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read in typeahead dropdown in facebook IE

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Just a query to see if anyone knows if the following is even possible

If you go to the following link


And click "local business or place" then click in City/Location as you start to type it does a look up and offers choices based on what you have typed. What i would like todo is read this data back. Does anyone know if this is even possible. Im fairly comfortable with using AutoIt to fill the form in just not read data back

If anyone has any ideas just a prod in the right direction would be great or if you know its not possible thats would be good aswell so i can look for an alternative.


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I'm just curious more than anything, but why would you want to automate the process of creating a profile/page?

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Updated: 22/04/2018

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I'm just curious more than anything, but why would you want to automate the process of creating a profile/page?

Its nothing dodgy ;-) , We have a list of clients who want facebook pages creating and just trying to come up with a solution where i can get one FB account to create many pages without handing out the username and password for that account to many individuals. My thinking was to get many people to fill in a form (excel or something) then have this data fired into one PC thats only job is to create the pages.

Something like that lol, its just an idea at the moment. Problem is have is I would need the same list for locations in my form as fb has in its list.

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Add an option for delete too.... :\ anyway something like this will pointing you to the right direcction :)

#include <IE.au3>
$oIE = _IECreate ("http://www.facebook.com/pages/create.php")
$oForms = _IEFormGetCollection ($oIE, 1)
$oQuery = _IEFormElementGetCollection ($oForms)
For $i = 0 to $iNumForms - 1
    $oQuery = _IEFormElementGetCollection ($oForms, $i)
    If $oQuery.name = "category" then exitloop

And This URL will be your best friend Select Object - MSDN

Edited by monoscout999
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