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UltraVNC Server .Automated Installer

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Hi, I am new to scripting and I now fill the role of IT coordinator in my business and want to install UltraVNC on all client PCs so I can administer them remotely.

I have attempted to create a script that will run the UVNC installer (Server silent) but have been unsuccessful in even getting past the first screen.

I have mapped out what I think needs to happen but I need someone to tell me where I have gone wrong.

Please note that I want to use the installer supplied by UltraVNC, rather than just pulling files out of an existing install and pushing them to the client and modifying registry as has been suggested in other forum posts I have found on the topic.

My reasoning for this is twofold,

1 - I want to make it as clean as possible for when someone takes over the role after me

2 - The application can easily be uninstalled at a later date if there are issues.

The UltraVNC installer files can be found here:

Inno Setup installer 10962 x86 - http://www.uvnc.com/component/jdownloads/summary/4/44.html

Inno setup installer 10962 X64 - http://www.uvnc.com/component/jdownloads/summary/4/45.html (Iam only looking at the x64 in the script for now)

My script has been attached.

If someone could have a look and let me know, I would be very grateful. :)




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Documentation says you can run Server installer with command line switches... http://www.uvnc.com/docs/uvnc-server.html

Automate Installation

If you need to install UltraVNC on a large number of computers, you might consider automating the installation.

The following command line parameters can be passed to the setup:


Sets installation directory to Dirname.

/no restart

Suppresses a reboot at the end of the installation.

Not required since the installation no longer requires are boot.

/silent or /very silent

Suppresses either pop-up of dialog boxes or any GUI at all.


Loads the configuration file Filenamefor the installation.

This configuration file can be generated by going through setup with UltraVNC-xxxx-Setup.exe /saveinf="Filename".

Filename should be fully qualified.


Writes a log file to the Temp directory.

Could be used for debugging.

This combined with pstools "psexec" and you should be good to go

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here is my script, it downloads uvnc from external source and install it.

