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Watch a window and start programm if a special word appears

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I'm having a question, if the following can be done with AutoIT or if I need continue to search for a different solution.

What I need: Something that is watching a mIRC (IRC client) window. And when some defined words appear, an external windows programm should be started. And this in an endless loop.



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You can absolutely do that within AutoIt. Check out ControlGetText and StringInStr


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Should be possible. I do this with Acrobat distiller (waits for the word "ready" to know when it is finished and closes the app)

While 1

your code


puts the code into an infinate loop (you will want to use Hotkeyset() to make a way to stop/pause the script)

WingetText() to read text from the window

Run() to run your app



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Thanks for the information.

I meanwhile played a little bit around. If I try reading the text from the command field I get it:

$var = ControlGetText("[CLASS:mIRC]", "", "[CLASS:RichEdit20W; INSTANCE:1]")

MsgBox(4096, "Test", $var)

But when I try to read the text from the mIRC main chat log window, I just get an empty string by using:

$var = ControlGetText("[CLASS:mIRC]", "", "[CLASS:Static; INSTANCE:1]")

MsgBox(4096, "Test", $var)

Any idea what could be wrong?

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kaotkbliss had the better suggestion with WinGetText, try that and see what happens.


P.S. Was looking at your ControlGetText code. You might try that again, but actually just use the Window Title for the first var in the ControlGetText function instead of the class name.

Edited by fett8802
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The Window Title instead of the class name also gives me an empty string.

WinGetText retrieves the window title and the text that is currently in the command field. But not the main

This is a screenshot of the window:


The big main window text I want to search for words - or at least get into a variable at the beginning.

The small line at the bottem (command line) is the only I can get the text out from.

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Doesn't MIRC have logging? If it does, you can continuously scan the log file for the file if you can't grab it from the window itself.

If I posted any code, assume that code was written using the latest release version unless stated otherwise. Also, if it doesn't work on XP I can't help with that because I don't have access to XP, and I'm not going to.
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i tried this

#Include <GuiRichEdit.au3>
$control=ControlGetHandle('[CLASS:mIRC]','' ,'[CLASS:RichEdit20W; INSTANCE:1]')
$i = @error

unfortunately it returns rc:700 when it tries to send a msg to the control and the external application crashes, kinda expected that would happen but yah worth the try anyways :)

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Doesn't MIRC have logging? If it does, you can continuously scan the log file for the file if you can't grab it from the window itself.

Yes MIRC can indeed live log to text, I would enable that feature and scan the text file as you suggest for the word in question. *Glares at evil controls that do not provide their content to the greater environment*



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Yes MIRC can indeed live log to text, I would enable that feature and scan the text file as you suggest for the word in question. *Glares at evil controls that do not provide their content to the greater environment*


agreed controls containing non-plain-text can be a pain, a function that can get text from an externalIE or Richtext control would be very nice.

Think ill have a few go's at that =]

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