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How to add only unique items to array


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G'day everyone

Let me first explain my situation. I have sentences like this:

The [[ANT]] told the [[BEE]] that the [[COW]] took the [[DOG]] for a walk.

After processing in the script, it must read:

The {0/} told the {1/} that the {2/} took the {3/} for a walk.

The text to change will always start and end with [[ and ]], and no other instances of [[ or ]] will ever occur in the input text, and the numbering should always start with 0 and be sequential.

The problem is that someones bracketed items occur more than once, so this input text:

The [[ANT]] told the [[BEE]] that the [[ANT]] and the [[COW]] took the [[DOG]] for a walk.

Should be output after processing as:

The {0/} told the {1/} that the {0/] and the {2/} took the {3/} for a walk.

Accomplishing the first one (i.e. no repeating items) should be simple (just add them to an array and use the items number in the array). However, is there a way to ensure that only the unique items are added to the array (or alternatively to delete repeating items in the array)?

I can think of really complex ways of accomplishing this, but is there a simple way to delete repeating items from an array so that only the first instance remains in the array?



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Hello Leuce,

Lookup _StringBetween() in your help file. It is perfect for your needs.

#include <String.au3>
#include <Array.au3>
$string = 'The [[ANT]] told the [[BEE]] that the [[COW]] took the [[DOG]] for a walk.'
Func _Main()
    Local $aArray1 = _StringBetween( $string, '[[', ']]')
    _ArrayDisplay($aArray1, 'Default Search')
EndFunc   ;==>_Main


Edit: I'm sorry I didn't read the last section of your post until after I had replied.

You could Use _ArrayUnique(), also in your help file, to return only unique variables.

Edit 2: Thought I'd include an example. Hope this is what your looking for.

#include <String.au3>
#include <Array.au3>
Global $string = 'The [[ANT]] told the [[BEE]] that the [[ANT]] and the [[COW]] took the [[DOG]] for a walk.'
Global $aArray1, $uniqueArray, $returnArray
Func _Main()
    Local $aArray1 = _StringBetween( $string, '[[', ']]' )
    _ArrayDisplay( $aArray1, 'Full Array' )
    $uniqueArray = _ArrayUnique( $aArray1 )
    _ArrayDisplay( $uniqueArray, 'Unique Array' )
    Dim $returnArray[UBound($uniqueArray)-1]
    ;Since you need the array returned zero base, One extra small step:
    For $i = 1 To UBound( $uniqueArray ) - 1
        $returnArray[$i-1] = $uniqueArray[$i]
    _ArrayDisplay( $returnArray, 'Zero Base Return array' )
EndFunc   ;==>_Main
Edited by Realm

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Lookup _StringBetween() in your help file. It is perfect for your needs. ...

You could Use _ArrayUnique(), also in your help file, to return only unique variables. ...

Edit 2: Thought I'd include an example. Hope this is what your looking for.

Thanks for the code snippet -- it saves me a lot of time (I understand the principles and I make extensive use of the help file, but it would have taken me 2 hours to get the code snipped right myself).

By the way: This script would be for a workaround when I translate stuff in a software localisation program. The source text would read something like "Unable to get SOME_CODE_HERE from SOME_MORE_CODE_HERE", but the poor human translator is expected to type "Unable to get {0/} from {1/}". My present non-scripted method is to simply use {0/} for all placeables and then afterwards fix the misnumbered ones manually, but if I can get a script to number them for me correctly, I could work a lot faster.

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This is my version of how to do the various replacements: :oops:

#include <Array.au3>

; Original text
$sText = "The [[ANT]] told the [[BEE]] that the [[COW]] took the [[DOG]] for a walk without the [[ANT]]."
ConsoleWrite($sText & @CRLF)

; Get an array of unique [[items]]
$aUnique_Items = _ArrayUnique(StringRegExp($sText, "(?U)\[\[(.*)\]\]", 3))

; Replace each item in turn using the array index as a value
For $i = 1 To $aUnique_Items[0]
    $sText = StringReplace($sText, "[[" & $aUnique_Items[$i] & "]]", "{" & $i - 1 & "/}")

; New text
ConsoleWrite($sText & @CRLF)

Does it do the trick for you? :D


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