Func _uVnc()
If ProcessExists("winvnc.exe") Then
TraySetToolTip("Vnc is allready running on this machine...")
_DebugOut("Vnc is allready running on this machine..." & @CRLF)
Local $uinstal = MsgBox(1, "Uninstall uVNC?", "Would you like to uninstall uVnc?")
If $uinstal Then
ShellExecuteWait("unins000.exe", " /SILENT", @ProgramFilesDir & "UltraVNC", "open")
TraySetToolTip("Datornamn: " & @ComputerName & @CRLF & "IPAdress: " & @IPAddress1 & @CRLF)
_DebugOut("Uninstall of uVnc canceled..." & @CRLF)
Return 0
Local $lang = _Language()
DirCreate(@WindowsDir & "Charge")
FileWrite(@WindowsDir & "ChargeuVnc.inf", "[Setup]" & @CRLF)
IniWrite(@WindowsDir & "ChargeuVnc.inf", "Setup", "Lang", _Language())
IniWrite(@WindowsDir & "ChargeuVnc.inf", "Setup", "Dir", @ProgramFilesDir & "UltraVNC")
IniWrite(@WindowsDir & "ChargeuVnc.inf", "Setup", "Group", "")
IniWrite(@WindowsDir & "ChargeuVnc.inf", "Setup", "NoIcons", "0")
IniWrite(@WindowsDir & "ChargeuVnc.inf", "Setup", "SetupType", "full")
IniWrite(@WindowsDir & "ChargeuVnc.inf", "Setup", "Components", "ultravnc_server,ultravnc_viewer")
IniWrite(@WindowsDir & "ChargeuVnc.inf", "Setup", "Tasks", "installservice")
FileClose(@WindowsDir & "ChargeuVnc.inf")
DirRemove(@WindowsDir & "Chargedriver", 1)
FileInstall("iconsbackground.bmp", @ProgramFilesDir & "UltraVNCbackground.bmp", 1)
If @OSArch = "X86" Then
TraySetToolTip("Datornamn: " & @ComputerName & @CRLF & "IPAdress: " & @IPAddress1 & @CRLF & "Downloading drivers.zip.")
_DebugOut("Downloading drivers.zip....")
Local $dwnload = InetGet("https:/a.b.c/pr/charge/drivers.zip", @WindowsDir & "Chargedrivers.zip", 1, 1)
; _DebugOut(".")
Until InetGetInfo($dwnload, 2)
Local $aData = InetGetInfo($dwnload)
_DebugOut("Bytes read: " & $aData[0] & @CRLF & _
"Size: " & $aData[1] & @CRLF & _
"Complete?: " & $aData[2] & @CRLF & _
"Successful?: " & $aData[3] & @CRLF & _
"@error: " & $aData[4] & @CRLF & _
"@extended: " & $aData[5] & @CRLF)
If $aData[4] Then
TraySetToolTip("Datornamn: " & @ComputerName & @CRLF & "IPAdress: " & @IPAddress1 & @CRLF & "Failed download drivers.zip.")
_DebugOut("Failed download drivers.zip...")
Return 0
TraySetToolTip("Datornamn: " & @ComputerName & @CRLF & "IPAdress: " & @IPAddress1 & @CRLF & "Unzipping drivers.zip.")
_DebugOut("Unzipping drivers.zip....")
_Zip_UnzipAll(@WindowsDir & "Chargedrivers.zip", @WindowsDir & "Charge", 0)
TraySetToolTip("Datornamn: " & @ComputerName & @CRLF & "IPAdress: " & @IPAddress1 & @CRLF & "Downloading uVnc.")
_DebugOut("Downloading uVnc....")
Local $dwnload = InetGet("https://a.b.c/UltraVNC_1.", @WindowsDir & "ChargeUltraVNC_1.", 1, 1)
Until InetGetInfo($dwnload, 2)
Local $aData = InetGetInfo($dwnload)
_DebugOut("Done downloading uVnc....")
_DebugOut("Bytes read: " & $aData[0])
_DebugOut("Size: " & $aData[1])
_DebugOut("Complete?: " & $aData[2])
_DebugOut("Successful?: " & $aData[3])
_DebugOut("@error: " & $aData[4])
_DebugOut("@extended: " & $aData[5])
If $aData[4] Then
TraySetToolTip("Datornamn: " & @ComputerName & @CRLF & "IPAdress: " & @IPAddress1 & @CRLF & "Failed download uVnc...")
_DebugOut("Failed download uVnc...")
Return 0
_DebugOut("Starting installation...")
ShellExecuteWait("UltraVNC_1.", " /silent /loadinf=uVnc.inf", @WindowsDir & "Charge", "open")
_DebugOut("Starting installation of mirror driver...")
ShellExecuteWait("setupdrv.exe", " installs", @WindowsDir & "Chargedriverxp", "open")
While ProcessExists("winvnc.exe")
Local $proc1 = ProcessExists("winvnc.exe")
_DebugOut("Finalizeing uVnc settings...")
_DebugOut("Starting uVnc services...")
Local $startvnc = ShellExecuteWait("winvnc.exe", " -startservice", @ProgramFilesDir & "UltraVNC", "open")
If @error Then
_DebugOut("Couldent start uVnc service error: " & @error)
_DebugOut("uVnc service started..")
ElseIf @OSArch = "X64" Then
TraySetToolTip("Datornamn: " & @ComputerName & @CRLF & "IPAdress: " & @IPAddress1 & @CRLF & "Downloading drivers.zip.")
_DebugOut("Downloading drivers.zip....")
Local $dwnload = InetGet("https://a.b.c/drivers.zip", @WindowsDir & "Chargedrivers.zip", 1, 1)
Until InetGetInfo($dwnload, 2)
Local $aData = InetGetInfo($dwnload)
_DebugOut("Bytes read: " & $aData[0] & @CRLF & _
"Size: " & $aData[1] & @CRLF & _
"Complete?: " & $aData[2] & @CRLF & _
"Successful?: " & $aData[3] & @CRLF & _
"@error: " & $aData[4] & @CRLF & _
"@extended: " & $aData[5] & @CRLF)
If $aData[4] Then
TraySetToolTip("Datornamn: " & @ComputerName & @CRLF & "IPAdress: " & @IPAddress1 & @CRLF & "Failed download drivers.zip.")
_DebugOut("Failed download drivers.zip...")
Return 0
TraySetToolTip("Datornamn: " & @ComputerName & @CRLF & "IPAdress: " & @IPAddress1 & @CRLF & "Unzipping drivers.zip.")
_DebugOut("Unzipping drivers.zip....")
_Zip_UnzipAll(@WindowsDir & "Chargedrivers.zip", @WindowsDir & "Charge", 0)
TraySetToolTip("Datornamn: " & @ComputerName & @CRLF & "IPAdress: " & @IPAddress1 & @CRLF & "Downloading uVnc.")
_DebugOut("Downloading uVnc....")
Local $dwnload = InetGet("https://a.b.c//UltraVNC_1. ", @WindowsDir & "ChargeUltraVNC_1.", 1, 1)
Until InetGetInfo($dwnload, 2)
Local $aData = InetGetInfo($dwnload)
_DebugOut("Done downloading uVnc....")
_DebugOut("Bytes read: " & $aData[0])
_DebugOut("Size: " & $aData[1])
_DebugOut("Complete?: " & $aData[2])
_DebugOut("Successful?: " & $aData[3])
_DebugOut("@error: " & $aData[4])
_DebugOut("@extended: " & $aData[5])
If $aData[4] Then
TraySetToolTip("Datornamn: " & @ComputerName & @CRLF & "IPAdress: " & @IPAddress1 & @CRLF & "Failed download uVnc...")
_DebugOut("Failed download uVnc...")
Return 0
_DebugOut("Starting installation...")
ShellExecuteWait("UltraVNC_1.", " /silent /loadinf=uVnc.inf", @WindowsDir & "Charge", "open")
_DebugOut("Starting installation of mirror driver...")
ShellExecuteWait("setupdrv.exe", " installs", @WindowsDir & "Chargedriverxp", "open")
While ProcessExists("winvnc.exe")
Local $proc1 = ProcessExists("winvnc.exe")
_DebugOut("Finalizeing uVnc settings...")
_DebugOut("Starting uVnc services...")
Local $startvnc = ShellExecuteWait("winvnc.exe", " -startservice", @ProgramFilesDir & "UltraVNC", "open")
If @error Then
_DebugOut("Couldent start uVnc service error: " & @error)
_DebugOut("uVnc service started..")
_DebugOut("uVnc not supported on " & @OSArch & @CRLF)
EndFunc ;==>_uVnc

