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AutoIT newb, few questions before I dive in


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I am looking to primarily use Python (win32com packages) for my applications, with AutoIt badassness running behind it. Currently, I hope to avoid any BASIC scripting, and use COM almost exclusively for a while (props on simplicity). Any performance considerations using this approach? Im not exactly running mission-critical here, but I like to know my limits. (and there could maybe be a game involved, SC2)

Any performance/stability considerations favoring 32bit or 64bit over the other? Im running 64-bit Win7, but many of my apps run 32 anyway, and i am considering picking up AutoIt as a tool to use on several other systems running both 32 and 64. Not looking for specific situations, but just general advantages/disadvantages one way or the other.

Are there any issues with keyboard/mouse/screen functions when DirectX is at the helm?

I have recently found a few needs for hotkey/gui-manipulation. I did some quick digging on AutoIt and AHK, and will say AutoIt was my choice after a very short amount of time. I like that it is straight-forward (what I have seen so far), and that I could actually read your scripts without even cracking open the language reference. There are only a very few shortcomings I have seen (given my planned approach), but that is what Python is for ;)

I am a little bit excited to see what rolls out.

Thanks for any help.

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the thing is that autoit's benefit's are realtive for ex the constant UDF creation which allows us to have alot of commands and the best of all, its simplicity F1 system is amazing and you dont need much anything to init the script (unlike c++ or java) the - part is that it isnt very optimized and it's not for gaming :/ i mean we did get the 3D gaming but people dont see autoit with it. and yes autoit works in 32 and 64 bit there might be some performance issues in 64 bit.

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What is that supposed to mean?


I don't want to put words in Zibit's mouth, but I've had a fair amount of trouble when I had a 64bit script rely on 32bit external resources like DLL's and Objects.

Even if AutoIt is not at fault, it's not as powerfull untill there are as many 64bit resources as there are 32bit.

Edit: I decided I wouldn't point out it's AutoIt, and then I wrote AutoIT in my post. Weird.

Edited by Tvern
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