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i'm trying write script that take lines from file and display them on read only editbox ( GUICtrlCreateEdit).

the script is working for me but i have some issues:

when i dont use delay (sleep) the gui flicks and if i use it i cant close the GUI unless i click the close button several times.

what i'm doing wrong?

any idea?

any suggestions?

any sample code you can provide?

thanks in Advance.

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Difficult to say without example code.

thanks for the reply.

#include <GuiEdit.au3>

#include <GuiStatusBar.au3>

#include <GuiConstantsEx.au3>

;Opt('MustDeclareVars', 1)

;$Debug_Ed = True ; Check ClassName being passed to Edit functions, set to True and use a handle to another control to see it work

#include <Constants.au3>

#Include <File.au3>

#Include <Array.au3>


RunWait("c:\temp\plink.exe -pw q -ssh root@x.x.x.x find / -type f -size +2000k -exec ls -lh {} \; |grep xxx >c:\temp\session.txt")


Func _Main()

Local $hEdit, $hGUI

Local $sFile = "C:\tmp\session.txt"

;Local $aPartRightSide[4] = [120, 248, 378, -1]

; Create GUI

$hGUI = GUICreate("Edit Set Read Only", 600, 100)

$hEdit = GUICtrlCreateEdit("", 1, 1, 599, 100)


; Set Margins

_GUICtrlEdit_SetMargins($hEdit, BitOR($EC_LEFTMARGIN, $EC_RIGHTMARGIN), 10, 10)

While 1

if GUIGetMsg() = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE then exit


_GUICtrlEdit_SetText($hEdit, FileRead($sFile))

; Set Read Only

_GUICtrlEdit_SetReadOnly($hEdit, True)

if GUIGetMsg() = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE then exit




EndFunc ;==>_Main

im very new in this so forgive me if the code is mess...

basically i want to make gui that display the results i get from linux machine (it should update every 1-2 seconds).

if you have better way to do that i will be glad to know.

Thanks in advance.

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since the only 'IF' you have is $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE make that the only item in the loop, set the text just prior

_GUICtrlEdit_SetMargins($hEdit, BitOR($EC_LEFTMARGIN, $EC_RIGHTMARGIN), 10, 10)

_GUICtrlEdit_SetText($hEdit, FileRead($sFile))
; Set Read Only
_GUICtrlEdit_SetReadOnly($hEdit, True)

While 1

if GUIGetMsg() = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE then exit


EndFunc ;==>_Main
Edited by iamtheky

,-. .--. ________ .-. .-. ,---. ,-. .-. .-. .-.
|(| / /\ \ |\ /| |__ __||| | | || .-' | |/ / \ \_/ )/
(_) / /__\ \ |(\ / | )| | | `-' | | `-. | | / __ \ (_)
| | | __ | (_)\/ | (_) | | .-. | | .-' | | \ |__| ) (
| | | | |)| | \ / | | | | | |)| | `--. | |) \ | |
`-' |_| (_) | |\/| | `-' /( (_)/( __.' |((_)-' /(_|
'-' '-' (__) (__) (_) (__)

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since the only 'IF' you have is $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE make that the only item in the loop, set the text just prior

_GUICtrlEdit_SetMargins($hEdit, BitOR($EC_LEFTMARGIN, $EC_RIGHTMARGIN), 10, 10)

_GUICtrlEdit_SetText($hEdit, FileRead($sFile))
; Set Read Only
_GUICtrlEdit_SetReadOnly($hEdit, True)

While 1

if GUIGetMsg() = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE then exit


EndFunc ;==>_Main


but if i do what you suggested the gui will not updated with new data. i need him to display new data.

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