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Reading Error Message then Replacing Files


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Hi Everyone!

I'm just getting into the AutoIt way of things, and I haven't done any programming in quite some time, so forgive me if I sound stupid :-) What I'm wondering is is this possible with AutoIt:

Basically I'm looking to make a script that'll look up an error message in a text file, and download the corresponding errored file and replace it. For example:

All error messages show [ERROR] before them. I would want this file to look up [ERROR], and read the error. So let's give an example:

[ERROR]: Unable to download C:\AutoIt\Eambo'sScript

[ERROR]: Unable to download C:\AutoIt\Eambo\Script2

Okay, so we've found the error. Next up, I'd like it download the errored file and replace it. For example, let's say I have a website:



So I want to download essentially mysite.com/Eambo'sScript to C:\AutoIt\Eambo'sScript and replace it.

Is this possible? If so, would it be complicated? I'm still working on part 1, I get how to open a folder and find an error, but I'm working from there! :-)

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Post your code.

Look at InetGet()/InetRead() and section in the helpfile Function reference/String management.

EDIT: Welcome to the Autoit scripting world :-)

I think I may have dived in a bit too deep to begin with. I'm going to cut it down to size.

First up: Simply opening the file, finding the error. At the minute I have the following, which is absolutely not functioning :-)

$FindText = "[ERROR]"
$Error = StringRight($FindText, 100000)

I know this is completely wrong, I'm honestly just playing about. But what I'm trying to do here if you can't tell is open up the Error Log, and find the string $FindText. By finding this, we have the start of the error line. I'm then looking to copy that line to a string preferably. One method of doing this I was toying with would be:

- Begin at line 0

- Scan each line

- Find the error

- Copy the line number.

I then want a way to trim this line.

(EG: [ERROR]: Unable to find file C:\Directory\File.exe. I would want to trim this up to Directory\File.exe so as to match up with the online folders, and copy it down.

Any suggestions on what the best method of doing this would be?

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New plan :x

Would this work/Should this work?


$file = "Error.log"
FileOpen($file, 0)

While $i < _FileCountLines($file)
    $line = FileReadLine($file, $i)
    If StringinStr($file,"[Error]")         Then
 $i = $i+1
Edited by Eambo
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$FindText = "[ERROR]"
$text = FileRead("Error.log")
$array = StringSplit($text, @CRLF, 1)
For $i = 1 To $array[0]
    If StringInStr($array[$i], $FindText) Then
     MsgBox(0,'Result', 'Line number: ' & $i & @CRLF & 'Line text: ' & $array[$i])

Thank you :-) So I'm trying to understand this code (I honestly want to learn!) so hopefully you can help me understand it :-) I understand that we're opening the file and setting the string to search for, however I get slightly lost at the StringSplit. Would you mind showing me what's going on from here? Thank you again, I do appreciate your time.
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So, did you download scite?

If so highlight the key word in your script and press F1 - this will bring up the help file for that function/command what have you.

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sorta, you are setting a full line to a string and then using the for loop you are going from one line to another checking for the string you want find

All by me:

"Sometimes you have to go back to where you started, to get to where you want to go." 

"Everybody catches up with everyone, eventually" 

"As you teach others, you are really teaching yourself."

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Another potentially stupid question :-)

I assume by putting in "Error.log" the script will look in the same folder it exists in? Or do you need to explicitly tell it "Look in this folder"? My reason for asking is that when I compile, build and run the .exe, it's not giving me the MSG output :-(

Edit: So far I've got this, can someone take a look over it and let me know if I've done something stupid? I'm kinda sleepy, and the code for looking up the error doesn't want to play nice at the minute. When I run this it tries to download something, however I don't think it's doing the error lookup so it doesn't know where to find the file.

$ErrorLine = 0
$FindText = "[ERROR]" ; Error Text to Find
$text = FileRead("Error.log") ; Open the Error File
$array = StringSplit($text, @CRLF, 1) ; Make an array, cut it up into lines and search for the full $text Error
For $i = 1 To $array[0] 
    If StringInStr($array[$i], $FindText) Then
     MsgBox(0,'Result', 'Line number: ' & $i & @CRLF & 'Line text: ' & $array[$i]) ;OutPut the Error
     $ErrorLine = $array[$i] ;Set the $ErrorLine to contain the $array

$ReplaceErrorText = ''; Replace with nothing
$DownloadLine = StringReplace ($ErrorLine, '[ERROR] ', $ReplaceErrorText); ; Should replace [ERROR] with nothing.

$FileURL = "http://www.website.com/Directory/"
$FileName = $DownloadLine
$FileSaveLocation = FileSaveDialog("Save Location...",$DownloadLine,"All (*.*)") 
$FileSize = InetGetSize($FileURL)
While @InetGetActive
    $Percentage = @InetGetBytesRead * 100 / $FileSize
    ProgressSet($Percentage,"Downloaded " & @InetGetBytesRead & " of " & $FileSize & " bytes","Downloading " & $FileName)
MsgBox(0, "Done","Download Complete!")
Edited by Eambo
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