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Replace string in file


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I'm attempting to replace a string in an XML file, to make the date a past date. I'm able to do so, but there has got to be a better way. XML like:


<Exam TS="20100217091351" DS="DRWEBLAUNCH" Ext="1" ID="05IL66WM"/>

<Exam TS="20100217091352" DS="DRWEBLAUNCH" Ext="1" ID="05IL66WM"/>

<Exam TS="20100217091353" DS="DRWEBLAUNCH" Ext="1" ID="05IL66WM"/>

<Exam TS="20100217091354" DS="DRWEBLAUNCH" Ext="1" ID="05IL66WM"/>

<Exam TS="20100217091355" DS="DRWEBLAUNCH" Ext="1" ID="05IL66WM"/>

<Exam TS="20100217091356" DS="DRWEBLAUNCH" Ext="1" ID="05IL66WM"/>


The TS attribute is the data to change. Any ideas how to loop through and replace them, with say 20100216091351.

Currently, I'm doing a loop to look for TS, getting the date string, doing a replace, deleting the file, then creating with my new, replaced string.

$stest = FileRead ( "C:\DRS\Sys\Data\ExamTracker.xml" )

$iLength = StringLen ( $stest )
$iDateLen = 14
msgbox ( 4096, "FileGetTime", $stest )
For $i = 0 to $iLength
$i = StringInStr ( $stest,"TS",0,1,$i + 1)
If $i > 0 Then
$iStartText = $i + 4
$datetime = StringMid ( $stest, $iStartText, $iDateLen )
$done = StringReplace ( $stest, $datetime, $sNewString )
FileDelete ( "C:\DRS\Sys\Data\ExamTracker.xml" )
FileWrite ( "C:\DRS\Sys\Data\ExamTracker.xml", $done )
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Maybe _ReplaceStringInFile might help? Not sure if that is what you're looking for but might be of service.

If I posted any code, assume that code was written using the latest release version unless stated otherwise. Also, if it doesn't work on XP I can't help with that because I don't have access to XP, and I'm not going to.
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Or a StringRepExp(). Heres a small sample:

$sTest = '<Exam TS="20100217091352" DS="DRWEBLAUNCH" Ext="1" ID="05IL66WM"/>' & @LF & _
         '<Exam TS="20100217091353" DS="DRWEBLAUNCH" Ext="1" ID="05IL66WM"/>'

$sTest = StringRegExpReplace($sTest, 'Exam\h\TS\="(\d+)', 'Exam TS="' & 20100216091351)
MsgBox(0,'', $sTest)
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