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function MouseClick does not work :(


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I am just starting to program with Autoit so probably my question will be a bit silly. But I have spent more than 12 hrs trying to make my script working but failed. Seems that MouseClick does not work. It would be very kind if someone could help me. :)

Here is the script:

Opt("MouseCoordMode", 2)

Opt("PixelCoordMode", 2)

$X = 484

$Y = 46

$hCol = 16447222

$sWin = "XXX"


While WinActive($sWin)

If PixelGetColor($X, $Y) == 16447222 Then MouseClick("primary", $X, $Y, 1)


Sometimes it works as it is but much more often does not. More often the mouse positions itself in the $X, $Y and than waits until I move it. If I do - there is the click.

Edited by Pol
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If this is for a Game, I would suggest you read this >> http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/forum-2/announcement-12-game-bots-and-automation/

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Updated: 22/04/2018

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It just shell press left button of the mouse if the color of the pixel matches. So when it matches nothing happens. If i input

If PixelGetColor($X, $Y) == 16447222 Then MsgBox(64, «clicks:», MouseClick("left", $X, $Y, 1))

instead of just MouseClick("primary", $X, $Y, 1) it I get nothing until I move the mouse manualy. Than it clicks....

MouseClick("Secondary") does not work as well :)

Edited by Pol
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It just shell press left button of the mouse if the color of the pixel matches. So when it matches nothing happens. If i input

If PixelGetColor($X, $Y) == 16447222 Then MsgBox(64, «clicks:», MouseClick(«left», $X, $Y, 1))

instead of just MouseClick("primary", $X, $Y, 1) it I get nothing until I move the mouse manualy. Than it clicks....

MouseClick("Secondary") does not work as well :)

Then you have a serious problem with your windows operationg system, or your firewall blocking autoit from doing its job.

That is your problem, not mouseclick.

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