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I did this small GUI for my own use for WinRAR, When I go to run it, the script errors out, no matter what I try, what am I doing wrong? Script is attached. This is uses a command line in the script.


#include <GUIConstantsEx.au3>

Opt('MustDeclareVars', 1)

Global $Program = 'C:Program FilesWinRAR'

Dim $msg, $fsf

Dim $guiHandle = GUICreate("RAR", 200, 135)

GUICtrlCreateLabel('Name of RAR:' , 5, 5, 190)

Dim $Name = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 5, 20, 165)

GUICtrlCreateLabel('Archive File:' , 5, 50, 190)

Dim $Arc = GUICtrlCreateInput("", 5, 65, 165)

Dim $Folder = GUICtrlCreateButton( '...', 170, 65, 25, 22)

Dim $rarbutton = GUICtrlCreateButton("Run RAR", 5, 108, 75)

Dim $exitbutton = GUICtrlCreateButton("Exit", 120, 108, 75)

GUISetState(@SW_SHOW, $guiHandle )

While 1

$msg = GUIGetMsg($guiHandle )


Case $msg == $GUI_EVENT_CLOSE Or $msg = $exitbutton


Case $msg == $Folder

$fsf = FileSelectFolder('Choose Folder to Archive','')

If Not @error Then GUICtrlSetData($Arc, $fsf)

Case $msg == $rarbutton

RunWait($Program & 'Rar.exe a -av -m5 -o+ -r -sfx' & GUICtrlRead($Name) & '.rar' & '' & GUICtrlRead($Arc)

Case Default




Edited by SWB
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You are missing the right terminater for the RunWait function.

RunWait($Program & 'Rar.exe a -av -m5 -o+ -r -sfx' & GUICtrlRead($Name) & '.rar ' & '' & GUICtrlRead($Arc))

In Scite if you are missing the terminator character the brace just after the function name will be green when the text caret is either side of it, when you have wrapped the function parameters properly both braces will be blue when the text caret is either side of them.

(Colors used are the default)

Also since this is Rar.exe's commandline you might benefit from wrapping any of the file name or file paths (yes including rar.exe) with double quotes to compensate for file paths that contain spaces.


Edited by Mobius


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You are missing the right terminater for the RunWait function.

RunWait($Program & 'Rar.exe a -av -m5 -o+ -r -sfx' & GUICtrlRead($Name) & '.rar ' & '' & GUICtrlRead($Arc))

In Scite if you are missing the terminator character the brace just after the function name will be green when the text caret is either side of it, when you have wrapped the function parameters properly both braces will be blue when the text caret is either side of them.

(Colors used are the default)

Also since this is Rar.exe's commandline you might benefit from wrapping any of the file name or file paths (yes including rar.exe) with double quotes to compensate for file paths that contain spaces.


The GUI opens the RAR CMD window but it just sits there and does nothing, blinking cursor.


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