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Automatic Update script pausing......why?


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I have a separate script that is compiled to an executable that my AutoIT application calls via a ShellExecute command when the application is started. The called script is an update script that checks for a new version of the application on a network share. The script has been working well until recently. The update script keeps going into a paused state on some users machines and I am trying to figure out why. Here is the code for my script that checks for updates to my main application:

#Include <Misc.au3>
;Check if the network share is available
;Get the UpdatePath from the settings.ini file on users machine
$updatePath = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\settings.ini", "UPDATE PATH", "Path", "default")
;Set UpdateDirectory  equal to $UpdatePath
$updateDirectory = $UpdatePath
If FileExists("\\UpdateServer\updater\current_version\MyApp.exe") Then
;get file versions
$sVersion1 = $UpdatePath & "\MyApp.exe"
$sVersion2 = @ScriptDir & "/MyApp.exe"
;compare versions
$result = _VersionCompare(FileGetVersion($sVersion1), FileGetVersion($sVersion2))
;Msgbox(0,"", "Remote file is version: " & FileGetVersion($sVersion1) & " Local file is version: " &
;if local version is older than remote version
If $result = 1 Then
Msgbox(64,"Update Available!", "A new version of MyApp is available! It will be downloaded and installed now!")
;Kill MyApp process
;make sure update status is 0 by default
$updateStatus = 0
;Update MyApp Files
While Not $updateStatus = 1
$updateStatus = DirCopy($updateDirectory, @ScriptDir, 1)
Msgbox(64, "Update Complete!", "MyApp has been successfully updated!")
;relaunch MyApp
ShellExecute(@ScriptDir & "/MyApp.exe")
;Display the changelog
ShellExecute(@ScriptDir & "/changelog.txt")

I think this area of the code may be causing the script to pause, but it is not happening on all machines, only some.

;Update MyApp Files
While Not $updateStatus = 1
$updateStatus = DirCopy($updateDirectory, @ScriptDir, 1)

Also, all users have access to the network share. Any suggestions on ironing out this issue are much appreciated. Initially, I didn't have the while loop in there for the DirCopy, but before I added that some users were getting and infinite loop of the application saying there was a new version available.........like it was checking for a new version again before the DirCopy process had completed. Adding the while statement to the DirCopy bit of code eliminated that issue, but now this other issue with the script pausing has been introduced just in the last week.

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I think you need some more consistency on the forward slash and back slash.

Edit: Wow, that's crazy. So much for (apparently former) rules. Run() and ShellExecute() don't care if it's forward or back. I've never used anything but a backslash for a filepath, and forward slash for a web address...

Edited by Spiff59
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I think you need some more consistency on the forward slash and back slash.

Edit: Wow, that's crazy. So much for (apparently former) rules. Run() and ShellExecute() don't care if it's forward or back. I've never used anything but a backslash for a filepath, and forward slash for a web address...

Good catch. I'll definitely fix that. That is what happens when you work with multiple Operating systems. / is always used on Mac OS and Linux and \ in Windows. I'll fix that but that doesn't appear to be the issue causing the script to pause.

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ProcessWaitClose() might be a good addition to what you have.

And limiting the number of attempts for a DirCopy() with a delay built-in might be better:

#Include <Misc.au3>
$MyApp = "MyApp.exe"
;Get the UpdatePath from the settings.ini file on users machine
$updatePath = IniRead(@ScriptDir & "\settings.ini", "UPDATE PATH", "Path", "default")
$sPath1 = $UpdatePath & "\" & $MyApp
$sPath2 = @ScriptDir & "\" & $MyApp
;Check if the network share is available
If Not FileExists($sPath1) Then
MsgBox(17, "Error", "MyApp not found at:" & @CRLF & $sPath1)
;compare versions
$sVersion1 = FileGetVersion($sPath1)
$sVersion2 = FileGetVersion($sPath2)
$result = _VersionCompare($sVersion2, $sVersion1)
Msgbox(0,"", "Remote file is version: " & $sVersion1 & @CRLF & "Local file is version : " & $sVersion2)
;if local version is older than remote version
If $result = 1 Then
Msgbox(64,"Update Available!", "A new version of MyApp is available! It will be downloaded and installed now!")
;Kill local process
If Not ProcessWaitClose($MyApp, 3) Then
  Msgbox(17, "Update Failed!", "Unable to close local process")
For $x = 1 to 3
  If DirCopy($UpdatePath, @ScriptDir, 1) Then ExitLoop
If $x > 3 Then
  Msgbox(17, "Update Failed!", "Unable to copy files")
  Msgbox(64, "Update Complete!", "MyApp has been successfully updated!")
  ;relaunch MyApp
  ShellExecute(@ScriptDir & "\" & $MyApp)
  ;Display the changelog
  ShellExecute(@ScriptDir & "\changelog.txt")

Edit: Added a timeout loop and error message to the process kill step

Edited by Spiff59
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