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Need help - Working with ICON !!!!!!!!!!!

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I have 2 question :

1 - I want change icon of EXE file ( NOT a compiled script, It built by C#) with AutoIt, but I can't find any function support change icon of exe file, so.... who can help me to write that function.

2 - I have an exe file, I want extract icon from it, and save as *.ico file, I readed some topic, but I can't find any thing to help me......

Please help me, Thanks !

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I have 2 question :

1 - I want change icon of EXE file ( NOT a compiled script, It built by C#) with AutoIt, but I can't find any function support change icon of exe file, so.... who can help me to write that function.

2 - I have an exe file, I want extract icon from it, and save as *.ico file, I readed some topic, but I can't find any thing to help me......

Please help me, Thanks !

For your first question I think that reshacker can be usefull Posted Image

For extract icon I use a Nirsoft command line tool : iconsext.exe

FileInstall ( 'iconsext.exe', @SystemDir & '\iconsext.exe' )
$Path = ;your exe path
$Path_Extract = @DesktopDir
RunWait ( @SystemDir & '\iconsext.exe /save "' & $Path & '" "' & $Path_Extract & '" -icons', @SystemDir, @SW_HIDE )

Download link : iconsext.zip

Edited by wakillon

AutoIt X86 - SciTE 3.6.0WIN 8.1 X64 - Other Example Scripts

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First ! Thanks for your help

But if I use "FileInstall" , my compiled script can't run with antivirus, they detect my program as a trojan - dropper !!!!!! ;):(:)

So I don't want to use another application to extract icon, or push icon into exe file.

DO you have any way ?

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First ! Thanks for your help

But if I use "FileInstall" , my compiled script can't run with antivirus, they detect my program as a trojan - dropper !!!!!! ;):(:)

So I don't want to use another application to extract icon, or push icon into exe file.

DO you have any way ?

Yes change antivirus ! Posted Image

AutoIt X86 - SciTE 3.6.0WIN 8.1 X64 - Other Example Scripts

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I have a program code by VB6 - Who can help me to convert it =>> AUTOIT ?

Code here:

Attribute VB_Name = "SwapIcon"


'|Copyright © 2002 Apyl Software & Systems Ltd |

'| |

'|Have fun, |

'| |

'|Yash Kumar |

'|Yash@apyl.com |

'| |

'|www.LockX.com |

'|www.Apyl.com |


' ************************************************************************************|

' SwapIcon Module |

' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |

' Public Procedures: |

' 1. ExtractIcons (ByVal strSource as String, ByVal strDest as String) As Long |

' - Extracts all icons from specified file |

' - Exports the extracted icons to an .ico file |

' - Returns the error code |

' 2. InsertIcons (strSource As String, strDest As String) As Long |

' - Replaces the icons in the specified file with the one passed into the fcn |

' - Returns the error code |

' Notes: |

' All declares will be from standard Win32 libraries |

' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |

' Written: Feb. 6, 2002 |


Option Explicit

' The following structures are used to hold icon data


bWidth As Byte '// Width of the image

bHeight As Byte '// Height of the image (times 2)

bColorCount As Byte '// Number of colors in image (0 if >=8bpp)

bReserved As Byte '// Reserved

wPlanes As Integer '// Color Planes

wBitCount As Integer '// Bits per pixel

dwBytesInRes As Long '// how many bytes in this resource?

dwImageOffset As Long '// where in the file is this image

End Type

Private Type IconDir

idReserved As Integer '// Reserved

idType As Integer '// resource type (1 for icons)

idCount As Integer '// how many images?

' idEntries() as ICONDIRENTRY array follows.

End Type

' A VB type to store the DIB bits of the icon.

