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Creating a Variable List...

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Okay, so here's my issue:

I need to be able to file things into a list.

I have two origins, say Building "A" and Building "B". I am in Building "C" and my job is to sort the items from A and B into their respective lists. Problem is, sometimes there might be 20 from Building "A" and only 5 from Building "B". I can't just do a simple "If Then" statement becauxse it wouldn't list them.

I need to be able to look at each incoming item and check if it's A, or B, then Assign it a number for that list. For instance: say I have 5 "B" items already in the "B" list, and I get another "B" Item.. I need to put that into the "B" list and have it named "B-6" for later reference.

I know it's a vague metaphor, but I don't really know another way to explain it.

Basically, I need to create an Array of two groups (GroupA[$i] & GroupB[$i]) and have them there for later reference.

Almost like having 8 rooms and each day different people stay in the rooms, but I can reference the items by room number.... If that makes sence.

Edited by ericnail
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Okay, so here's my issue:

I need to be able to file things into a list.

I have two origins, say Building "A" and Building "B". I am in Building "C" and my job is to sort the items from A and B into their respective lists. Problem is, sometimes there might be 20 from Building "A" and only 5 from Building "B". I can't just do a simple "If Then" statement becauxse it wouldn't list them.

I need to be able to look at each incoming item and check if it's A, or B, then Assign it a number for that list. For instance: say I have 5 "B" items already in the "B" list, and I get another "B" Item.. I need to put that into the "B" list and have it named "B-6" for later reference.

I know it's a vague metaphor, but I don't really know another way to explain it.

Basically, I need to create an Array of two groups (GroupA[$i] & GroupB[$i]) and have them there for later reference.

Almost like having 8 rooms and each day different people stay in the rooms, but I can reference the items by room number.... If that makes sence.

there are a few ways to do what you want, the obvious being to have 2 iterators that are incremented as you append to the lists (2 dimensional array with a counter), or you could just create a file for each list, or a delimited file for both etc... you should probably look at how important the data is; assuming it's mission critical you probably don't want to have it sitting in memory in the event of an error, power outtage etc
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Not sure if it helps, but here you go

#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
#include <ComboConstants.au3>
#include <GuiListBox.au3>

Global $hGui, $iListA, $iListB, $iSelectAB, $iInput, $iAddToList, $iMsg

$hGui = GUICreate("Lists", 495, 330, -1, -1)
GUICtrlCreateGroup("List A", 5, 5, 240, 275)
$iListA = GUICtrlCreateList("", 10, 20, 230, 260)
GUICtrlCreateGroup("List B", 250, 5, 240, 275)
$iListB = GUICtrlCreateList("", 255, 20, 230, 260)
GUICtrlCreateGroup("Add to List..", 5, 285, 485, 40)
$iSelectAB = GUICtrlCreateCombo("", 10, 300, 60, 20, $CBS_DROPDOWNLIST)
GUICtrlSetData(-1, "List A|List B", "List A")
$iInput = GUICtrlCreateInput("Enter Data Here....", 75, 300, 340, 20)
$iAddToList = GUICtrlCreateButton("Send to List", 420, 300, 65, 20)
GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $hGui)

While 1
    $iMsg = GUIGetMsg()
    Switch $iMsg
        Case $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE
        Case $iAddToList
            If GUICtrlRead($iInput) <> "" Then
                Switch GUICtrlRead($iSelectAB)
                    Case "List A"
                    Case "List B"

Func _ListCount($iList)
    Local $iCnt = _GUICtrlListBox_GetCount($iList)
    GUICtrlSetData($iList, StringFormat("%02i", $iCnt + 1) & ") " & GUICtrlRead($iInput))
EndFunc   ;==>_ListCount


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