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Capturing outgoing packet, changing it a bit and sending forward

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I wanted to start working on a small script which will scan the chosen process and capture every outgoing packet in that process (or on specified port) which contains "74 65 73 74" (hex 'test').

Then it will automatically change the "74 65 73 74" in that packet to "54 45 53 54" (hex 'TEST').

It's just an example. Do I need to inject the Windows Socket 2.0 DLL (ws2_32.dll) and call it functions somehow with DLLCall()?

Process -> Script [modifying packet] -> Server

I found that somewhere on the forums, and that's all what I got for now. I don't know where to start :P

Func SendData()
$v_Data= "54455354" ;TEST
$v_Buffer = DllStructCreate("byte[4]")

For $n = 1 to 4
$val = StringMid($v_Data,1+($n-1)*2,2)

And this for injecting the DLL:

#include '_DLLInjection.au3'

Local $sProcess,$iProcessID,$sDLLToInject,$hInjectedDLL,$bLoadedProc=False
If $iProcessID Then
If $iProcessID=0 Then Exit
Local $hProcess=_ProcessOpen($iProcessID,$PROCESS_QUERY_LIMITED_INFO)
; Wait for the process to 'settle'
MsgBox(0,"Ready!","Ready to inject! ('"&$sDLLToInject&"')")
If @error Then Exit MsgBox(0,"DLL Injection Failed","Injection failed, Return: "&$hInjectedDLL&"@error="&@error&", @extended="&@extended)

Any help will be greatly appreciated! :)

Edit: I can use something like that:

If StringInStr($packet,Hex('test')) Then
Local $mod_packet = StringReplace($packet,Hex('test'),Hex('TEST'))
;and here the function to send that packet forward

WSASend function? (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms742203(v=vs.85).aspx)

PacketX? ARP Packet? ()

Edited by VixinG


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I got this so far:

#include <Winpcap.au3>
#include <Array.au3>

Global $pcap, $AdapterName = 0
Global $iScan = 0
Global $iAlive = 0
Global $aData, $mData
Dim $aIPSendArray[2] = [1, 0]
Dim $aAliveHosts[1] = [0]
Global $sProcess,$iProcessID
$winpcap = _PcapSetup()
If ($winpcap = -1) Then
$pcap_devices = _PcapGetDeviceList()
If ($pcap_devices = -1) Then
$sIPReso = ''
For $i = 0 To UBound($pcap_devices) - 1
If $pcap_devices[$i][7] = $sIPReso Then
$AdapterName = $pcap_devices[$i][7]
If $AdapterName = 0 Then Exit
If $iProcessID Then
$pcap = _PcapStartCapture($AdapterName,"tcp")
While 1
$packet = _PcapGetPacket($pcap)
If IsArray($packet) Then
$aData = StringTrimLeft($packet[3],2)
If StringInStr($aData,Hex('test')) Then
$mData = StringReplace($aData,Hex('test'),Hex('TEST'))

Can you help me a little? I'm missing functions to block the outgoing packet with "test" and sending stuff...

And btw this script doesn't work. I don't know why. It should monitor packets and it's not.

I do that for educational purposes only and I don't know where to look for help :|

Edited by VixinG


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Sorry for bumping again, but if anyone knows how to help me with it...

I'm not really good in all this packet stuff, so I don't have a clue how to do that / how it should function step by step.

C'mon :(


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And wait 24 hours before bumping.

[font="helvetica, arial, sans-serif"]Hobby graphics artist, using gimp.Automating pc stuff, using AutoIt.Listening to music, using Grooveshark.[/font]Scripts:[spoiler]Simple ScreenshotSaves you alot of trouble when taking a screenshot!Don't remember what happened with this, but aperantly the exe is all i got.If you don't want to run it, simply don't._IsRun UDFIt figures out if the script has ben ran before based on the info in a ini file.If you don't want to use exactly what i wrote, you can use it as inspiration.[/spoiler]

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And wait 24 hours before bumping.

That's why I said I'm sorry for bumping :D

I will wait next time I swear.


You may find a more responsive audience by explaining exactly what you are doing and why you are doing it.


Of course, kylomas. I'm explaining.

What: I want to capture an outgoing packet which contains eg. 70 0C 2B A1, modify it to eg. 22 4A 1C 08 and send forward.

Why: I want to learn how to write something like that. It can be helpful, like everything else what I found here on forums. I very appreciate everyone's work and I study every interesting source code. It's all for education. I'm not ready yet to learn any 'serious' language like C++/C#, and I like AutoIt and I would like to learn as much as I can. I'm not lying now. I want to achieve something. I want to know at least one programming language and I choose this.


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I understand your desire to learn and appreciate that English is not your native language so your "WHY" expanation may be losing somehting in translation. However, your "WHAT" is very specific and I cannot think of a non-malicious reason to do something like this.

If this is my misunderstanding then I apologize and Good Luck...


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I understand your desire to learn and appreciate that English is not your native language so your "WHY" expanation may be losing somehting in translation. However, your "WHAT" is very specific and I cannot think of a non-malicious reason to do something like this.

If this is my misunderstanding then I apologize and Good Luck...


Thanks for reply. I can see I won't get any help here about that, so I will just leave it and start doing something other :P


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