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Auto Resource Replacement


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If anyone knows an easy way to automate the process of replacing all resources in a compiled script with those of another, can you please let me know?

Resource Hackers command line parameters aren't working for me at all.

Run(@DesktopDir&"\ResHacker.exe -addoverwrite MyProg.exe, MyNewProg.exe, FileWithResourcesIWant.exe ,,,")

That's the command reshackers hlp file tells me I need to use in order to achieve what I'm trying but it gives me "Error: invalid resource definition."

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I had a look in the past & just gave up (this was in the days before I knew what IsObj() was) but why not look at the source code for AutoIt Wrapper to added resources to the compiled EXE.

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Updated: 22/04/2018

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I had a look in the past & just gave up (this was in the days before I knew what IsObj() was) but why not look at the source code for AutoIt Wrapper to added resources to the compiled EXE.

I can see why you would have given up, I'm breaking my head over here.

My only option right now looks like ditching reshacker and fitting Trancexx's resource viewer and compiler script to my needs.

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I've had no problem with ResHacker, in fact I use to to decrease my compiled and non-upx compressed program size then I compress it more with the portableapps appcompacter (http://portableapps.com/apps/utilities/portableapps.com_appcompactor) to prevent anyone else from changing the resources. What resource type are you trying to replace, icon, string table, etc?

My UDFs are generally for me. If they aren't updated for a while, it means I'm not using them myself. As soon as I start using them again, they'll get updated.

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I've had no problem with ResHacker, in fact I use to to decrease my compiled and non-upx compressed program size then I compress it more with the portableapps appcompacter (http://portableapps.com/apps/utilities/portableapps.com_appcompactor) to prevent anyone else from changing the resources. What resource type are you trying to replace, icon, string table, etc?

Thanks for the link, I didn't know about that program, what I'm using when I wan't to compact a PE file is a little program called PEcompact, I forgot the link but it also helps prevent decompilation and it compresses PE files way more than UPX can, and as for the resource enumeration, I figured it out already using trancexx's script I mentioned in my second post.

Ps~ The program I mentioned is a trial only, but the trial version works & produces the same result as the purchased version and if you use a virtual machine, you can have as many trials as you desire.

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