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Mapping check & Notify issue

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I'm trying to build out a script (based in part by different portions of code I've used here and a bit on my own) that will check the following:

If drive X is being used;

If drive X is being used, email to an email address with notification

If drive X is not being used, map the drive to a predefined path

I've started with this code:

$Idrive = DriveMapGet ("x:")
if $idrive == "" then
   DriveMapAdd("X:", "\\dept\pub$", 1)
#include <INet.au3> 
$s_SmtpServer = "SMTP Server" 
$s_FromName = "Mapping issue notifier" 
$s_FromAddress = "From address" 
$s_ToAddress = "To address"
$s_Subject = "Subject line" 
Dim $as_Body[1] 
$as_Body[0] = "PC contains mapped drive issues for username: " & @USERNAME " from PC name: " & @ComputerName
$Response = _INetSmtpMail ($s_SmtpServer, $s_FromName, $s_FromAddress, $s_ToAddress, $s_Subject, $as_Body,"","-1") 

But when I do, I get the error:

Line 212 (File""):

Error: "If" statement has no matching EndIf statement.

This has to be a syntax issue, but I'm not seeing anything wrong. I've worked on this for a couple of hours using different approaches and figured it was time for outside help. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Thanks for any help or pointers!

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The problem is where you have placed the include statement

#include <INet.au3>

This should be near the top of your script and certainly not within a function or in the middle of other of code

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Thank you - that makes sense, I appreciate the tip! However, after putting the include up at the top I'm now getting the error:

Line 3441 (File "C:\AutoIt_Code\map_src.exe"):

Error: Error in expression.

Any ideas? I wish the errors truly related to lines. Thank god I don't have 3441 lines of code for this item.

Edited by DietCoke
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error on

$as_Body[0] = "PC contains mapped drive issues for username: " & @USERNAME " from PC name: " & @ComputerName

probably need to change to

$as_Body[0] = "PC contains mapped drive issues for username: " & @USERNAME & " from PC name: " & @ComputerName


next time test it like script (dont test it compiled) it will write where error is (line number) in scite

(hit F5 when your in scite editor)

Edited by bogQ

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Thank you so much! Wow - one character and one line movement between me and success on this one... great info also in hitting F5 before a compile. Here's the finalized code, tested here successfully:

#include <INet.au3> 
$Idrive = DriveMapGet ("x:")
if $idrive == "" then
   ;DriveMapAdd("X:", "\\server\folder", 1)
$s_SmtpServer = "SMTP Server" 
$s_FromName = "From Name" 
$s_FromAddress = "Sender email address" 
$s_ToAddress = "Recipient email address"
$s_Subject = "Customer has pre-existing X drive" 
Dim $as_Body[1] 
$as_Body[0] = "PC contains mapped drive issue for username: " & @USERNAME & " from PC name: " & @ComputerName
$Response = _INetSmtpMail ($s_SmtpServer, $s_FromName, $s_FromAddress, $s_ToAddress, $s_Subject, $as_Body,"","-1") 

Thanks to Bowmore and bogQ - you guys really helped today!

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