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My script won't run app based on FileGetTime values


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I'm a newbie trying to write a script that launches an application we use on dozens of systems that creates a report on each system monthly and stores them in a folder. One report created once per month per system.

The script would be installed on every system, and I want it to check if there has already been a report generated for the current month -- if there is a report already for the current month, then exit the script, but if no report yet this month it should run the report-generating app.

Here's the steps I thought it should do:

Find all report files in the folder

Check the date modified timestamp on each file

If any of the files have date modified = current month and current year,

Then exit script

If none of the files have date modified = current month and current year,

Run the app that generates the reports

The script does find each file and retrieves date modified and does compare it to current time. If there's a file with the current month, it exits just fine. But, the other part doesn't work -- if no files are found with the current month, the script fails to launch the app.

I tested it on a folder that defiinitely did not contain any files with a current month timestamp, but still the script doesn't kick off the app. I also verified that the app is installed and in the right directory.

After days spent reading AutoIt help and various forum posts, here's the code that I came up with:

#Include <File.au3>
#Include <Array.au3>

Global $sReportsPath = "C:blahblahReports Folder"

$aReportFileList =_FileListToArray($sReportsPath, "*.XML", 1) ;Array of report files in the Results folder.
_ArrayDelete($aReportFileList, 0) ;Only want files, not count
_ArrayDisplay($aReportFileList,"Report files listed") ;FOR TESTING

For $sReportName In $aReportFileList
  Local $aModTime = FileGetTime($sReportsPath & "" & $sReportName)
  Local $yyyymm = $aModTime[0] & $aModTime[1] ;Get year and month of file
  If $yyyymm = @YEAR & @MON Then
    MsgBox(0, "Time compare true", "Same as this month: " & $yyyymm) ;FOR TESTING
    Exit ;Exit the Script because report has already been generated this month
    MsgBox(0, "Time compare false", "An earlier month: " & $yyyymm) ;FOR TESTING
    Run(path to the app that creates reports)

What am I doing wrong? I looked into using the FindFileFirstFile and FindFileNextFile but don't understand it, so instead wound up using these arrays.

Edited by jbiat
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If the _FileListToArray() finds no matches then $aReportFileList is not an array and your For/In loop will be bypassed.

Maybe just modify your compare to this and let it fall through and launch your app when the loop doesn't execute:

For $sReportName In $aReportFileList
  Local $aModTime = FileGetTime($sReportPath & "" & $sReportName)
  Local $yyyymm = $aModTime[0] & $aModTime[1] ;Get year and month of file
  If $yyyymm = @YEAR & @MON Then
    MsgBox(0, "Time compare true", "Same as this month: " & $yyyymm) ;FOR TESTING
    Exit ;Exit the Script because report has already been generated this month
MsgBox(0, "Time compare false", "An earlier month: " & $yyyymm) ;FOR TESTING
Run(path to the app that creates reports)

PS - Are you in control of creating these reports? It might make life easier to plug the date into the filename when the report is created, like "2011.11.Log.xml", rather than messing with system calls to read last-modified file dates that may or may not reflect the actual date the report was created.

Edit: And by the way... Welcome to the forum :D

Edited by Spiff59
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If the _FileListToArray() finds no matches then $aReportFileList is not an array and your For/In loop will be bypassed.

Maybe just modify your compare to this and let it fall through and launch your app when the loop doesn't execute:

PS - Are you in control of creating these reports? It might make life easier to plug the date into the filename when the report is created, like "2011.11.Log.xml", rather than messing with system calls to read last-modified file dates that may or may not reflect the actual date the report was created.

Edit: And by the way... Welcome to the forum :D

Thanks Spiff

What's weird is that _FileListToArray() *is* finding matches. And FileGetTime is getting the times of each file found.

You're right about plugging the date into the filename, in fact that's how we've got the reporting app set up. I think I could have the script check the filename, and that's actually my fallback plan. It's just that sometimes the reporting app fails to name the report file correctly, in which case the date might not be in the file name. So I was trying to come up with a more "failsafe" way of comparing dates than going by filename.

I'll keep working on it.

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