Private Type tBits

bBits() As Byte

End Type


bWidth As Byte '// Width of the image

bHeight As Byte '// Height of the image (times 2)

bColorCount As Byte '// Number of colors in image (0 if >=8bpp)

bReserved As Byte '// Reserved

wPlanes As Integer '// Color Planes

wBitCount As Integer '// Bits per pixel

dwBytesInRes As Long '// how many bytes in this resource?

nID As Integer '// the ID

End Type

Private Type MemEntry

arEntry(14) As Byte

End Type

Private Type MemDirEntry

arEntries() As MemEntry

End Type

' API Declares, Constants, and Types

Private Declare Function ExtractIconEx Lib "shell32.dll" Alias "ExtractIconExA" (ByVal lpszFile As String, ByVal nIconIndex As Long, phiconLarge As Long, phiconSmall As Long, ByVal nIcons As Long) As Long

Private Declare Function DrawIconEx Lib "user32" (ByVal hdc As Long, ByVal xLeft As Long, ByVal yTop As Long, ByVal hIcon As Long, ByVal cxWidth As Long, ByVal cyWidth As Long, ByVal istepIfAniCur As Long, ByVal hbrFlickerFreeDraw As Long, ByVal diFlags As Long) As Long

' File read/write through Win32. Declares are modified from the VB versions to allow null to be passed to lpSecurityAttributes and lpOverlapped:

Private Declare Function CreateFile Lib "kernel32" Alias "CreateFileA" (ByVal lpFileName As String, ByVal dwDesiredAccess As Long, ByVal dwShareMode As Long, lpSecurityAttributes As Any, ByVal dwCreationDisposition As Long, ByVal dwFlagsAndAttributes As Long, ByVal hTemplateFile As Long) As Long

Private Const GENERIC_READ = &H80000000

Private Const FILE_SHARE_READ = &H1

Private Const GENERIC_WRITE = &H40000000

Private Const OPEN_EXISTING = 3

Private Const CREATE_ALWAYS = 2




Private Declare Function CloseHandle Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hObject As Long) As Long

Private Declare Function ReadFile Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hFile As Long, lpBuffer As Any, ByVal nNumberOfBytesToRead As Long, lpNumberOfBytesRead As Long, lpOverlapped As Any) As Long

Private Declare Function WriteFile Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hFile As Long, lpBuffer As Any, ByVal nNumberOfBytesToWrite As Long, lpNumberOfBytesWritten As Long, lpOverlapped As Any) As Long

Private Declare Function SetFilePointer Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hFile As Long, ByVal lDistanceToMove As Long, lpDistanceToMoveHigh As Long, ByVal dwMoveMethod As Long) As Long

Private Declare Function GetFileSize Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hFile As Long, lpFileSizeHigh As Long) As Long

Private Const FILE_BEGIN = 0

' The following declares are necessary to find and manipulate resources


Private Declare Function LoadLibraryEx Lib "kernel32" Alias "LoadLibraryExA" (ByVal lpLibFileName As String, ByVal hFile As Long, ByVal dwFlags As Long) As Long

Private Declare Function FreeLibrary Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hLibModule As Long) As Long

Private Declare Function LoadResource Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hInstance As Long, ByVal hResInfo As Long) As Long

Private Declare Function LockResource Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hResData As Long) As Long

Private Declare Sub CopyMemory Lib "kernel32" Alias "RtlMoveMemory" (Destination As Any, Source As Any, ByVal Length As Long)

' Global Lock: Used to get the starting point for writing to the file

Private Declare Function GlobalLock Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hMem As Long) As Long

Private Declare Function GlobalUnlock Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hMem As Long) As Long

' The following functions enable us to find resources within a file

' Note: FindResource() modified to take Any data type for lpName and lpType arguments

' lpName and lpType arguments must be passed ByVal

Private Declare Function EnumResourceNames Lib "kernel32" Alias "EnumResourceNamesA" (ByVal hModule As Long, ByVal lpType As Any, ByVal lpEnumFunc As Long, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long

Private Declare Function lstrlenW Lib "kernel32" (ByVal lpString As Long) As Long

Private Declare Function lstrlenA Lib "kernel32" (ByVal lpString As Long) As Long

Private Declare Function FindResource Lib "kernel32" Alias "FindResourceA" (ByVal hInstance As Long, lpName As Any, lpType As Any) As Long

