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Automated regression testing with AutoIt


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I was looking for an Opensource tool with some COM support for regression testing, and a colleague pointed me here. I've read the FAQ, some docs, and some posts (some old ones) but I still have one basic question, so please bear with me.

I know I can automate button pushes, but can I use the tool to test the result of the button pushes? For example, say I have a form with 3 buttons, and depending on which buttons are pushed, I set the the background color or some text inside a text box. In this case, can I use AutoIt to check the text box results?


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This thread is suspiciously similar t a thread I've closed twice in the last couple days. I'm closing this thread as well.

To answer the question (That is absurdly simple to answer): The answer to "can AutoIt do..." is almost always "yes". End subject.

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