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Comparing Directory Contents

Guest muke

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Here's a section of a directory backup script that runs on a scheduled task. I'm currently checking for the existence of a file in the backup dir to verify successful completion. Is there a way to compare the contents of the source and destination directories?



;Set Variables

SetEnv, BackUpPath, c:\\temp\\bak

SetEnv, WorkingPath, c:\\temp\\working

;Perform the copy.

FileCopy, %WorkingPath%\\*.*, %BackupPath%\\*.*

Sleep, 1000

;Check for the existence of a file in bak, if exists, continue. If not, display a message and exit.

IfNotExist, %BackupPath%\\zzz.txt, Goto, fileNotexist

Goto, fileexist1


; Script will go here if %BackupPath%\\zzz.txt DOES NOT exist.

SplashTextOn, 320, 120, Backup, Not All Files from '%WorkingPath%' were copied successfully. Exiting.

Sleep, 2000



;Check for the existence of a file in bak, if exists, continue.

IfExist, %BackupPath%\\zzz.txt, Goto, fileexist1



; Script will go here if %BackupPath%\\zzz.txt exists.

SplashTextOn, 300, 100, Backup, Copy Completed Successfully.

Sleep, 2000



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What about DOS?

xcopy32 c:\customer\*.* f:\backup\%1\ /s /m-

All all files from c:\customer directory (and its subdirectories) will be copied to f:\backup. %1 stands for the current date. /s /m triggers that only those files will be copied which have changed.

So there's no need to compare both directories about their content.

RunWait, %COMSPEC% /C xcopy32 <SourceDirectory>\\*.* <DestinationDirectory>\\%1\\ /s /m-


Google: daily backup xcopy

Edited by Beastmaster
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and a low priced wonderful program for that could be xxcopy

www.xxcopy.com it is great.

Also what about

dir /b /ogn (first folder)>file1.txt

dir /b /ogn (second folder)>file2.txt

and compare the two files?

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