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Browser not startet via AutoIt-Script

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Hey out there,

I wrote a script for backing up a MySQL database on our managed server.

Here are the first lines of my script, where the problem is:

;Includes for functions _RunDOS and _Now()
#include <Process.au3>
#include <Date.au3>

;Read variables from ini-file
;Read IE and Scriptpath from ini-file
$IE = iniread("values.ini","Backup","IE","")

;Start IE and run Backupscript on server
run ($IE)

;Wait 5 minutes until killing IE

The ini file says for IE:

IE=c:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe http://www.mydomain.de/backup/backup.php

My problem is that, planned as a task, the script doesn't call Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox (I tried with both). If I run the script manually it works and the browser with the given URL is opened and the backup runs.

Any idea why???

My system runs under Windows Server 2008 R2 x64.

Thanks in advance


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Hi Jass

Run("C:\Programme\Internet Explorer\iexplore http://www.autoitscript.com")

The above command works well for me, so the only possible problem in the script is the IniRead()

Try adding a default value for the iniRead so you can isolate the problem... f.e. just output the content of $IE after reading it to see what it contains, or you could try

$IE = iniread("values.ini","Backup","IE","C:\Windows\System32\calc.exe")

and run it, if the calculator starts, you have to correct your ini file...



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Thanks for your help but I think the problem is Windows Server and not AutoIt.

I tried with quotes and without and the last I tried just:


Worked when exe-file was called manually but not thought the task planner.

Maybe Windows Server doesn't allow exe-files to call other exe's???

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