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Obfuscator that does text?

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Hey guys,

I'm having a bit of a problem with a group taking credit for my (and my friend's) script.

Now, I know that there is no way to properly protect an AU3, but I don't need one. The group is merely decompiling the exe, and changing the text. They clearly aren't familiar with AutoIt, as they aren't removing certain things which they would have should they know how to.

So, are there any obfuscaters out there that change text ("")?.

Thanks in advance,


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A simple answer to the problem is to Not store your text strings as plain text.

Instead you could write a script to convert your strings to Hex and paste those hex strings into your code, then when you need to display the text just reverse the process from Hex to plain text characters.

If you want you could run it through ROT13 or similar first to obscure it even more. i.e. Plain text > ROT13 > Hex

e.g. Text = "Hello", converted to ROT13 = "Uryyb", Converted to Hex = 55 72 79 79 62 Now just store the Hex in your script and it will not make sense to the people decompiling and even if they recognise Hex it will still only give them gibberish unless they also recognise ROT13 too.


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I've just wondering how to do it and here what I get:

1.- Create a file with phrase inside.

2.- Calculate the hash of that file (the hash will be our password)

3.- Use that hash to decrypt our previously crypted texts

Of course, before (that's the hard work) you need to encrypt all your texts an put them in an array.

Well, just an example:

#include <Crypt.au3>
#include <Array.au3> ; Include not needed, used only to display the examples

;Variable $sInside is just a simple text, needed to create the content of the file. I've done it with Chr() just
;to obfuscate it a little ;)
$sInside = Chr(84) & Chr(104) & Chr(105) & Chr(115) & Chr(32) & Chr(105) & Chr(115) & Chr(32) & _
Chr(116) & Chr(104) & Chr(101) & Chr(32) & Chr(116) & Chr(101) & Chr(120) & Chr(116) & Chr(32) & _
Chr(105) & Chr(110) & Chr(115) & Chr(105) & Chr(100) & Chr(101) & Chr(32) & Chr(116) & Chr(104) & _
Chr(101) & Chr(32) & Chr(102) & Chr(105) & Chr(108) & Chr(101)

$sRandonFileNumber = Random(1100000,1200000) ; Here a random file number to create a temporal file
$fOurFileForHash=FileOpen(@TempDir & "\" & $sRandonFileNumber & ".dat",2) ; Open tha temporal file in write mode
FileWrite($fOurFileForHash, $sInside) ; Introduce the text in the file
$sHash=_Crypt_HashFile(@TempDir & "\" & $sRandonFileNumber & ".dat",$CALG_SHA1) ; Calculate the hash of our temporal file, it will be the pass to decrypt the texts
FileDelete(@TempDir & "\" & $sRandonFileNumber & ".dat") ; Delete the temporal file

Global $ProgramTexts[4] ; Here are our string texts, you should encrypt them before and the write them in an array like this

_ArrayDisplay($ProgramTexts) ; These are the texts without the pass

For $i=0 To UBound($ProgramTexts)-1
    $ProgramTexts[$i]=BinaryToString(_Crypt_DecryptData($ProgramTexts[$i],$sHash,$CALG_AES_256)) ; With this loop all text strings are decrypted

_ArrayDisplay($ProgramTexts) ; These are the converted texts

This is the way I encrypted the texts:

#include <Crypt.au3>

$sInside = "This is the text inside the file"

$sRandonFileNumber = Random(1100000,1200000)
$fOurFileForHash=FileOpen(@TempDir & "\" & $sRandonFileNumber & ".dat",2)
FileWrite($fOurFileForHash, $sInside)
$sHash=_Crypt_HashFile(@TempDir & "\" & $sRandonFileNumber & ".dat",$CALG_SHA1)
FileDelete(@TempDir & "\" & $sRandonFileNumber & ".dat")

Global $texts[4]
$texts[0] = "This is my first text"
$texts[1] = "I'm trying to avoid that you can change my program easily"
$texts[2] = "Visit my webpage for original program"
$texts[3] = "Finishing this example"

For $i=0 To Ubound($texts)-1
ConsoleWrite($i+1 & ": " & $texts[$i] & @CRLF & $i+1 & ": " & _Crypt_EncryptData($texts[$i],$sHash,$CALG_AES_256) & @CRLF)

And finishing... if you want to "obfuscate" the text with Chr() function just like I did for $sInside variable, here an example:

Local $a = StringToASCIIArray("This is the text inside the file") ; Change the phrase
For $i=0 To UBound($a)-1
    If $i=UBound($a)-1 Then
        ConsoleWrite("Chr(" & $a[$i] & ")")
        ConsoleWrite("Chr(" & $a[$i] & ") & ")

I don't know whether this could be useful for you or for anyone but was funny to play with it :mellow:

Edit: I forgot to mention that you should run Obfuscator (select it in Scite options) too when you compile you program, obfuscator as well will "hide" your text.



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