 Bytes 00
;MAXPATHNAME 260 * 2 = 520 ==> 3 Bytes 000
$Password = StringUpper($Password)
$PasswordKey = StringUpper($PasswordKey)
$FileFormat = StringUpper($FileFormat)
$FileSize = FileGetSize($FileName)
if StringLen($FileFormat) > $MAXFORMATNAME Or StringLen($FileFormat) < 1 Then Return -1
if StringLen($Password) > $MAXPASSWORD Or StringLen($Password) < 1 Then Return -2
if StringLen($FileName) > $MAXPATHNAME Or StringLen($FileName) < 1 Then Return -3
if Not FileExists($FileName) Or Not ($FileSize) Then Return -4

$hjFile = _WinAPI_CreateFile($FileName,2,2)
if Not ($hjFile) Then Return -5
; Read Elements Size Of Encrypt Struct
$StructSize = DllStructCreate("int fnamelen;int formatlen;int passlen")

;Get Elements Size Of Encrypt Struct
$fnamelen = DllStructGetData($StructSize,"fnamelen")
$formatlen = DllStructGetData($StructSize,"formatlen")
$passlen = DllStructGetData($StructSize,"passlen")

;Chke Elements Size Of Encrypt Struct
if $formatlen > $MAXFORMATNAME  Or $formatlen < 1 Then Return -1
if $passlen > $MAXPASSWORD * 2 Or $passlen < 2 Then Return -2
if $fnamelen > $MAXPATHNAME * 2 Or $fnamelen < 2 Then Return -3

; Create And Read All Encrypt Struct
$intSize = 4 ; size Of int Data Type
;int fnamelen;int formatlen;int passlen; ==> 3 int
$filedataLen = ($FileSize) - ($fnamelen + $formatlen + $passlen + ($intSize * 3))
Local $TagEncryptStruct = "int fnamelen;int formatlen;int passlen;" & _
"char FileName[" & $fnamelen & "];" & _
"char format[" & $formatlen & "];" & _
"char Password[" & $passlen & "];" & _
"char filedata[" & $filedataLen & "]"

$EncryptStruct = DllStructCreate($TagEncryptStruct)

$OutFileFormat = String(DllStructGetData($EncryptStruct,"format"))
if StringUpper($FileFormat) <> StringUpper($OutFileFormat) Then Return -1

$ByteEncryptPassword = String(DllStructGetData($EncryptStruct,"Password"))
$ByteEncryptFileName = String(DllStructGetData($EncryptStruct,"FileName"))

;Get Byte Decrypt Password
$PasswordStruct = DllStructCreate("Byte[" & StringLen($Password)& "]")
$ByteDecryptPassword = StringTrimLeft(DllStructGetData($PasswordStruct,1),2)

;Get $ByteeDecryptPasswordKey
$PasswordKeyStruct = DllStructCreate("Byte[" & StringLen($PasswordKey)& "]")
$ByteeDecryptPasswordKey = StringTrimLeft(DllStructGetData($PasswordKeyStruct,1),2)

;Decrypt Password
Local $X = StringLen($ByteeDecryptPasswordKey), $Y = 1 ,$OutTxt = ""
For $i = 1 To StringLen($ByteEncryptPassword) Step 2
if $Y >= $X Then $Y = 1
$HEX1 = StringMid($ByteEncryptPassword ,$i,2)
$HEX2 = StringMid($ByteeDecryptPasswordKey,$Y,2)
$Y += 2
$Modified = BitXOR(Dec($HEX1),Dec($HEX2),255)
$Rt = Hex($Modified,2)
$OutTxt &= $Rt
$BytePasswordStruct = DllStructCreate("Byte[" & StringLen($OutTxt) + 2 & "]")
DllStructSetData($BytePasswordStruct,1,"0x" & $OutTxt)
$StrPasswordStruct = _
DllStructCreate("char[" & StringLen($OutTxt) + 2 & "]",DllStructGetPtr($BytePasswordStruct))
$OutPassword = DllStructGetData($StrPasswordStruct,1)
if StringUpper($OutPassword) <> StringUpper($Password) Then Return -2

;Decrypt FileName
Local $X = StringLen($ByteDecryptPassword), $Y = 1 ,$OutTxt = ""

For $i = 1 To StringLen($ByteEncryptFileName) Step 2
if $Y >= $X Then $Y = 1
$HEX1 = StringMid($ByteEncryptFileName ,$i,2)
$HEX2 = StringMid($ByteDecryptPassword,$Y,2)
$Y += 2
$Modified = BitXOR(Dec($HEX1),Dec($HEX2),255)
$Rt = Hex($Modified,2)
$OutTxt &= $Rt
$ByteFileNameStruct = DllStructCreate("Byte[" & StringLen($OutTxt) + 2 & "]")
DllStructSetData($ByteFileNameStruct,1,"0x" & $OutTxt)
$StrFileNameStruct = _
DllStructCreate("char[" & StringLen($OutTxt) + 2 & "]",DllStructGetPtr($ByteFileNameStruct))
$OutFileName = DllStructGetData($StrFileNameStruct,1)
$SplitA = StringSplit($OutFileName,"\")
$OutFileName = $SplitA[$SplitA[0]]
if StringRight($Dir,1) == "\" Then $Dir = StringTrimRight($Dir,1)
$OutFileName = $Dir & "\" & $OutFileName
if Not FileExists($Dir) Then DirCreate($Dir)

