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Interacting with a complex webpage in the background


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I'm trying to automate a daily update of a value on a website, and I'm stymied by it's complexity. I really want the task to occur without actually opening a window, loading mouse coordinates, and sending text to a window.

If I was doing it manually, I have to click on a link that looks like this (it's a phone number):

<a onclick="test();" id="ctl00_mainContent_rptForwardingList_ctl01_lbnForwardTo" title="Click to change Destination number" class="hyperLinkA" href="javascript:WebForm_DoPostBackWithOptions(new WebForm_PostBackOptions(&quot;ctl00$mainContent$rptForwardingList$ctl01$lbnForwardTo&quot;, &quot;&quot;, true, &quot;&quot;, &quot;&quot;, false, true))">541xxxyyyy</a>

which exposes a small form that has an input box and an "update" button. Loading the input box (again, without actually doing it visibly) and clicking the button are the second and third problem, but if I can't get a good solution for #1, I'll give up on #2 and #3 and just live with opening a physical window and steering the mouse around - ugh! I'm thinking this might be beyond what you can do to someone else's website without hacking or assistance from the owner. Unfortunately, the "owner" doesn't respond to email on the subject.

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hi jimg,

Have you looked at/tried the _IE functions in the help-file?

Posted Image

Contained therein are ample useful _IE functions that you may wish to employ, like _IELinkGetCollection() and _IEFormSubmit()

Perhaps you can post more of the website's source or its URL, so we can see the form the Javascript function displays.

Hope this helps. :unsure:


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I've attached the page I'm trying to work with. All the links are relative, so they don't work, but the structure is there. The page appears to include all the various subpages, controlled through some complex switching mechanism (complex to me, at least).

Normally, if one clicks on the "forward to" number, you get a new page (search for "<!-- pop up modal code -->" for the subpage in the source).

My ultimate goal is to take info from a Google Calendar and update the forwarding number as necessary.

hi jimg,

Have you looked at/tried the _IE functions in the help-file?

Posted Image

Contained therein are ample useful _IE functions that you may wish to employ, like _IELinkGetCollection() and _IEFormSubmit()

Perhaps you can post more of the website's source or its URL, so we can see the form the Javascript function displays.

Hope this helps. :unsure:


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