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Reading end lines of a file (Tail)

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The only thing I have seen was everyone recommending Randallc's TailRW.

However, his examples seem confusing and they cause AutoIT.exe to crash. I am not sure if I am doing something wrong or it's not made for Windows 7.

Either way, I am looking for something super simple, like this:


Where if $iLine is negative, it takes the end lines. Thus: _FileReadLine(-100) retrieves the last 100 lines of a file.

If its not possible to read lines, then I would be OK with reading a number of [b/b]ytes. I am also interested in reading in the first 100 lines without loading all of them.

Please don't recommend using FileReadToArray and processing it that way. I am looking for something that can do a 5-10GB file in under 1/2 second.

Edited by ParoXsitiC
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Open the file in binary mode with FileOpen() and use FileRead() to read? You can use FileSetPos() to move around in the file. Sounds right in my head ;)

You need an example?

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Open the file in binary mode with FileOpen() and use FileRead() to read? You can use FileSetPos() to move around in the file. Sounds right in my head ;)

You need an example?

I knew of FileOpen and FileRead, but not FileSetPos. However, this works good for bytes, but it would be preferable if I could indicate how many lines.

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