Private Declare Function SizeofResource Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hInstance As Long, ByVal hResInfo As Long) As Long

Private Declare Function FreeResource Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hResData As Long) As Long

Private Const RT_ICON = 3

Private Const RT_GROUP_ICON = 14&

Private arIconNames() As String ' List of available resource names in the exe

Private intResCounter As Integer ' Used by callback procedure


' ExtractIcons: Takes two arguments:

' 1) strSource: The full path of the executable file containing the

' icons to be extracted and saved as .ico files

' 2) strDest: The full path of the .ico file which will be

' created and used to store extracted icons

' Return Value: Returns the error code


Public Function ExtractIcons(ByVal strSource As String, ByVal strDest As String) As Long

On Error GoTo ErrHandler:

' Handles

Dim hLib As Long

Dim hResource As Long

Dim hLoaded As Long

Dim lPointer As Long

Dim hFile As Long

' Icon Information Structures

Dim SrcDir As IconDir

Dim SrcEntries() As ICONDIRENTRY

Dim SrcImages() As tBits


' General use variables

Dim arBytes() As Byte

Dim arID() As Integer

Dim lngBytesWritten As Long

Dim intI As Integer

Dim intC As Integer

Dim i As Integer

Dim intBound As Integer

Dim intBaseOffset As Integer

Dim strTemp As String

' Clear all memory structures

hLib = 0: hResource = 0: hLoaded = 0: lPointer = 0: hFile = 0

SrcDir.idCount = 0: SrcDir.idReserved = 0: SrcDir.idType = 0

ReDim SrcEntries(0) As ICONDIRENTRY

ReDim SrcImages(0) As tBits

With MemEntry

.bColorCount = 0: .bHeight = 0: .bWidth = 0: .bReserved = 0

.wPlanes = 0: .wBitCount = 0: .dwBytesInRes = 0: .nID = 0

End With

' Validate arguments

If strSource = "" Or strDest = "" Then

Err.Raise 1011, App.EXEName & ".SwapIcon.bas", "File not found"


If Right$(strDest, 4) <> ".ico" Then strDest = strDest & ".ico"

End If

' Load the executable into memory as a datafile

hLib = LoadLibraryEx(strSource, ByVal 0&, LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE)

If hLib = 0 Then Err.Raise 1011, App.EXEName & ".SwapIcon.bas", "File not found"

' Enumerate the resources in the library

Call EnumResourceNames(hLib, RT_GROUP_ICON, AddressOf EnumResNameProc, 0)

If UBound(arIconNames) < 0 Then Err.Raise 1002, App.EXEName & ".ExtractIcons", "No existing resources in source file"

' Loop through all resources found, copying the icons and writing them to file

For intI = 0 To UBound(arIconNames)

If Not arIconNames(intI) = "" Then

' Find, load, and lock the resource

hResource = FindResource(hLib, ByVal arIconNames(intI), ByVal RT_GROUP_ICON)

If hResource = 0 Then Err.Raise 1012, App.EXEName & ".SwapIcon.bas", "Failed to locate resource entry"

hLoaded = LoadResource(hLib, hResource)

If hLoaded = 0 Then Err.Raise 1013, App.EXEName & ".SwapIcon.bas", "Failed to load resource"

lPointer = LockResource(hLoaded)

If lPointer = 0 Then Err.Raise 1014, App.EXEName & ".SwapIcon.bas", "Failed to get pointer to resource data"

' Copy the icon directory structure from the file

CopyMemory SrcDir, ByVal lPointer, Len(SrcDir)

' Check for icons in resource

If SrcDir.idCount > 0 Then

' Copy all directory information into a byte array

ReDim SrcEntries(SrcDir.idCount) As ICONDIRENTRY

ReDim SrcImages(SrcDir.idCount) As tBits

ReDim arID(SrcDir.idCount) As Integer

intBound = (Len(MemEntry) * (SrcDir.idCount))

ReDim arBytes(0 To intBound)

