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ProgressBar set up.

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I have a programm with an ie navigator. I am trying to add a progress bar to it but i can't. Only thing i managed is adding a fake progress bar with some sleep seconds between the progress change of the progress bar.

Is it able to make it read the IE progress and work according with it???

Thanks in advance.

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;) Wish to track IE progress-bar? I suggest using AU3Info tool to get the classname and instance of progress-bar (it is this for my case:)

Class: msctls_progress32

Instance: 1

ClassnameNN: msctls_progress321


Advanced (Class): [CLASS:msctls_progress32; INSTANCE:1]

ID: 1


Position: 1107, 825

Then you could use GuiCtrlRead() and ControlGetHandle() to solve your problem...

The progress bar isn't visible by default, you will have to load a page and then use AU3Info tool on it.

Edited by MKISH


:bye: Hey there, was I helpful?


My Current OS: Win8 PRO (64-bit); Current AutoIt Version: v3.3.8.1

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GUICtrlRead() can't be used to read data from controls in external applications.

There are ways to do it but they are not good. Is there another way to make it work base on script and not on Progressbar of the IE?

I feel nothing.It feels great.

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If you want to get position of progressbar in external application then you can do it like this

#include <ProgressConstants.au3>
#include <SendMessage.au3>

$hProgress = ControlGetHandle(...)
_SendMessage($hProgress, $PBM_GETPOS, 0, 0)



Edited by Zedna
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