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how to get color 25pixels away from pointer


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so my problem is my mouse isn't a standerd mouse its 2x bigger. So when i use the 'AutoIt Window Info' is just comes back with the color of my pointer. so what i need to know is there a way to cheak the color of something like 20 pixels up and 20 pixels left of the pointer

i have this script but i cant use it because i cant get the colors i need. i tryed for 2 days (off and on) then i found out im just getting the colors of my mouse. (lol thats why i could only find 7 different colors with it lol)


Opt('PixelCoordMode', 2)

Opt('MouseCoordMode', 2)

Global $Mpos = '', $Color = XXXXXXXXXX <----- i need the color to put here

While 1

$Mpos = MouseGetPos()

If IsArray($Mpos) Then

$PixColor = PixelGetColor($Mpos[0], $Mpos[1])

If ($PixColor == $Color) Then

MsgBox(0, 'Color Found', 'X: ' & $Mpos[0] & ' Y: ' & $Mpos[1])


ToolTip('Xcoord = ' & $Mpos[0] & @CR & 'Ycoord = ' & $Mpos[1] & @CR & 'Color = ' & '0x' & Hex($PixColor, 6))




func close()



thanks for any help, im new to this so there might just be a really easy fix to this that im not aware of.

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so now i have this but it only tells me the color when i run the program and every time i press the "OK" botton

is there a way for it to up date itself every 500ms instead of when i just run it

because i have to find the colors i need befor i can use my other script to search for them

Opt('PixelCoordMode', 2)

Opt('MouseCoordMode', 2)

Global $Mpos

While 1

$Mpos = MouseGetPos()

$PixColor = PixelGetColor($Mpos[0]-20, $Mpos[1]-20)

MsgBox(0, 'Color Found', 'X: ' & $Mpos[0]-20 & ' Y: ' & $Mpos[1]-20 & 'Color = ' & '0x' & Hex($PixColor, 6))


Edited by 84cr250
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Hi 84cr, please use the autoit tags to syntax highlight your code, like this:

Opt('PixelCoordMode', 2)
Opt('MouseCoordMode', 2)

AdlibRegister("Update",500) ; <====
Global $Color

While 1 ;You could put a sleep in here if you'd like.

Func Result()
    MsgBox(0,"Color =",$Color)

Func Update() ; <====
    $Color = PixelGetColor(MouseGetPos(0)-20, MouseGetPos(1)-20)
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so now i have this but it only tells me the color when i run the program and every time i press the "OK" botton

is there a way for it to up date itself every 500ms instead of when i just run it

because i have to find the colors i need befor i can use my other script to search for them

Opt('PixelCoordMode', 2)

Opt('MouseCoordMode', 2)

Global $Mpos

While 1

$Mpos = MouseGetPos()

$PixColor = PixelGetColor($Mpos[0]-20, $Mpos[1]-20)

MsgBox(0, 'Color Found', 'X: ' & $Mpos[0]-20 & ' Y: ' & $Mpos[1]-20 & 'Color = ' & '0x' & Hex($PixColor, 6))


You could use a GUI instead of a MsgBox - MsgBox is blocking, meaning that no other code can run while it is open, so it's a little difficult to update (unless you time it out and recreate it every second, which I think would just be annoying) The following code will update automatically no matter where you move your mouse:

#include <GuiConstantsEx.au3>
#include <WindowsConstants.au3>

Opt('PixelCoordMode', 1)
Opt('MouseCoordMode', 1)
Global $Mpos, $PixColor

$mousebox = GUICreate("",150,150,0,0,BitOR($WS_CAPTION, $WS_POPUP),$WS_EX_TOPMOST)
GUICtrlCreateLabel("X pos:",10,10,80,25)
GUICtrlCreateLabel("Y pos:",10,40,80,25)
$mousex = GUICtrlCreateLabel("",60,10,80,25)
$mousey = GUICtrlCreateLabel("",60,40,80,25)
$mousecolor = GUICtrlCreateLabel("",60,70,80,25)
$mousecolorex = GUICtrlCreateGraphic(10,100,130,30)

$Mpos = MouseGetPos()
$PixColor = PixelGetColor($Mpos[0], $Mpos[1])
GUICtrlSetData($mousecolor,Hex($PixColor, 6))
GUICtrlSetBkColor($mousecolorex,"0x"&Hex($PixColor, 6))

Func Close()

Func Copy()
    ClipPut($Mpos[0]&", "&$Mpos[1]&", 0x"&Hex($PixColor, 6))

I changed the coordinate modes to 1 so they give you the position on the screen, not the client area of the window, as this usually makes more sense to get the absolute screen position. It technically updates about 100 times a second, I did this so it doesn't kill the CPU. Also, I put in the offset, but with this code it's not really needed, it will give the color even at the tip of the mouse.

Edit: changed the code to set the window always on top, to map Esc to a hotkey to exit the script, and to map F9 to a function to copy the coordinates and color code to the clipboard

Edited by NinjaGeek
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