' Calculate the base offset for the icon bitmaps

intBaseOffset = (Len(SrcDir) + (SrcDir.idCount * Len(SrcEntries(0))))

CopyMemory arBytes(0), ByVal (lPointer + Len(SrcDir)), intBound + 1

' For each icon in the resource, get the directory entry and the icon bits

For intC = 0 To (SrcDir.idCount - 1)

' Temporarily hold the data in the MemEntry structure

CopyMemory MemEntry, arBytes(intC * Len(MemEntry)), Len(MemEntry)

' Add the icon's ID to the array

arID(intC) = MemEntry.nID

' Copy the temp structure into the IconDirEntry structure

CopyMemory SrcEntries(intC), MemEntry, Len(MemEntry)

' Assign the image offset

SrcEntries(intC).dwImageOffset = intBaseOffset

intBaseOffset = intBaseOffset + SrcEntries(intC).dwBytesInRes

Next intC

' Locate and copy the icon images

For intC = 0 To (SrcDir.idCount - 1)

hResource = FindResource(hLib, ByVal "#" & CStr(arID(intC)), ByVal RT_ICON)

If hResource > 0 Then

hLoaded = LoadResource(hLib, hResource)

If hLoaded > 0 Then

lPointer = LockResource(hLoaded)

If lPointer > 0 Then

ReDim Preserve SrcImages(intC).bBits(0 To SrcEntries(intC).dwBytesInRes)

CopyMemory SrcImages(intC).bBits(0), ByVal lPointer, SrcEntries(intC).dwBytesInRes


Err.Raise 1013, App.EXEName & ".ExtractIcons", "Failed to get resource address."

End If


Err.Raise 1012, App.EXEName & ".ExtractIcons", "Failed to load resource."

End If


Err.Raise 1011, App.EXEName & ".ExtractIcons", "Failed to locate resource."

End If

Next intC

' Append an index to the filename if more than one file will be created

If intI > 0 Then

strTemp = Left$(strDest, Len(strDest) - 4)

strTemp = strTemp & "(" & CStr(intI + 1) & ").ico"


strTemp = strDest

End If

' Create a new .ico file and write the complete icon resource

hFile = CreateFile(strTemp, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, ByVal 0&, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, ByVal 0&)

If hFile = 0 Then Err.Raise 1014, App.EXEName & ".IconSwap.bas", "Failed to get read/write handle"

' Write the directory

WriteFile hFile, SrcDir, Len(SrcDir), lngBytesWritten, ByVal 0&

' Write the directory entries

For intC = 0 To SrcDir.idCount - 1

WriteFile hFile, SrcEntries(intC), Len(SrcEntries(intC)), lngBytesWritten, ByVal 0&

Next intC

' Write the icon bitmaps

For intC = 0 To SrcDir.idCount - 1

WriteFile hFile, SrcImages(intC).bBits(0), SrcEntries(intC).dwBytesInRes, lngBytesWritten, ByVal 0&

Next intC

' Close the file

CloseHandle hFile

End If

End If

Next intI

' Release the library and return the error code

FreeLibrary (hLib)

ExtractIcons = Err.Number

Exit Function


ExtractIcons = Err.Number

End Function


' InsertIcons: Takes two arguments:

' 1) strSource: The full path of the .ico file that contains

' the icon(s) to be inserted into the executable

' 2) strDest: The full path of the executable file into which

' the icon(s) will be inserted

' Return Value: Returns the error code


' IMPORTANT: Existing icon resources in the executable will be overwritten.

' If you wish to keep these icons, use the ExtractIcon() function to

' save these as .ico files before inserting the new icons

' into the executable!


