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stopping script when clicking cancel

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hmm for some reason this function is not working, i want to exit the script immediately if user has pressed cancel!

Func CheckForNo($F)
  If $F = 2 Then

$times = InputBox("", "question 1");

$cpnaam = InputBox("", "question 2");

$bericht = InputBox("", "question 3");

it's not working, when I press cancel it still asks the next question!

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i'm not the smartest here but.... i m sure you need to "call"

$times = InputBox("", "question 1");

Call ("CheckForNo($times)")....????

why not use

$msg = GuiGetMsg()

$times = InputBox("", "question 1");

if $msg= $Cancel_button then ExitLoop ; exits a loop

If $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE then exit ; exits the program

Edited by Valuater


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2 is the @error value, read the help file. The string returned when cancel is clicked is nothing. This works fines. I changed the "2" to '""'

$times = InputBox("", "question 1");

$cpnaam = InputBox("", "question 2");

$bericht = InputBox("", "question 3");

Func CheckForNo($F)
  If $F = "" Then

What I would like to know is why this doesn't work...

$times = InputBox("", "question 1")

If @error = 2 Then

$hhh = InputBox("", "question 2")

Edit: Sorry Helge. If you combine your answer and mine we would have a nice one lol. I must be tripping out. I checked the help file for the @error return for the input box function and I SWEAR it said it was 2... I check it know and it says its 1. Please disregard my stupid last "What I would like to know..." question as I was going on the assumption that @error = 2 when the cancel is pressed but really its when the timeout is reached.

Edited by Burrup


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You've not set up the script to exit when the user presses "Cancel",

but when the user inputs "2". See the code below...

$times = InputBox("", "question 1");

$cpnaam = InputBox("", "question 2");

$bericht = InputBox("", "question 3");

Func CheckForNo($F)
  If NOT $F = 0 Then Exit; Quits at error

Edit : Too slow.. Anyway, you might want to check out Burrup's

script instead of mine, as his also fails when the user haven't input

anything. If you want that..

Good luck with your script !

Edited by Helge
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