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TCP/IP Connections


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Hi to all, there is someone that has already played with TCP** functions?

I'm trying to develop a simple Echo Server that accept multiple client connections and echoes back data read from each client.

I'm not able to find a method to detect when the client closes the connection.

The TCPRecv function on a client closed connection doesn't report any error.

Is this a Bug or there is a way to do it?

Thank you in advance.

I'm using beta version 3.1.45.

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I just tried your solution (sending an empty string) but without success.

It seems that TCPSend doesn't perform any action, peraps because there is nothing to send.

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This is what I wrote few mns ago fro myself.

Still buggy at the error managing when host isn't resolved.

$dest="totot"$port = "23"DLLCall( "AU3Xtra.dll", "int", "TCPStartUp" )$var = DLLCall( "AU3Xtra.dll", "int", "TCPNameToIP", "str", $dest, "str", "" )if @error < 0 then MsgBox( 4096, " C PAS BON  ", $dest&"     IS NOT RESOLVED" )elseMsgBox( 4096, " TOUT VA BIEN ", $dest & "     IS RESOLVED TO   : " &$var[2] )Endif$socket = DLLCall( "AU3Xtra.dll", "int", "TCPConnect", "str", $var[2], "int", $port )If @error Or $socket[0] < 0 Then  Msgbox(0,'PORT STATUS',"NOT OK" )   else    Msgbox(0,'PORT STATUS', "OK" ) Endif;int TCPShutDown()DLLCall( "AU3Xtra.dll", "int", "TCPShutDown" )Hope it drive you on the good waySchuss/cheers/salut






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a Real GUI/debug lover






Hi,This is what I wrote few mns ago fro myself.Still buggy at the error managing when host isn't resolved.


$port = "23"

DLLCall( "AU3Xtra.dll", "int", "TCPStartUp" )

$var = DLLCall( "AU3Xtra.dll", "int", "TCPNameToIP", "str", $dest, "str", "" )

if @error < 0 then

MsgBox( 4096, " C PAS BON  ", $dest&"    IS NOT RESOLVED" )


MsgBox( 4096, " TOUT VA BIEN ", $dest & "    IS RESOLVED TO  : " &$var[2] )


$socket = DLLCall( "AU3Xtra.dll", "int", "TCPConnect", "str", $var[2], "int", $port )

If @error Or $socket[0] < 0 Then

Msgbox(0,'PORT STATUS',"NOT OK" )


Msgbox(0,'PORT STATUS', "OK" )


;int TCPShutDown()

DLLCall( "AU3Xtra.dll", "int", "TCPShutDown" )

Hope it drive you on the good way



It could have been good to write the code withnthe beta TCP functions :(
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If recv() on the server returns 0, then the client has closed its connection.

You can pass MSG_PEEK to recv() if you just want to check this without actually reading anything from the socket.

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