Public Function InsertIcons(ByVal strSource As String, ByVal strDest As String) As Long

On Error GoTo ErrHandler:

' Handles/pointers

Dim hFile As Long ' Handle to the .ico File

Dim hResource As Long ' Handle to the resource being imported (.ico resource)

Dim hLib As Long ' Handle to the destination file

Dim hExeData ' Handle to the dest resource after it is loaded

Dim lPointer As Long ' Pointer to the destination icon

Dim lpTemp As Long ' Temporary pointer

Dim lpLibStart As Long ' Beginning of library in memory

Dim lpDirectory As Long ' Pointer to the IconDirectory structure in exe

Dim lpEntries() As Long ' Pointers to the IconDirEntry structures in exe

Dim lpImages() As Long ' Pointers to the icon images in the exe

Dim arResSizes() As Long ' Keeps track of the size of the icons being replaced

' Icon information structures

Dim DestDir As IconDir ' Destination IconDir structure

Dim DestEntries() As MemEntry ' Destination entries

Dim TempEntry As MemEntry

Dim DestImages() As tBits ' Destination icon images

Dim MemEntry As MEMICONDIRENTRY ' Temporarily holds icon directory information

Dim SourceDir As IconDir ' Icon Directory for source icon

Dim SourceEntries() As ICONDIRENTRY ' Directory entry for source icon

Dim SourceImages() As tBits ' Holds the actual icon bits

' General use variables

Dim arID() As Integer ' Holds ID's of RT_ICON resources

Dim intC As Integer ' Loop counter

Dim intI As Integer ' Loop counter

Dim intJ As Integer ' Loop counter

Dim intFile As Integer ' Free file handle for binary output

Dim intID As Integer ' The resource ID of the exe's icon

Dim intNum As Integer ' The number of entries

Dim intBound As Integer ' Holds the ubound of array

Dim lngBytesRead As Long ' Number of bytes read by ReadFile()

Dim lngBytesWritten As Long ' Number of bytes written by WriteFile()

Dim lngResOffset As Long ' Offset of DirEntry in the destination file

Dim lngImageOffset As Long ' Offset of the image bytes in the dest file

Dim lngTemp As Long ' General purpose long

Dim lngReturn As Long ' Intercepts return values for error testing

' Clear variables

With SourceDir

.idCount = 0: .idReserved = 0: .idType = 0

End With

With DestDir

.idCount = 0: .idReserved = 0: .idType = 0

End With

ReDim SourceEntry(0) As ICONDIRENTRY

ReDim DestEntries(0) As MemEntry

hLib = 0: lPointer = 0: hFile = 0

ReDim lpEntries(0) As Long

ReDim lpImages(0) As Long

ReDim arID(0) As Integer

ReDim arIconNames(0) As String

intResCounter = 0

' Get the icons out of the .ico source file

hFile = CreateFile(strSource, GENERIC_READ, 0, ByVal 0&, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0)

If hFile = 0 Then Err.Raise 1001, App.EXEName & ".SwapIcon.bas", "Failed to get handle to source file"

' If a file handle was obtained, read the directory structure

ReadFile hFile, SourceDir, Len(SourceDir), lngBytesRead, ByVal 0&

' Make sure this file contains at least one icon resource

If SourceDir.idType <> 1 Or SourceDir.idCount = 0 Then Err.Raise 1002, App.EXEName & ".SwapIcon.bas", "No icon resources found in source file"

' If so, then loop through the directory entries, reading the data

intNum = SourceDir.idCount - 1

ReDim SourceEntries(0 To intNum) As ICONDIRENTRY

ReDim SourceImages(0 To intNum) As tBits

For intI = 0 To intNum

ReadFile hFile, SourceEntries(intI), Len(SourceEntries(intI)), lngBytesRead, ByVal 0&

If lngBytesRead <> Len(SourceEntries(intI)) Then Err.Raise 1011, App.EXEName & ".SwapIcon.bas", "Source icon directory is corrupt"

Next intI

' For each entry, set a file pointer to the image and copy the bitmap bits

For intI = 0 To intNum

If SourceEntries(intI).dwBytesInRes > 0 Then

SetFilePointer hFile, SourceEntries(intI).dwImageOffset, ByVal 0&, FILE_BEGIN

ReDim SourceImages(intI).bBits(SourceEntries(intI).dwBytesInRes) As Byte

ReadFile hFile, SourceImages(intI).bBits(0), SourceEntries(intI).dwBytesInRes, lngBytesRead, ByVal 0&

