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GUICtrlSetOnEvent doesn't work for listview

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While updating a script written in AutoIT V3.2.8.1 for AutoIT V3.3.6.1 I have run into a problem.

When I use the GUICtrlSetOnEvent function for a listview it always fails (returns 0), while using the same function for a button or a system event,

it works as expected.

The problem doesn't occur within AutoIT

What am I doing wrong?

I've attached an example script that demonstrates my problem.

Console output:

GUICtrlSetOnEvent($h_lstvwWrkCodes,lstViewWrkCodesClicked) returns: 0

GUICtrlSetOnEvent($h_btnDel,DelClicked) returns: 1

GUICtrlSetOnEvent($h_btnAdd,AddClicked) returns: 1

GUICtrlSetOnEvent($h_btnCancel,CancelClicked) returns: 1

GUICtrlSetOnEvent($h_btnExit,ExitClicked) returns: 1

GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, CancelClicked) returns: 1

Global $h_btnAdd ; handle to Add button
Global $h_btnCancel ; handle to Cancel button
Global $h_btnDel ; handle to Delete button
Global $h_btnExit ; handle to Exit button
Global $h_frmWrkCodes ; handle to main form WrkCodes
Global $h_lblWrkCode ; handle to label lblWrkCode
Global $h_lblWrkCodeRemark ; handle to label lblWrkCodeRemark
Global $h_inpWrkCode ; handle to input box inpWrkCode
Global $h_inpWrkCodeRemark ; handle to input box inpwrkCodeRemark
Global $h_lstvwWrkCodes ; handle to listview lstvwWrkCodes
Global $bln_DbgMode = 1 ; boolean var used to indicate if we are running in debuging mode

#include <ButtonConstants.au3>
#include <EditConstants.au3>
#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
#include <ListViewConstants.au3>
#include <StaticConstants.au3>
#include <WindowsConstants.au3>
#include <GuiListView.au3>
#Include <Array.au3>
#include <Misc.au3>

AutoItSetOption("MustDeclareVars", 1)
AutoItSetOption("GUIOnEventMode", 1)

While 1


Func ShowFrm()

Local $var_Style, $var_ExStyle, $var_EvntRetval
Local $int_Left, $int_Top, $int_Width, $int_Height

;Main form
$int_Width = 589
$int_Height = 423
$int_Left = -1
$int_Top = -1
$h_frmWrkCodes = GUICreate("Work Codes", $int_Width, $int_Height, $int_Left, $int_Top)

;Label CodeRemark
$int_Left = 66
$int_Top = 31
$int_Width = 35
$int_Height = 35
$h_lblWrkCode = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Code: ", $int_Left, $int_Top, $int_Width, $int_Height, $SS_RIGHT)

;Label CodeRemark
$int_Left = 55
$int_Top = 52
$int_Width = 47
$int_Height = 17
$h_lblWrkCodeRemark = GUICtrlCreateLabel("Remark: ", $int_Left, $int_Top, $int_Width, $int_Height, $SS_RIGHT)

;Inputbox Code
$int_Left = 108
$int_Top = 27
$int_Width = 247
$int_Height = 21
$h_inpWrkCode = GUICtrlCreateInput("", $int_Left, $int_Top, $int_Width, $int_Height)

;Inputbox CodeRemark
$int_Left = 108
$int_Top = 49
$int_Width = 460
$int_Height = 21
$h_inpWrkCodeRemark = GUICtrlCreateInput("", $int_Left, $int_Top, $int_Width, $int_Height, BitOR($ES_AUTOVSCROLL,$ES_AUTOHSCROLL,$ES_WANTRETURN))

$int_Left = 111
$int_Top = 117
$int_Width = 460
$int_Height = 217
$h_lstvwWrkCodes = _GUICtrlListView_Create($h_frmWrkCodes,"Code|Remark",$int_Left, $int_Top, $int_Width, $int_Height,$var_Style)
$var_EvntRetval = GUICtrlSetOnEvent($h_lstvwWrkCodes,"lstViewWrkCodesClicked")
If $bln_DbgMode = 1 Then ConsoleWrite("GUICtrlSetOnEvent($h_lstvwWrkCodes,lstViewWrkCodesClicked) returns: " & $var_EvntRetval & @CR)

;Button: Delete/Remove
$int_Left = 270
$int_Top = 377
$int_Width = 75
$int_Height = 25
$h_btnDel = GUICtrlCreateButton("&Remove", $int_Left, $int_Top, $int_Width, $int_Height, $WS_GROUP)
$var_EvntRetval = GUICtrlSetOnEvent($h_btnDel,"DelClicked")
If $bln_DbgMode = 1 Then ConsoleWrite("GUICtrlSetOnEvent($h_btnDel,DelClicked) returns: " & $var_EvntRetval & @CR)

;Button: Add
$int_Left = $int_Left + $int_Width ;287
$h_btnAdd = GUICtrlCreateButton("&Add", $int_Left, $int_Top, $int_Width, $int_Height, $WS_GROUP)
$var_EvntRetval = GUICtrlSetOnEvent($h_btnAdd,"AddClicked")
If $bln_DbgMode = 1 Then ConsoleWrite("GUICtrlSetOnEvent($h_btnAdd,AddClicked) returns: " & $var_EvntRetval & @CR)

