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Read Text Data


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Is it possible to make a script that reads or copies or does something to a text data and is able to analyze it like OCR

Im taling about copying a number from a webpage and analyze it and if its < X it does a designed action, because the number is something like a counter and its allways changing but its "copy able"

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I never had any luck with OCR, i always had to use a pixel search, if you want OCR have the system do a screen shot and somehow get Microsoft document imaging to OCR it for ya, and then copy the text and as you please.

I know its kinda a long shot, just i had no luck with OCR but that one.

Edited by Scrippter
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Hello kaneco,

There are 2 options that I know of:

1. Use _InetGetSource() with the INET.au3 UDF to download the source of the webpage, and use StringRegExp() to extract the data.

2. Use _IEBodyReadText with the IE.au3 UDF to download the readable text from the webpage, or _IEBodyReadHTML to download the HTML, and again use StringRegExp() to extract the data.


My Contributions: Unix Timestamp: Calculate Unix time, or seconds since Epoch, accounting for your local timezone and daylight savings time. RegEdit Jumper: A Small & Simple interface based on Yashied's Reg Jumper Function, for searching Hives in your registry. 

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