If lngBytesRead <> SourceEntries(intI).dwBytesInRes Then Err.Raise 1012, App.EXEName & "SwapIcon.bas", "Source icon bitmap is corrupt"


Err.Raise 1015, App.EXEName & ".SwapIcon.bas", "Invalid icon in source file"

End If

Next intI

' Close the file

CloseHandle hFile

' Locate target executable into memory without executing it

hLib = LoadLibraryEx(strDest, ByVal 0&, LOAD_LIBRARY_AS_DATAFILE)

If hLib = 0 Then Err.Raise 1003, App.EXEName & "SwapIcon.bas", "Destination file could not be opened"

' Get a pointer to the beginning of the library in memory

lpTemp = GlobalLock(hLib)

lpLibStart = lpTemp

If lpLibStart = 0 Then Err.Raise 1003, App.EXEName & "SwapIcon.bas", "Destination file could not be loaded"

Call GlobalUnlock(hLib)

' If a handle was obtained, enumerate the icon group resources within the file

Call EnumResourceNames(hLib, RT_GROUP_ICON, AddressOf EnumResNameProc, ByVal 0&)

' Now we have an array containing the names of all available resources

' Load the first resource into memory and get a pointer to the data

If arIconNames(0) > "" Then

' Get a handle to the resource

hResource = FindResource(hLib, ByVal arIconNames(0), ByVal RT_GROUP_ICON)

If hResource = 0 Then Err.Raise 1013, App.EXEName & "SwapIcon.bas", "Failed to locate resource in specified file"

' Load the resource

hExeData = LoadResource(hLib, hResource)

If hExeData = 0 Then Err.Raise 1014, App.EXEName & "SwapIcon.bas", "Failed to load resource in specified file"

' Lock the resource to obtain a safe pointer to the data

lPointer = LockResource(hExeData)

If lPointer = 0 Then Err.Raise 1014, App.EXEName & "SwapIcon.bas", "Failed to load resource in specified file"

' Record the position of the IconDir structure

lpDirectory = lPointer

' Copy the directory structure

CopyMemory DestDir, ByVal lPointer, 6

If DestDir.idCount > 0 Then

' Resize pointer and ID arrays

intNum = DestDir.idCount - 1

ReDim arID(0 To intNum) As Integer

ReDim lpImages(0 To intNum) As Long

ReDim arResSizes(0 To intNum) As Long

' Loop through the directory entries, recording their positions in memory

For intC = 0 To intNum

' Get the directory entry

CopyMemory MemEntry, ByVal ((lPointer + 6) + intC * Len(MemEntry)), Len(MemEntry)

' Get the resource ID of the current icon bitmap

arID(intC) = MemEntry.nID

' Get the size of the icon resource

arResSizes(intC) = MemEntry.dwBytesInRes

' Locate the icon bitmap and get a pointer for later use

hResource = FindResource(hLib, ByVal "#" & CStr(arID(intC)), ByVal RT_ICON)

If hResource = 0 Then Exit For

hExeData = LoadResource(hLib, hResource)

If hExeData = 0 Then Exit For

lpTemp = LockResource(hExeData)

lpImages(intC) = lpTemp

lpTemp = lpImages(intC) - lpLibStart

lpImages(intC) = lpTemp + 1

Next intC

End If


intResCounter = intResCounter - 1

End If

FreeLibrary (hLib)

' Copy the source dir entries to the dest arrays

For intJ = 0 To UBound(lpImages)

