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SciTE code snippets broken

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Hello, seriously does anybody use this? I just wanted to try it and it is really broken! It crashes with variable not declared whenever I click into menu and the code snipper I saved into it cannot be put into SciTE because "please select the snippet" even when I have it selected! I use SciTE 2.28

What do you big developers use for AutoIt coding? I am more and more suspicious that it is not SciTE after all those problems I discovered with it.

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So we got a second person today with just complaints about the stuff delivered with the SciTE4AutoIt3 installer.

What about you looking at the code that comes with it and propose a fix to the OP or me instead of going overboard and blaming SciTE for it?

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I am sorry but I just don't understand how this could be even published, so that is why I ask if it is not just some stupid mistake which I may have done with the installation or downloading of wrong files... Functions that do not work at all should not be in the official code IMHO...

And who should I blame if not SciTE? When I have time I may look into it, but right now I have too much to do at work and I guess I will not use code snippets to assist me :-]

Edited by LoWang
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Please don't bother a Dev (e.g. GaryFrost) with trivial matters, when you've already caught the attention of the SciTE4AutoIt3 maintainer itself, they're busy as it is. Secondly, what would downloading a new version from the official SciTE website achieve for fixing the problem you have with a third party tool, they're totally unrelated. Thirdly, why not pay a little more attention to Jos' signature and what he's saying, plus Jos has already uploaded a beta release of SciTE here >> http://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3/scite/download/beta_SciTE4AutoIt3/SciTE-3.04/ though again this won't solve your problem as it's a third party tool.

What I would have done was re-phrased the question/problem in a less aggressive tone and perhaps done a little bit more research before posting, because as you can see from here >> Beege created an updated version of the Snippet Holder program to work on x64.

Also I and many others aren't lying when we say that we use SciTE4AutoIt3, the Snippet Holder tool has problem on x64 (which I presume you have) so this doesn't mean everything else is broken in the package.

Functions that do not work at all should not be in the official code IMHO...

I take it you're not a developer from this comment nor have you released an application to the public domain. What you have to understand is that when you create an application you test it extensively on your own system day in day out. Then you try to test on other operating systems you can get your hands on e.g. XP but more often than not you rely on others to report problems to you. It would be difficult to plan well in advance all the different types of operating system setups that are out there, because most have their OS setup differently to yours.

I can only presume this was the case with cSnippet, it was probably tested on x86 extensively, but not much testing was done on x64 due to the year when it was created 2007. Therefore this is where users like yourself & I report a problem to the developer to then look into the problem.

I've said it before and I'll say it again, thanks to Jos and the team for creating such a wonderful package to accompany AutoIt.

Edited by guinness

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Updated: 22/04/2018

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And who should I blame if not SciTE?


I am not going to spent any more time on you as you clearly didn't do that either with the SciTE4AutoIt3 package.

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I am sorry guys but I don't really get it. Jos asks me why don't I propose a fix to OP or to him... sorry I am not good at acronyms - who is OP? When I want to be active and contact GaryFrost then Guinness tells me not to bother, so what should I do? :-) Sorry Jos if you took my first post personally, I did not notice your name on the scite4Autoit homepage. I checked the file properties of cSnippet and found out it is GaryFrost...I did not realize I should write rather directly to you, but I really thought there must be a mistake or misunderstanding on my side since we have 64bit systems for so many years and really nobody cared to report this problem yet? That seems really strange to me and that is why I rather directly post to forums instead of trying to get some names to bother them directly (and wait for who knows how long until somebody responds...). Is this a bad approach? Seems it is... I apologize for my tone as I have not much experience with public domain publishing yet. Beegee created Snipster in 2011, so this means people using x64 Windows probably did not use code snippets at all since for 4years I guess... I am not on the forums that much if I am not looking for some problem solution so I may have missed all those unofficial releases if there were some.

And yes of course I know SciTE 3.04 would not fix the cSnippet x64 problem, but nobody answered my question if it is possible to install it over my current SciTE and have it working. But in this case I guess I can just grab Jos's beta package right?

OK now I am being responsible and I am posting to your poll Jos so you don't need to be bothered by more people complaining about not working tools in your otherwise nice package :oops:

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