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Passing URL's in email to firefox via autoit script

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Greetings all,

I wrote the below script as a security measure to prevent users from going on the internet without first knowing the password,

I wanted the password to be changeable by our commercial manager via another script and encrypted in a file.

We are using firefox for our browser.

The script has been compiled into a exe and has been named firefox.exe with the normal firefox logo

the real firefox exe has had it's icon/name changed and is hidden.

[The problem]

The problem I am having is that when the users click on a url in a email, it executes and asks for the password

but does not go to the website they clicked on.

Have been looking and looking but so far have not found out how to get the url infomation to pass on.

Any idea's fokes?



#Include "aes.au3"

#include <file.au3>

; Part 1 - To save the password

;$PlainText = "True,Today"

;$Key = "yourkey"

;$Data = _AesEncrypt($Key, $PlainText)

;$File = FileOpen("X:\ie Policys\fox2.ini", 2)

;FileWrite($File, $Data)


; Part 2 - To load the password

$File = FileOpen("X:\ie Policys\fox2.ini", 16)

$Data = FileRead($File)


$Key = "yourkey"

$PlainText = _AesDecrypt($Key, $Data)


; Its a Binary encripted string we need to convert it then split the seprate values out with , seperating

$StringDeEncripted = StringSplit(BinaryToString(_AesDecrypt($Key, $Data)), ",")



Global $Pass = $StringDeEncripted[2]

Global $EnableUserPass = $StringDeEncripted[1]

$ES_PASSWORD = InputBox("Security Check", "Enter your password.", "", "*")

$sLogPath = "x:\ie policys\firefox.log"

If $EnableUserPass='True' Then

If $ES_PASSWORD = $Pass or $ES_PASSWORD = 'word1' or $ES_PASSWORD = 'word2' or $ES_PASSWORD = 'word3' Then

Run("C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\uninstall.exe", "")

_FileWriteLog($sLogPath,@ComputerName &" "&@UserName &" "& "Password Accepted")


MsgBox(4096, "Error", "Wrong User Password Entered", 10)

_FileWriteLog($sLogPath,@ComputerName &" "&@UserName &" "& "Password Wrong")



If $ES_PASSWORD = 'word1' or $ES_PASSWORD = 'word2' Then

Run("C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\uninstall.exe", "")

_FileWriteLog($sLogPath,@ComputerName &" "&@UserName &" "& "Admin Password Accepted")


MsgBox(4096, "Error", "Wrong Admin Password Entered", 10)

_FileWriteLog($sLogPath,@ComputerName &" "&@UserName &" "& "Password Wrong")



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Hi DigitalDave99,

to things -

1. Probably your emailclient tryes to call sth like "firefox.exe http://www.google.com" so you need to get the CmdLine parameter which has been passed to your Program. You can look it up in the helpfile.

2. Change the Run() part of your script so it calls the firefoxuninstall.exe (I assume that's the real firfox.exe) with the given parameter.




Regards,Hannes[spoiler]If you can't convince them, confuse them![/spoiler]
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Run("C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\uninstall.exe", "")

Hannes123 is right. The above line does not contain a variable to pass the URL being opened. The default command line parameters, when compiled, is $CmdLineRaw for the entire string, or $CmdLine[#] for each argument of the command line separately. $CmdLine[0] contained the number of arguments, $CmdLine[1] for first arguement, etc.

For your situation simply passing $CmdLineRaw is probably good enough, unless you want to strip some of Firefox's command line options.

Run("C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\uninstall.exe " & $CmdLineRaw, "")
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Oh, :) that was easier than expected, Thank you both Hannes123 and John


Run("C:\Program Files (x86)\Mozilla Firefox\uninstall.exe " & $ComLine,"")

works like a charm.

Hi DigitalDave99,

to things -

1. Probably your emailclient tryes to call sth like "firefox.exe http://www.google.com" so you need to get the CmdLine parameter which has been passed to your Program. You can look it up in the helpfile.

2. Change the Run() part of your script so it calls the firefoxuninstall.exe (I assume that's the real firfox.exe) with the given parameter.




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