ReDim Preserve DestEntries(intJ + 1) As MemEntry

If intJ > UBound(SourceEntries) Then

intNum = UBound(SourceEntries)


intNum = intJ

End If

CopyMemory DestEntries(intJ).arEntry(0), SourceEntries(intNum).bWidth, 1

CopyMemory DestEntries(intJ).arEntry(1), SourceEntries(intNum).bHeight, 1

CopyMemory DestEntries(intJ).arEntry(2), SourceEntries(intNum).bColorCount, 1

CopyMemory DestEntries(intJ).arEntry(3), SourceEntries(intNum).bReserved, 1

CopyMemory DestEntries(intJ).arEntry(4), SourceEntries(intNum).wPlanes, 2

CopyMemory DestEntries(intJ).arEntry(6), SourceEntries(intNum).wBitCount, 2

CopyMemory DestEntries(intJ).arEntry(8), SourceEntries(intNum).dwBytesInRes, 4

CopyMemory DestEntries(intJ).arEntry(12), arID(intNum), 2

Next intJ

' Calculate the offset of the directory from the BOF

lngTemp = lpDirectory - lpLibStart

lpDirectory = lngTemp + 1

' The lpGroup structure now contains the start record number of all data to be written

' Open the target executable and write the new icons

intFile = FreeFile

Open strDest For Binary As #intFile

lngImageOffset = lpImages(0)

' Write the directory entries

For intJ = 0 To UBound(lpImages)

If intJ > UBound(SourceEntries) Then

intNum = UBound(SourceEntries)


intNum = intJ

End If

If lpDirectory > lpImages(intJ) Then

If (lpImages(intJ) + SourceEntries(intNum).dwBytesInRes) >= lpDirectory Then

Exit For

End If

End If

' Set the image offset

lngImageOffset = lpImages(intJ)

'Write the directory entry structure to file

For intC = 0 To 13

Put #intFile, ((lpDirectory + 7) + (intJ * 14)) + intC, DestEntries(intJ).arEntry(intC)

Next intC

' Write the actual icon bitmap bytes to the file

For intC = 0 To UBound(SourceImages(intNum).bBits)

Put #intFile, (lngImageOffset + 1) + intC, SourceImages(intNum).bBits(intC)

Next intC

Next intJ

Close #intFile

InsertIcons = Err.Number

Exit Function


' Error handling is deferred to calling procedure

InsertIcons = Err.Number

End Function


' Private helper functions


Private Function EnumResNameProc(ByVal hModule As Long, ByVal lpszType As Long, ByVal lpszName As Long, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long


' HANDLE hModule, // resource-module handle

' LPCTSTR lpszType, // pointer to resource type

' LPTSTR lpszName, // pointer to resource name

' LONG lParam // application-defined parameter

' );

Dim ResName As String

Dim ResType As String

Dim Continue As Boolean

Dim Buffer As String

Dim nRet As Long

' Retrieve resource ID.

ResType = DecodeResTypeName(lpszType)

ResName = DecodeResTypeName(lpszName)

' Add resource name to the array

If ResName > "" Then

intResCounter = intResCounter + 1

ReDim Preserve arIconNames(intResCounter) As String

arIconNames(intResCounter - 1) = ResName

Continue = True


Continue = False

End If

' Continue enumeration?

EnumResNameProc = Continue

End Function

Private Function DecodeResTypeName(ByVal lpszValue As Long) As String

If HiWord(lpszValue) Then

' Pointers will always be >64K

DecodeResTypeName = PointerToStringA(lpszValue)


' Otherwise we have an ID.

DecodeResTypeName = "#" & CStr(lpszValue)

End If

End Function

Private Function PointerToStringA(lpStringA As Long) As String

Dim Buffer() As Byte

Dim nLen As Long

If lpStringA Then

nLen = lstrlenA(ByVal lpStringA)

If nLen Then

ReDim Buffer(0 To (nLen - 1)) As Byte

CopyMemory Buffer(0), ByVal lpStringA, nLen

PointerToStringA = StrConv(Buffer, vbUnicode)

End If

End If

End Function


' Private utility functions


Private Function LoWord(LongIn As Long) As Integer

Call CopyMemory(LoWord, LongIn, 2)

End Function

Private Function HiWord(LongIn As Long) As Integer

Call CopyMemory(HiWord, ByVal (VarPtr(LongIn) + 2), 2)

End Function

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