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Recognising Style and size of font


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Dear All,

While testing an application i have come under a situation where i need to find out the style and the type of font.

Please see the code below:

$Property = _ExcelReadCell($oExcelInput, $Cell, 3)
$Actual   = ControlGetText($Title, "", $Property)

The ControlGettext function retrieves the text, is there any mechanism where i can find the style and the type of font for the text retrieved from ControlGetText function.

Please help me for it.

Thank U


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Use this:

#include <Excel.au3>
$path = 'sample.xls'
$oExcel = _ExcelBookOpen($path)
$Cell = 'A1'
ConsoleWrite($oExcel.Range($Cell).Font.Name & @CRLF)

Thanks Bugfix for the reply...I am able to retrieve the font name in A1 cell by calling the function "Font.Name" using the Excel object.

But for ex: I have the to retrieve the font name of an application built by us how it is possible.

Please find below the code, where i am trying to retrieve the font name of an notepad, but it throws an error:

$ofile = ObjCreate("Wscript.Shell") ;This line is throwing error

$file = FileOpen("d:\trial.txt", 0)

$handle= ControlGetHandle("trial.txt - Notepad", "", "Edit1") 
$var = ControlGetText("trial.txt - Notepad", "", $handle,ofile.font.Name )

Can u please help me...

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I don't understand your sample with notepad. The notepad own font can you get from registry:



ControlGetText can get only text itself. If you want to read out font from source-application, you can try to catch font like done with excel.

Best Regards BugFix  

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