;Button: Cancel
$int_Left = $int_Left + $int_Width
$h_btnCancel = GUICtrlCreateButton("&Cancel", $int_Left, $int_Top, $int_Width, $int_Height, $WS_GROUP)
$var_EvntRetval = GUICtrlSetOnEvent($h_btnCancel,"CancelClicked")
If $bln_DbgMode = 1 Then ConsoleWrite("GUICtrlSetOnEvent($h_btnCancel,CancelClicked) returns: " & $var_EvntRetval & @CR)

;Button: Exit
$int_Left = $int_Left + $int_Width
$h_btnExit = GUICtrlCreateButton("Save and E&xit", $int_Left, $int_Top, $int_Width, $int_Height, $WS_GROUP)
$var_EvntRetval = GUICtrlSetOnEvent($h_btnExit,"ExitClicked")
If $bln_DbgMode = 1 Then ConsoleWrite("GUICtrlSetOnEvent($h_btnExit,ExitClicked) returns: " & $var_EvntRetval & @CR)

;User closes form with 'X'
$var_EvntRetval = GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, "CancelClicked")
If $bln_DbgMode = 1 Then ConsoleWrite("GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_CLOSE, CancelClicked) returns: " & $var_EvntRetval & @CR)

;$var_EvntRetval = GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_SECONDARYUP,"lstViewWrkCodesClicked",$h_lstvwWrkCodes)
;If $bln_DbgMode = 1 Then ConsoleWrite("GUISetOnEvent($GUI_EVENT_SECONDARYUP,lstViewWrkCodesClicked,$h_lstvwWrkCodes) returns: " & $var_EvntRetval & @CR)


Func CancelClicked()
MsgBox(0,"Info","Cancel Clicked")

Func AddClicked()
MsgBox(0,"Info","Add Clicked")

Func DelClicked()
MsgBox(0,"Info","Remove Clicked")

Func ExitClicked()
MsgBox(0,"Info","'Save and Exit' Clicked, App will close")

Func lstViewWrkCodesClicked()
MsgBox(0,"Info","listView Clicked")
Edited by Scriptonize

If you learn from It, it's not a mistake

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It seems that the problem is caused by the UDF "_GUICtrlListView_Create"

When I make use of "GUICtrlCreateListView" the event is registered successfully.

I'm running on XP with SP3.

Can somebody confirm this?

I know it is not recommended to mix UDF's and build in functions, but in this case I seem to have no choice.

Is it safe to do so, despite all recommendations?

Edited by Scriptonize

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You want to use CtrlSetOnEvent with your List View Items rather then the List View control itself.

I personally use an array to hold all my control handles.

Hope the code below helps.

Opt('GuiOnEventMode', 1)

Global $hGui, $hList, $hListItems[3]

$hGui = GUICreate("Listview.", 515, 262, 192, 125)
$hList = GUICtrlCreateListView("1", 0, 0, 420, 210)

For $i = 0 To 2
    $hListItems[$i] = GUICtrlCreateListViewItem("Item " & $i, $hList)
    GUICtrlSetOnEvent($hListItems[$i], '_ListViewEvent')

GUISetOnEvent(-3, '_Exit')


While 1

Func _ListViewEvent()
    For $i = 0 To $hListItems[0]
        If @GUI_CtrlId = $hListItems[$i] Then ExitLoop
    ConsoleWrite('List view item clicked - ' & GUICtrlRead($hListItems[$i]) & @CRLF)
EndFunc   ;==>_ListViewEvent
Func _Exit()
EndFunc   ;==>_Exit
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Thank you for your reply BitByteBit.

A really appreciate it.

Your solution is not the part I'm having the problem with.

It's about the combination of using the "_GUICtrlListView_Create" UDF with GuiCtrlsetOnEvent Function.

Using it in that combination doesn't seem to work.

Perhaps I'm doing something wrong, perhaps the UDF doesn't work as expected.

That's what my question is about.

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As far as I can see from your code you are not doing anything that can't be done when you use the standard ListView control.

_GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth() certainly works with the standard control and you probably don't need the _GUICtrlListView_SetExtendedStyle() since you should be able to set it directly when the control is created and even at that _GUICtrlListview_setextendedstyle from the UDF may work.


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As far as I can see from your code you are not doing anything that can't be done when you use the standard ListView control.

_GUICtrlListView_SetColumnWidth() certainly works with the standard control and you probably don't need the _GUICtrlListView_SetExtendedStyle() since you should be able to set it directly when the control is created and even at that _GUICtrlListview_setextendedstyle from the UDF may work.

Hi GEOSoft.

Thank you for looking into my little problem.

Indeed, in my example there are no exended styles used that couldn't also be done with the standard function.

My code is just a small example (demonstrating the error) , not the actual code.

I guess that the method I'm trying to use is not supported by the _GUICtrlListView_Create UDF.

I'm going to use the standard function in combination with some UDF functions.

When I receive errors or see strange behavior, I have a good clue what might be the cause. :mellow:

Edited by Scriptonize

If you learn from It, it's not a mistake

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