;Decrypt File Data
Local $X = StringLen($ByteDecryptPassword), $Y = 1 ,$OutTxt = ""
$filedataLen -= 2 ;0x
For $i = 1 To $filedataLen Step 2
if $Y >= $X Then $Y = 1
$HEX1 = DllStructGetData($EncryptStruct,"filedata",$i) & _ 
DllStructGetData($EncryptStruct,"filedata",$i + 1)
$HEX2 = StringMid($ByteDecryptPassword,$Y,2)
$Y += 2
$Modified = BitXOR(Dec($HEX1),Dec($HEX2),255)
$Rt = Hex($Modified,2)
$OutTxt &= $Rt
$FileDataLen = StringLen($OutTxt) / 2
$ByteFileStruct = DllStructCreate("Byte[" & $FileDataLen & "]")
DllStructSetData($ByteFileStruct,1,"0x" & $OutTxt)

;Write Decrypt File Data
$hiFile = _WinAPI_CreateFile($OutFileName, 1)
if Not ($hiFile) Then Return -7


Return True

Func GetUserPassword($FileName,$PasswordKey = "MyPasswordKey")
Local $nBytes
$PasswordKey = StringUpper($PasswordKey)
$FileSize = FileGetSize($FileName)
$hjFile = _WinAPI_CreateFile($FileName,2,2)
if Not ($hjFile) Then Return -1
; Read Elements Size Of Encrypt Struct
$StructSize = DllStructCreate("int fnamelen;int formatlen;int passlen")

;Get Elements Size Of Encrypt Struct
$fnamelen = DllStructGetData($StructSize,"fnamelen")
$formatlen = DllStructGetData($StructSize,"formatlen")
$passlen = DllStructGetData($StructSize,"passlen")

; Create And Read All Encrypt Struct
$intSize = 4 ; size Of int Data Type
;int fnamelen;int formatlen;int passlen; ==> 3 int
$filedataLen = ($FileSize) - ($fnamelen + $formatlen + $passlen + ($intSize * 3))
Local $TagEncryptStruct = "int fnamelen;int formatlen;int passlen;" & _
"char FileName[" & $fnamelen & "];" & _
"char format[" & $formatlen & "];" & _
"char Password[" & $passlen & "];" & _
"char filedata[" & $filedataLen & "]"

$EncryptStruct = DllStructCreate($TagEncryptStruct)

;Get $ByteeDecryptPasswordKey
$PasswordKeyStruct = DllStructCreate("Byte[" & StringLen($PasswordKey)& "]")
$ByteeDecryptPasswordKey = StringTrimLeft(DllStructGetData($PasswordKeyStruct,1),2)

;Decrypt Password
$ByteEncryptPassword = String(DllStructGetData($EncryptStruct,"Password"))
Local $X = StringLen($ByteeDecryptPasswordKey), $Y = 1 ,$OutTxt = ""
For $i = 1 To StringLen($ByteEncryptPassword) Step 2
if $Y >= $X Then $Y = 1
$HEX1 = StringMid($ByteEncryptPassword ,$i,2)
$HEX2 = StringMid($ByteeDecryptPasswordKey,$Y,2)
$Y += 2
$Modified = BitXOR(Dec($HEX1),Dec($HEX2),255)
$Rt = Hex($Modified,2)
$OutTxt &= $Rt
$BytePasswordStruct = DllStructCreate("Byte[" & StringLen($OutTxt) + 2 & "]")
DllStructSetData($BytePasswordStruct,1,"0x" & $OutTxt)
$StrPasswordStruct = _
DllStructCreate("char[" & StringLen($OutTxt) + 2 & "]",DllStructGetPtr($BytePasswordStruct))
$OutPassword = DllStructGetData($StrPasswordStruct,1)

Return $OutPassword

صرح السماء كان هنا


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Ok, I see there a language gap between us, so I don't think we'll be able to communicate as clearly as either of us can hope. I, as well as the AutoIt community, appreciate your examples; but even though your script is simple it obviously isn't even very efficient outside of a simple scale, and the output size doubling sub-optimal.


Things I've Made: Always On Top Tool ◊ AU History ◊ Deck of Cards ◊ HideIt ◊ ICU ◊ Icon Freezer ◊ Ipod Ejector ◊ Junos Configuration Explorer ◊ Link Downloader ◊ MD5 Folder Enumerator ◊ PassGen ◊ Ping Tool ◊ Quick NIC ◊ Read OCR ◊ RemoteIT ◊ SchTasksGui ◊ SpyCam ◊ System Scan Report Tool ◊ System UpTime ◊ Transparency Machine ◊ VMWare ESX Builder
Misc Code Snippets: ADODB Example ◊ CheckHover ◊ Detect SafeMode ◊ DynEnumArray ◊ GetNetStatData ◊ HashArray ◊ IsBetweenDates ◊ Local Admins ◊ Make Choice ◊ Recursive File List ◊ Remove Sizebox Style ◊ Retrieve PNPDeviceID ◊ Retreive SysListView32 Contents ◊ Set IE Homepage ◊ Tickle Expired Password ◊ Transpose Array
Projects: Drive Space Usage GUI ◊ LEDkIT ◊ Plasma_kIt ◊ Scan Engine Builder ◊ SpeeDBurner ◊ SubnetCalc
Cool Stuff: AutoItObject UDF â—Š Extract Icon From Proc â—Š GuiCtrlFontRotate â—Š Hex Edit Funcs â—Š Run binary â—Š Service_UDF


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