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start a test then use an autoit stopwatch to time taken


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I'm trying to open a program start it running time it with a stopwatch, pause on an event then wait for it to finish.

I can do the start to end no problem but what I want to be able to do is start the onscreen stopwatch like the "_TicksToTime.au3" in the help file, pause the stopwatch on a triger of another event say for example a window opening, then PRINTSCREEN close the stopwatch program and then the app that I was timing?

Can I add something to the code below to monitor an event such as a new window, or do I need different code


; *** Demo to show a timer window
#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
#include <Date.au3>
Opt("TrayIconDebug", 1)
Opt("MustDeclareVars", 1)
Global $timer, $Secs, $Mins, $Hour, $Time
Func _Main()
;Create GUI
GUICreate("Timer", 120, 50)
GUICtrlCreateLabel("00:00:00", 10, 10)
;Start timer
$timer = TimerInit()
AdlibRegister("Timer", 50)
While 1
  ;FileWriteLine("debug.log",@min & ":" & @sec & " ==> before")
  Switch GUIGetMsg()
  ;FileWriteLine("debug.log",@min & ":" & @sec & " ==> after")
EndFunc   ;==>_Main
Func Timer()
_TicksToTime(Int(TimerDiff($timer)), $Hour, $Mins, $Secs)
Local $sTime = $Time  ; save current time to be able to test and avoid flicker..
$Time = StringFormat("%02i:%02i:%02i", $Hour, $Mins, $Secs)
If $sTime <> $Time Then ControlSetText("Timer", "", "Static1", $Time)
EndFunc   ;==>Timer
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Somethings wrong:

The script hangs at line 72 - Endswitch

MouseClick ("left",61,243,1,20)
Winwait ("Encode Queue","Video:")
; *** Demo to show a timer window
#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>
#include <Date.au3>
Opt("TrayIconDebug", 1)
Opt("MustDeclareVars", 1)
Global $timer, $Secs, $Mins, $Hour, $Time
Func _Main()
;Create GUI
GUICreate("Timer", 240, 100)
GUICtrlCreateLabel("00:00:00", 20, 20)
;Start timer
$timer = TimerInit()
AdlibRegister("Timer", 50)
While 1
  ;FileWriteLine("debug.log",@min & ":" & @sec & " ==> before")
  Switch GUIGetMsg()
  ;FileWriteLine("debug.log",@min & ":" & @sec & " ==> after")
EndFunc   ;==>_Main
Func Timer()
_TicksToTime(Int(TimerDiff($timer)), $Hour, $Mins, $Secs)
Local $sTime = $Time  ; save current time to be able to test and avoid flicker..
$Time = StringFormat("%02i:%02i:%02i", $Hour, $Mins, $Secs)
If $sTime <> $Time Then ControlSetText("Timer", "", "Static1", $Time)
EndFunc   ;==>Timer

WinWaitActive ("Encode Queue","Video")
if not WinActive ("Encode Queue","Video") Then Send ("{PRINTSCREEN}")

I cant think of a way to pause the timer after the "visible" text has disappeared. So I thought maybe I could printscreen the timer on its own bot then I need ot stope the timer.

Any advice welcome to a beginner :)


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The script isn't hanging, it's just looping through the While...Wend loop.

If I posted any code, assume that code was written using the latest release version unless stated otherwise. Also, if it doesn't work on XP I can't help with that because I don't have access to XP, and I'm not going to.
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Thanks for that. I'm getting there in the end :)

So I'm getting towards the end of my script now but i was wondering if its possible to do teh following....

When the test runs the window title stays the same from start to end but the visible text changes. Is it possible to say something like wait for "this text" to appear in "this window" then when "this visibile" text disappears move to the next line?

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See WinGetText() and StringInStr(). Both are in the help file.

If StringInStr(WinGetText("Some Window", "Text to watch for")) Then
    ;;do whatever


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Thanks for the info, will give that a go.

I ended up having to use

While PixelGetColor(127, 243) = 0x90C161

Dim $text
If PixelGetColor(126,244) = 0x3D3D3D Then
$text = WinGetText("Timer", "")
SplashTextOn ( "Test Result", "Time to complete Handbrake Benchmark:"& $text,400,150,10,410,0,"",26,"")
WinWait ("Test Result")
if not WinActive ("Test Result") then WinActivate ("Test Result")
WinWaitActive ("Test Result")

Which is a little crude but works.

Will try your way later.


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See WinGetText() and StringInStr(). Both are in the help file.

If StringInStr(WinGetText("Some Window", "Text to watch for")) Then
    ;;do whatever

I've managed to try this and it works when its looking for the text but what do I need to change so that it runs and action when the text disappears?

If StringInStr(WinGetText("Benchmark",""),"Welcome to the benchmark") Then
MsgBox (64,"Success","It workds")

So now I want to write it so that when the "Welcome to the benchmark") disappears it runs the next action but I'm unsure what to use.

EDIT: Just to add.....the window title stays the visible text changes


Edited by st4vr0s
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I thought you wanted to run the next action when new text showed up in the window.

How many windows are going to be involved where you have a text change?


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