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Running your application on start up in your website

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does anyone know how to get au3 application to run as html or java in a browser to combine with a website?


Jeff :blink:

Are you hosting the website or hosting it on another computer? Most hosting companies won't let you run exe's on their machines for security reasons. If you just need to call a certain webpage, you could look into Cron jobs.


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this is the project i am working on

#include <IE.au3>

$oIE = _IECreate ()

$sHTML = ""

$sHTML &= "<HTML>" & @CR

$sHTML &= "<HEAD>" & @CR

$sHTML &= "<TITLE>Tab Forcast help</TITLE>" & @CR

$sHTML &= "</HEAD>" & @CR

$sHTML &= "<FRAMESET rows='390,200'>" & @CR

$sHTML &= " <FRAME NAME=Top SRC=http://tabforcast.com/>" & @CR

$sHTML &= " <FRAMESET cols='870,500'>" & @CR

$sHTML &= " <FRAME NAME=Menu SRC=http://www.help.net84.net/>" & @CR

$sHTML &= " <FRAME NAME=Main SRC=http://tabforcast.com" & @CR

$sHTML &= " </FRAMESET>"

$sHTML &= "</FRAMESET>" & @CR

$sHTML &= "</HTML>"

_IEDocWriteHTML ($oIE, $sHTML)

_IEAction ($oIE, "refresh")

Local $oFrameTop = _IEFrameGetObjByName ($oIE, "Top")

Local $oFrameMenu = _IEFrameGetObjByName ($oIE, "Menu")

Local $oFrameMain = _IEFrameGetObjByName ($oIE, "Main")

_IEBodyWriteHTML ($oFrameTop, '$oFrameTop = _IEFrameGetObjByName($oIE, "Top")')

_IEBodyWriteHTML ($oFrameMenu, '$oFrameMenu = _IEFrameGetObjByName($oIE, "Menu")')

_IEBodyWriteHTML ($oFrameMain, '$oFrameMain = _IEFrameGetObjByName($oIE, "Main")')

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I just read your code. I still do not see what you have in mind. I see you are trying to get AutoIt to create a web page then populate it. Are you trying to make a website for just you or for others to see? If it is for others to see, then you shouldn't use AutoIt. It isn't meant for that. You would be better served looking here: http://www.w3schools.com/default.asp

This site will help you to learn how to do web development.

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this is the project i am working on

#include <IE.au3>

$oIE = _IECreate ()

$sHTML = ""

$sHTML &= "<HTML>" & @CR

$sHTML &= "<HEAD>" & @CR

$sHTML &= "<TITLE>Tab Forcast help</TITLE>" & @CR

$sHTML &= "</HEAD>" & @CR

$sHTML &= "<FRAMESET rows='390,200'>" & @CR

$sHTML &= " <FRAME NAME=Top SRC=http://tabforcast.com/>" & @CR

$sHTML &= " <FRAMESET cols='870,500'>" & @CR

$sHTML &= " <FRAME NAME=Menu SRC=http://www.help.net84.net/>" & @CR

$sHTML &= " <FRAME NAME=Main SRC=http://tabforcast.com" & @CR

$sHTML &= " </FRAMESET>"

$sHTML &= "</FRAMESET>" & @CR

$sHTML &= "</HTML>"

_IEDocWriteHTML ($oIE, $sHTML)

_IEAction ($oIE, "refresh")

Local $oFrameTop = _IEFrameGetObjByName ($oIE, "Top")

Local $oFrameMenu = _IEFrameGetObjByName ($oIE, "Menu")

Local $oFrameMain = _IEFrameGetObjByName ($oIE, "Main")

_IEBodyWriteHTML ($oFrameTop, '$oFrameTop = _IEFrameGetObjByName($oIE, "Top")')

_IEBodyWriteHTML ($oFrameMenu, '$oFrameMenu = _IEFrameGetObjByName($oIE, "Menu")')

_IEBodyWriteHTML ($oFrameMain, '$oFrameMain = _IEFrameGetObjByName($oIE, "Main")')

So you are just trying to create a local HTML file with frames that are referencing a couple external sites?

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I would like to do it all when it comes to code but still practicing and dont know much.

however, i use hosting 24 for my web site and they have some realy good tools such as

(ruby on rails that will run your exe on start up but i dont know if this is a different language

sorry if this is not clear. to be simple i would just like to add a small auto it program to

my website that may also be aplied to auto it's _IEDocWriteHTML help file

i will probly just have to re write the program using auto it.

thanks for your replies

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What i would like to see my program do, is help in the construction zone where directional drilling is used

to do this the program will need to be able to calculate distances and use variables and probly much more to be useful

alot of this is greak to me so i may have to study up a little more

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