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I just wrote this script and thought other system admins may be interested in this idea. All of our end-user XP systems are locked down tight with group policies. You can not access the C: drive, change the background, run a command prompt, install software, open the control panel, etc, etc. If we (the admins) want to do something to the machine, we have to log the current user out, log in as Administrator, do what we need to do, log out, and then have the end-user log in again. This is acceptable for some situations. However, when one of us wants to find out the computer name & IP address or get a cmd.exe prompt, it becomes a big hassle.

This is the reason I wrote Admin_Popup.au3. I compiled this to an executable which loads a system startup. There are 2 hot keys, which are intentionally hard to press as not to be accessed inadvertently:

1) ctrl alt ~

shows user information, machine name, ip address, os version, etc.

2) shift ctrl alt tab

prompts you for an Administrator password, and then runs the cmd.exe shell

I have copied / pasted the code as well as attached it.



Show computer information or launch shell when hotkey is pressed
-John Taylor


#include <GUICONSTANTS.au3>
Opt ("GUIOnEventMode", 1)
Opt ("MustDeclareVars", 1)
Opt ("RunErrorsFatal", 0 )

Dim $Info_Title="System Info"
Dim $Shell_Title="Run Shell"
Dim $UsernameID
Dim $PasswordID
Dim $Shell_Win
Dim $_In_Shell = 0

HotKeySet("^!~", "OnInfo")        ; control alt ~
HotKeySet("+^!{TAB}", "OnShell")    ; shift control alt tab
while 1

func OnShell()
    Dim $SubmitID
    $_In_Shell = 1

    $Shell_Win = GUICreate($Shell_Title, 270, 150)
    GUISetState ()

    GUICtrlCreateLabel ("Username:", 10, 30 )
    $UsernameID = GUICtrlCreateInput ("Administrator", 65, 30, 120)

    GUICtrlCreateLabel ("Password:", 10, 60 )
    $PasswordID = GUICtrlCreateInput ("", 65, 60, 120, -1, $ES_PASSWORD)

    $SubmitID = GUICtrlCreateButton("Submit", 10, 90)

    ControlFocus($Shell_Title, "", $PasswordID)

    while 1 = $_In_Shell 


Func onsubmit()
    Dim $u, $p
    $u = GUICtrlRead($UsernameID)
    $p = GUICtrlRead($PasswordID)
    RunAsSet( $u, "", $p, 1 )
    Run(@ComSpec, "C:\") 

Func OnExit()
    $_In_Shell = 0
;MsgBox(0,"Debug","starting OnExit()")
    GUIDelete( $Shell_Win )

func OnInfo()

    Dim $data[15]
    Dim $i = 0
    Dim $output = ""

    $data[1] = "Computer name: " & @ComputerName
    $data[2] = "User name:" & @UserName
    $data[3] = "---------------------------------------"
    $data[4] = "1st IP: " & @IPAddress1
    $data[5] = "2nd IP: " & @IPAddress2
    $data[6] = "---------------------------------------"
    $data[7] = "OS: " & @OSVersion & "  " & @OSServicePack

    for $i = 1 to 7
        $output = $output & $data[$i] & @CR
    MsgBox(0,$Info_Title, $output, 7)

; end of script


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Useful script/utility.. Beats having to open a command prompt and typing ipconfig /all. This could be added to a nice simple suite of hot-keyed utils..

Just a thought..

Cheers.. :(


Great idea. Maybe I can add in the Netmask, Gateway and DNS Servers.


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Great idea.  Maybe I can add in the Netmask, Gateway and DNS Servers.



jftuga, check out this post referencing a PC-info.au3 by Wb-Freekill.


He is not updating it anymore as said in the thread. But if you could add this into your script as well would be !!!! GREAT !!!!

What do you think?


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  • 3 years later...


I will take a look at it.


I tried using it but get the following errors. This will be useful for something I'm working on.

Admin_Popup.au3(14,26) : ERROR: Opt() called with illegal argument 1: "RunErrorsFatal"

Opt ("RunErrorsFatal", 0 )


Admin_Popup.au3(41,69) : WARNING: $ES_PASSWORD: possibly used before declaration.

$PasswordID = GUICtrlCreateInput ("", 65, 60, 120, -1, $ES_PASSWORD)


Admin_Popup.au3(41,69) : ERROR: $ES_PASSWORD: undeclared global variable.

$PasswordID = GUICtrlCreateInput ("", 65, 60, 120, -1, $ES_PASSWORD)


Admin_Popup.au3(59,26) : ERROR: RunAsSet(): undefined function.

