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Subscript used with non-Array variable when using StringRegExp and reading from a file

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Hi, I recently started playing with AutoIT and the StringRegExp() function. My code was working when I used the function using a string within the code. For my purposes, I need to use the function on the content of a file, so I included the FileOpen function, used a handle to read the content to a variable and ran StringRegExp() on the variable. Since adding the file functions, I am getting a "Subscript used with non-Array variable.:" error. I incorporated IsArray() to check and my variable is actually not an array, but my understanding is that StringRegExp returns an array. Any thoughts?

Thanks for any help.

Things I've tried:

FileChangeDir (); but my code and file are in the same path

Changing the StringRegExp flags

******* Full Error message below:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\AutoIt3\SciTE\..\autoit3.exe" /ErrorStdOut "C:\temp\Vpeek_func.au3"

C:\temp\Vpeek_func.au3 (23) : ==> Subscript used with non-Array variable.:

MsgBox(0, "It worked", $avg[0])

MsgBox(0, "It worked", $avg^ ERROR

>Exit code: 1 Time: 3.234

******* Code Starts here:

$mypeek = Run(@ComSpec & " /k appname > autoit.txt")


; have tried declaring array and not declaring it

Dim $avg[10]

If $mypeek Then ; Run comparisons

$inFile = FileOpen("autoit.txt", 0) ; open my file in read mode

If $inFile = -1 Then ;make sure file successfully opened

MsgBox(0, "Error", "File open failed")



$fileContent = FileRead ($inFile) ; Load content of entire file into handle

FileClose ($inFile)

$avg = StringRegExp($fileContent, "(?:Average = )(\d{1,}\d{1,}.\d{0,})", 2)

;If IsArray ($avg) Then

MsgBox(0, "It worked", $avg[0])


;MsgBox(0, "Not an array", "Check Array")




Msgbox(0,"Status","An error occured with number: " & @error)


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Try RunWait() vice Run(). You are opening the file within a couple milliseconds of starting the application. It probably hasn't written anything to it yet.


Valuater's AutoIt 1-2-3, Class... Is now in Session!For those who want somebody to write the script for them: RentACoder"Any technology distinguishable from magic is insufficiently advanced." -- Geek's corollary to Clarke's law
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1) Use [ autoit][ /autoit] tags to display code properly.

2) Check your @Error error flag after the StringRegExp

3) If you take PsaltyDS's advice then I would take make the /k a /c in the run command because a RunWait will wait until the process closes and /k keeps the command window open while /c closes it when done.

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Thank you both for your help.

PsaltyDS: RunWait() using /k seems to cause my function to just hang and not continue; when I use /c it fails (@error non-zero). Because of this, I used Sleep.

ShawnW: You're right. I got an error after StringRegExp. Preliminary investigation shows that the problem is with the use of the non-capturing group (?:Average = ). The intriguing thing is that the same RegEx works fine when used on the string "Minimum = 0.647ms, Maximum = 4.961ms, Average = 1.7705ms" instead of the file handle. I will continue to investigate.

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Not sure if this is the issue, but if all your lines look like that then the regex you posted wont work. Also you don't need the non-capturing group. If you want to capture the average, and all lines look like that, then this should work.

#include <array.au3>

; ..... other code

$avg = StringRegExp($fileContent,"Average = (\d+\.\d+)",2)
If @error Then
    MsgBox(0,"Error Code",@error)
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