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Varibale trouble


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I think this is somewhat of a tricky request. I have a script with a few variables.

$b - this is a constant

$a - This is part of a loop, and ends at $b

$x - this is the one giving me trouble

I need $x = 1 when $b - $a = 9. I also need $x to increase by $a's step.

I hope this can be done, because as of right now, the only variable I have to change before using the script is $b. I didn't really need $x before because $b was well... constant, and it was actually 12 for a while, but now its 15, and I don't know what it'll be in the future.

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It wasn't a problem with my math. It was a problem of making a variable appear when something occurred. I knew when it occurred, I just didn't know how to let the computer know.

Anyway I found out how to send what I wanted to.

At first I was thinking of having 20 different "if" clauses:

If $a = 1 then send("1")

If $a = 2 then send("2")

If $a = 3 then send("3")...

Apparently though you can say:


and it'll send the numerical value for your variable. This way I don't need to click the link, and I can just change the URL.

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