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UUID Usage Help

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I'm trying to use this UUID Script : http://www.autoitscript.com/forum/index.php?s=&showtopic=19370&view=findpost&p=199602

Now I have it generate the UUID and they will have to send me that id. I want to have my program get the UUID and make sure it matches the one they gave

So like if UUID = 1 then

(code here)



Thats basically what I want. But how do I do this using that UUID script?

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Are you trying to validate that your application is ok to run on their PC?

If so:

A UUID is great, however, you need to store it somewhere, and make sure it's only ever run once.

Problem 1:

Once the UUID is stored on disk, it can be passed to anyone else.


Well, there isn't a full proof one really.

WMI creates a UUID I believe that uses some bios setting, which his hard to duplicate other than maybe a clone ( maybe it uses hardware settings, who knows ).

There are other issues such as spoofing with UUIDs, but the bottom line is, what is your ultimate end goal?

Common sense plays a role in the basics of understanding AutoIt... If you're lacking in that, do us all a favor, and step away from the computer.

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I plan on releasing the program on a forum. This forum has man people who are only there to just download the file and not comment or anything and post it on another forum. I want to prevent this by making them download the program to get there UUID. It gives that to them and they must send that too me.

What I want to do is then make a special program for that uuid that will check if there uuid matches the one they gave me.

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Don't know if this Helps, but in WinAPIEx (by Yashied) there is a Function called _WinAPI_UniqueHardwareID() which "Generates a unique hardware identifier (ID) for local computer."

Or _WinAPI_CreateGUID() in WinAPIEx will create a random GUID.

Edited by guinness

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Updated: 22/04/2018

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