RunAsSet( $u, "", $p, 1 )


Admin_Popup.au3 - 3 error(s), 1 warning(s)

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I tried using it but get the following errors. This will be useful for something I'm working on.

Admin_Popup.au3(14,26) : ERROR: Opt() called with illegal argument 1: "RunErrorsFatal"
Opt ("RunErrorsFatal", 0 )
Admin_Popup.au3(41,69) : WARNING: $ES_PASSWORD: possibly used before declaration.
    $PasswordID = GUICtrlCreateInput ("", 65, 60, 120, -1, $ES_PASSWORD)
Admin_Popup.au3(41,69) : ERROR: $ES_PASSWORD: undeclared global variable.
    $PasswordID = GUICtrlCreateInput ("", 65, 60, 120, -1, $ES_PASSWORD)
Admin_Popup.au3(59,26) : ERROR: RunAsSet(): undefined function.
    RunAsSet( $u, "", $p, 1 )

Admin_Popup.au3 - 3 error(s), 1 warning(s)
There have been changes made to the language since this was first posted (note that the post is from 2005). I didn't dig too deeply, but here's the code with a couple quick modifications to allow it to function with AutoIt v3.3.0.0 (not thoroughly tested, but I leave the rest to you for implementation for your usage):



Show computer information or launch shell when hotkey is pressed

-John Taylor

May-24-2005 - code modifications added to allow functionality with AutoIt v3.3.0.0 on 05 FEB 2009


#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>

#include <EditConstants.au3>

#include <ButtonConstants.au3>


Opt("GUIOnEventMode", 1)

Opt("MustDeclareVars", 1)

;Opt ("RunErrorsFatal", 0 ) - parameter no longer valid as of release

Dim $Info_Title = "System Info"

Dim $Shell_Title = "Run Shell"

Dim $UsernameID

Dim $PasswordID

Dim $Shell_Win

Dim $_In_Shell = 0

HotKeySet("^!~", "OnInfo") ; control alt ~

HotKeySet("+^!{TAB}", "OnShell") ; shift control alt tab

While 1



Func OnShell()

Dim $SubmitID

$_In_Shell = 1

$Shell_Win = GUICreate($Shell_Title, 270, 150)


GUICtrlCreateLabel("Username:", 10, 30)

$UsernameID = GUICtrlCreateInput("Administrator", 65, 30, 120)

GUICtrlCreateLabel("Password:", 10, 60)

$PasswordID = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 65, 60, 120, -1, $ES_PASSWORD)

$SubmitID = GUICtrlCreateButton("Submit", 10, 90,50,20,$BS_DEFPUSHBUTTON )

GUICtrlSetOnEvent($SubmitID, "onsubmit")


ControlFocus($Shell_Title, "", $PasswordID)

While 1 = $_In_Shell



EndFunc ;==>OnShell

Func onsubmit()

Dim $u, $p

$u = GUICtrlRead($UsernameID)

$p = GUICtrlRead($PasswordID)


If @error Then

MsgBox(16,"Error","Unable to launch Command Prompt. Please verify the credentials used.")


;RunAsSet($u, "", $p, 1)

;Run(@ComSpec, "C:\")


EndFunc ;==>onsubmit

Func OnExit()

$_In_Shell = 0

;MsgBox(0,"Debug","starting OnExit()")


EndFunc ;==>OnExit

Func OnInfo()

Dim $data[15]

Dim $i = 0

Dim $output = ""

$data[1] = "Computer name: " & @ComputerName

$data[2] = "User name:" & @UserName

$data[3] = "---------------------------------------"

$data[4] = "1st IP: " & @IPAddress1

$data[5] = "2nd IP: " & @IPAddress2

$data[6] = "---------------------------------------"

$data[7] = "OS: " & @OSVersion & " " & @OSServicePack

For $i = 1 To 7

$output = $output & $data[$i] & @CR


MsgBox(0, $Info_Title, $output, 7)

EndFunc ;==>OnInfo

; end of script

- MoChr(77)& Chr(97)& Chr(100)& Chr(101)& Chr(32)& Chr(121)& Chr(97)& Chr(32)& Chr(108)& Chr(111)& Chr(111)& Chr(107)-------I've told you 100,000 times not to exaggerate!-------Don't make me hit you with my cigarette hand...-------My scripts:Random Episode Selector, Keyboard MouseMover, CopyPath v2.1, SmartRename for XP,Window Tracer[sup]New![/sup]

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