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Case $msg = $button_1 and $radioval3

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#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>

Opt('MustDeclareVars', 1)



; Example - Press the button to see the value of the radio boxes

; The script also detects state changes (closed/minimized/timeouts, etc).

Func Example()

Local $button_1, $group_1, $radio_1, $radio_2, $radio_3, $button_2, $button_3

Local $radioval1, $radioval2, $radioval3, $msg, $oIE, $WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW, $WS_CLIPSIBLINGS, $WS_CLIPCHILDREN, $GUIActiveX, $background

Opt("GUICoordMode", 1)

GUICreate("Supreme Carpet and Flooring", 600, 650)

$GUIActiveX = GUICtrlCreateObj ($oIE, 10, 40, 600, 360)

$background = GUICtrlCreatePic("C:\Supreme Carpet\Images\gui.jpg", -1, -1, 600, 600)

; Create the controls

$button_1 = GUICtrlCreateButton("Select", 30, 20, 120, 40)

$group_1 = GUICtrlCreateGroup("!", 20, 10, 600, 600)


$radio_1 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("", 450, 186)

$radio_2 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("", 220, 595)

$radio_3 = GUICtrlCreateRadio("", 485, 550)

; Init our vars that we will use to keep track of GUI events

$radioval1 = 0 ; We will assume 0 = first radio button selected, 2 = last button

$radioval2 = 2

$radioval3 = 3

; Show the GUI


; In this message loop we use variables to keep track of changes to the radios, another

; way would be to use GUICtrlRead() at the end to read in the state of each control

While 1

$msg = GUIGetMsg()


Case $msg = $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE

MsgBox(0, "Supreme Support line", "This is embarrassing the active Window forgot your number. please Call our support line at 503 407 2687")



MsgBox(0, "Supreme Support line", "This is embarrassing the active window forgot your number. please Call our support line at 503 407 2687", 2)


MsgBox(0, "Supreme Support line", "This is embarrassing the active window forgot your number. please Call our support line at 503 407 2687", 2)

Case $msg = $button_1

MsgBox(0, "Supreme Support line", "This is embarrassing the active window forgot your number. please Call our support line at 503 407 2687")

Case $msg = $button_1 and $radioval1

MsgBox(0, "Supreme Support line", "This is embarrassing the active software window your number. please Call our support line at 503 407 2687")

Case $msg = $button_1 and $radioval2

MsgBox(0, "Supreme Support line", "This is embarrassing the active software window your number. please Call our support line at 503 407 2687")

Case $msg = $button_1 and $radioval3

MsgBox(0, "Supreme Support line", "This is embarrassing the active software window your number. please Call our support line at 503 407 2687")



EndFunc ;==>Example

embarrassing spell check.au3

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