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How to make a loop that deletes all files except 1 with name X?


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I am attempting to create a login script that will delete any extra shortcut files inside the @StartMenuCommonDir with the exception of the 1 shortcut I want to be there. (I also want to make sure I don't delete the "Programs" folder but I'm sure I can get around that by only looking at *.lnk files.

Basically I'm trying to figure out how to create a loop to look at the name of each shortcut link inside the @STartMenuCommonDir and if it doesn't match X then delete the shortcut.

I've gotten as far as listing the files into an array using _FileListToArray but I'm iffy on the loop and how to read $var[$i] and delete if not matching X

Edited by kor
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for your loop I would use

For $i=1 to UBound($var)-1

If $var[$i]<>X Then




something like that and untested



My Android cat and mouse game

We're gonna need another Timmy!

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#include <File.au3>
#include <Array.au3>

$var = _FileListToArray(@StartMenuCommonDir)

For $i = 1 to UBound($test) - 1
    If $var[$i] <> "testing.lnk" Or $var[$i] <> "Programs" Then
        FileDelete(@StartMenuCommonDir & "\" & $var[$i])

It kinda works, as it deletes all the shortcuts, but it's also deleting my testing.lnk shortcut too.

Edited by kor
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your "or" should be an "and" because if it is testing.lnk, then it doesn't match Programs and will still do the delete.

Your UBound($test) should be UBound($var) which is your filelist you want to check.



My Android cat and mouse game

We're gonna need another Timmy!

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