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pause a memory script?


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Hello guys !

how can i do this:

i want to press 1 key, that allow me to pause / resume this script:

#include <fana.au3>

while 1 ;While-Schleife
    If ProcessExists("hl2.exe") Then ; Check ob HL2.EXE läuft
    Global $ID = ProcessExists("hl2.exe") ; setzt die ProcessID in $ID rein
    RefillMoney() ; führt die Funktion "RefillMoney" aus mit in den klammern angegeben Parametern - in dem Fall keine
    Exit ; Speicher wurde überschrieben, beende also automatisch das Programm
    EndIf ; Bei jedem "If" welches nicht einzeilig ist muss dadrunter ein EndIf folgen
WEnd ; Ende der While-Schleife

Func RefillMoney() ; Start der Funktion
    Global $Priv = SetPrivilege("SeDebugPrivilege", 1) ;Speicher-relevante Rechte
    Global $Priv = 0x38 ;ebenfalls
    Global $handle1 = _MemoryOpen($ID, $Priv) ;Selbsterklärend
    _MemoryOpen($ID) ; Öffnet den Speicher
    do ; Startet eine Schleife um die Baseadresse der Client.dll zu bekommen
    Global $client = _MemoryModuleGetBaseAddress($ID, "client.dll")
    Until $client = NOT 0
    Global $radarhack = $client + 0x1A5423 ; Baseadresse der Client.dll + Offset für den Radarhack
    _MemoryWrite($radarhack, $handle1, '0x90909090909090','byte[7]') 
EndFunc ; Ende der Funktion

this is a script, these change a memory code, so when it is changed 1 time, so it is seeable everytime, i think i have to change this memory value into an another, could this be ?


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Global $Paused
HotKeySet("{PAUSE}", "TogglePause")
HotKeySet("{ESC}", "Terminate")

;;;; Body of program would go here ;;;;
While 1

Func TogglePause()
    $Paused = NOT $Paused
    While $Paused
        ToolTip('Script is "Paused"',0,0)

Func Terminate()
    Exit 0

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I'm trying to write this script for the game elder scrolls oblivion that spams actions for me by spamming a key.

Here's the code so for:


$i = 0
While $i < 10
    ;$i += 1

It works fine if I'm just spamming a key, but as soon as I try to increment i it either doesn't run at all in the game or sends the key once or twice and stops. It also seems to sleep for random amounts of time instead of the entered time. It works fine if I just send it to a text file. I eventually want to have something that does multiple key sends and clicks but that fails even worse than this. Any ideas?


Hello guys !

how can i do this:

i want to press 1 key, that allow me to pause / resume this script:

#include <fana.au3>

while 1 ;While-Schleife
    If ProcessExists("hl2.exe") Then ; Check ob HL2.EXE läuft
    Global $ID = ProcessExists("hl2.exe") ; setzt die ProcessID in $ID rein
    RefillMoney() ; führt die Funktion "RefillMoney" aus mit in den klammern angegeben Parametern - in dem Fall keine
    Exit ; Speicher wurde überschrieben, beende also automatisch das Programm
    EndIf ; Bei jedem "If" welches nicht einzeilig ist muss dadrunter ein EndIf folgen
WEnd ; Ende der While-Schleife

Func RefillMoney() ; Start der Funktion
    Global $Priv = SetPrivilege("SeDebugPrivilege", 1) ;Speicher-relevante Rechte
    Global $Priv = 0x38 ;ebenfalls
    Global $handle1 = _MemoryOpen($ID, $Priv) ;Selbsterklärend
    _MemoryOpen($ID) ; Öffnet den Speicher
    do ; Startet eine Schleife um die Baseadresse der Client.dll zu bekommen
    Global $client = _MemoryModuleGetBaseAddress($ID, "client.dll")
    Until $client = NOT 0
    Global $radarhack = $client + 0x1A5423 ; Baseadresse der Client.dll + Offset für den Radarhack
    _MemoryWrite($radarhack, $handle1, '0x90909090909090','byte[7]') 
EndFunc ; Ende der Funktion

this is a script, these change a memory code, so when it is changed 1 time, so it is seeable everytime, i think i have to change this memory value into an another, could this be ?


This script looks like a Cheat for a Game, so please read this

Edit: This is the second try Melba also told hilm to read this in

Edited by AutoBert
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It doesn't matter what it looks that it could look like to you.


I've read your post 10 times over and it baffles me every time....

Don't get me wrong, I love your work, such as "run binary", but It isn't rare for me to come across one of your post's and find myself bewildered as to what you're trying to say...

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