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install script Adobe Reader 940 + 941 + 942 + 943

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Due to some incompatibilities with Adobe Reader 10 I just had to backrev quite a bunch of PCs, and to install AR9 on them.

This is the part to install AR9 + patches. I modified it, so that it doesn't use a network source, but "fileinstall()" -- that way it's a tiny "Pack-and-Go" including everything (the files you will have to search and download on your own :)):

; Acrobat 9 mit Patches bis 9.4.3
; Autoit version:
; Author: Rudolf Thilo

#include <array.au3>
#include <File.au3>
$Prefix = "msiexec.exe /"
$sufix = " /qb-!" ; reduced installer interface without "cancel" button
$path = @TempDir & "\AR9-Complete_TEMP.DIR"
$path &="\"


$aInst = _FileListToArray($path, "*.ms?", 1)
_ArraySort($aInst, 0, 1)

For $i = 1 To $aInst[0]
    $MyRun = $Prefix & StringRight($aInst[$i],1) & " " & $aInst[$i] & $sufix ; stringright(): for ".msp" switch = "/p", for ".msi" switch = "/i"
    ConsoleWrite($MyRun & @CRLF)

Have fun.

Regards, Rudi.

Earth is flat, pigs can fly, and Nuclear Power is SAFE!

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You are right.

But there I can't post, so I dropped it here.

Regards, Rudi.

Really? I remember I couldn't post there when my post count was low (less than 30). But now I can. I assumed you had to have certain number of posts before you could post to that section (to weed out newbies who don't know what they are doing). You obviously have a lot more posts than me, so it puzzles me why you can't post there. Any mods care to explain why?

#include <ByteMe.au3>

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