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ListView: Ctrl+C, DisabledScroll, Drag disable


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1. Is it possible to allow a selected ListView item to be copied to the clipboard when the user presses CTRL+C?

2. Does an equivalent of $LBS_DISABLENOSCROLL exist for ListView controls? (Shows a disabled vertical scroll bar for the list box when the box does not contain enough items to scroll.)

3. Items in the ListView can be dragged and there seems to be no flag to disable that behavior. I have managed to disable dragging by looking for the WM_NOTIFY $LVN_BEGINDRAG code and then issuing a MouseClick(Left), which immediately stops the drag, but this is obviously a dirty solution.


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2. Does an equivalent of $LBS_DISABLENOSCROLL exist for ListView controls? (Shows a disabled vertical scroll bar for the list box when the box does not contain enough items to scroll.)

I have found a solution for this. By calling the ShowScrollBar function in user32.dll. It must be called after each ListViewItem creation, else the window's default settings (i.e. no scrollbar) are restored. It causes some minor flickering though.

DllCall("user32.dll", "bool", "ShowScrollBar", "hwnd", $hwnd, "int", $SB_VERT, "int", True)
DllCall("user32.dll", "bool", "EnableScrollBar", "hwnd", $hwnd, "uint", $SB_VERT, "uint", $ESB_DISABLE_BOTH)

EnableScrollBar function is used to disable the scrollbar. These functions can also be accessed through the GuiScrollBars UDF.

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I have found a solution for this. By calling the ShowScrollBar function in user32.dll. It must be called after each ListViewItem creation, else the window's default settings (i.e. no scrollbar) are restored. It causes some minor flickering though.

One time or constant? You could try putting something in your script to only update when it's changed if it happening every loop.


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