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OS Architecture Help


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hi Friends,

For past couple of weeks i am working on a project. That tool is only for Windows 7. But i have to meet the requirement like that should work for both 32 and 64 bit. I have completed most of my project work. But i need small help to make the project more efficient and simple.

What i mean is , currently in my project i am using XML files as a reference file in order to the tool work. Now problem is i have 2 XML files. Based on the OS Architecture the correct XML file will be called. Firs the ink let me tell what the XML will contain. The XML file contain the Application details.That means the XML will have the application name and Where the application will be available(like C:\program Files\). Now here the complication is in 32 bit the default installed application location will c:\program files, but in Windows 7 64 bit the default location will be as c:\program files(x86).... for these difference i am maintaing 2 different XML files.Now i am thinking to do it in different way..

Is there a way or help do we have? like if i run the tool....based upon the OS architecture the it should go and check the application in there respective location.

For Example,

If i run the tool on Windows 7 64 bit then the tool should automatically take application installed default location as "C:\program Files(x86)...How can we do that?

Any suggestions appreciated!

Thank you,Regards,[font="Garamond"][size="4"]K.Syed Ibrahim.[/size][/font]

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Look at Environment Variables as @ProgramFilesDir will install to C:\Program Files on Windows 7 x64.

Edited by guinness

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Updated: 22/04/2018

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question if i may

ConsoleWrite (EnvGet("PROGRAMFILES") & @CRLF) 
ConsoleWrite (EnvGet("PROGRAMFILES(X86)") & @CRLF)

returns this on win7 enterprise 64 bit

C:\Program Files (x86)

C:\Program Files (x86)

surely the the first one should have used the 32 bit allowed for 32 bit programs?

from the helpfile

Returns the requested variable (or a blank string if the variable does not exist)

And be just?

C:\Program Files

Or am i misunderstanding

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It depends how you compile your script. When you compile it as x86 and run it on a x64 OS you will get C:\Program Files (x86)

But if you compile it as x64 you will get C:\Program Files.

#AutoIt3Wrapper_UseX64=n ;change it to y to compile it as x64 (full SciTE package must be installed)

MsgBox(0, "Test", @ProgramFilesDir)



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%PROGRAMFILES% will be different if you run the x86 version of Autoit under x64 Windows

IF @OSArch = 'x86' Then
    ConsoleWrite(EnvGet("PROGRAMFILES") & @CRLF)
    ConsoleWrite(EnvGet("ProgramW6432") & @CRLF)
    ConsoleWrite(EnvGet("PROGRAMFILES(X86)") & @CRLF)

That returned

C:\Program Files

C:\Program Files (x86)

im sorry im not getting this so the x86 failed because im 64bit

6432 returned program files because??

programfiles x86 obviously exists cause im 64 bit

so why does 6432 return program files?

Edited by Chimaera
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im sorry im not getting this so the x86 failed because im 64bit

6432 returned program files because??

programfiles x86 obviously exists cause im 64 bit

so why does 6432 return program files?

The both extra variables ProgramW6432 and ProgramFiles(x86) exist in an x64 Windows,

so one can always easily get the programm files folder for 64Bit apps and the one for the 32Bit apps.

They point to the correct folder, no madder if you app is a native one or a WoW64 process.

The good old ProgramFiles will point the the folder depending on your app: x64 or x86.

Edited by JFX
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