here are the settings

Func _uVnc_settings()
DirCreate(@ProgramFilesDir & "UltraVNC")
FileDelete(@ProgramFilesDir & "UltraVNCultravnc.ini")
FileInstall("rc4.key", @ProgramFilesDir & "UltraVNCrc4.key", 1)
FileInstall("MSRC4Plugin_for_sc.dsm", @ProgramFilesDir & "UltraVNCMSRC4Plugin_for_sc.dsm", 1)
FileWrite(@ProgramFilesDir & "UltraVNCultravnc.ini", "[admin]" & @CRLF)
IniWrite(@ProgramFilesDir & "UltraVNCultravnc.ini", "admin", "UseRegistry", "0")
IniWrite(@ProgramFilesDir & "UltraVNCultravnc.ini", "admin", "MSLogonRequired", "0")
IniWrite(@ProgramFilesDir & "UltraVNCultravnc.ini", "admin", "NewMSLogon", "0")
IniWrite(@ProgramFilesDir & "UltraVNCultravnc.ini", "admin", "DebugMode", "0")
IniWrite(@ProgramFilesDir & "UltraVNCultravnc.ini", "admin", "Avilog", "0")
IniWrite(@ProgramFilesDir & "UltraVNCultravnc.ini", "admin", "path", @ProgramFilesDir & "UltraVNC")
IniWrite(@ProgramFilesDir & "UltraVNCultravnc.ini", "admin", "kickrdp", "0")
IniWrite(@ProgramFilesDir & "UltraVNCultravnc.ini", "admin", "service_commandline", "")
IniWrite(@ProgramFilesDir & "UltraVNCultravnc.ini", "admin", "DebugLevel", "8")
IniWrite(@ProgramFilesDir & "UltraVNCultravnc.ini", "admin", "DisableTrayIcon", "1")
IniWrite(@ProgramFilesDir & "UltraVNCultravnc.ini", "admin", "LoopbackOnly", "0")
IniWrite(@ProgramFilesDir & "UltraVNCultravnc.ini", "admin", "UseDSMPlugin", "1")
IniWrite(@ProgramFilesDir & "UltraVNCultravnc.ini", "admin", "AllowLoopback", "0")
IniWrite(@ProgramFilesDir & "UltraVNCultravnc.ini", "admin", "AuthRequired", "1")
IniWrite(@ProgramFilesDir & "UltraVNCultravnc.ini", "admin", "ConnectPriority", "1")
IniWrite(@ProgramFilesDir & "UltraVNCultravnc.ini", "admin", "DSMPlugin", "MSRC4Plugin_for_sc.dsm")
IniWrite(@ProgramFilesDir & "UltraVNCultravnc.ini", "admin", "AuthHosts", "")
IniWrite(@ProgramFilesDir & "UltraVNCultravnc.ini", "admin", "AllowShutdown", "1")
IniWrite(@ProgramFilesDir & "UltraVNCultravnc.ini", "admin", "AllowProperties", "0")
IniWrite(@ProgramFilesDir & "UltraVNCultravnc.ini", "admin", "AllowEditClients", "0")
IniWrite(@ProgramFilesDir & "UltraVNCultravnc.ini", "admin", "FileTransferEnabled", "1")
IniWrite(@ProgramFilesDir & "UltraVNCultravnc.ini", "admin", "FTUserImpersonation", "1")
IniWrite(@ProgramFilesDir & "UltraVNCultravnc.ini", "admin", "BlankMonitorEnabled", "1")
IniWrite(@ProgramFilesDir & "UltraVNCultravnc.ini", "admin", "BlankInputsOnly", "0")
IniWrite(@ProgramFilesDir & "UltraVNCultravnc.ini", "admin", "DefaultScale", "1")
IniWrite(@ProgramFilesDir & "UltraVNCultravnc.ini", "admin", "CaptureAlphaBlending", "0")
IniWrite(@ProgramFilesDir & "UltraVNCultravnc.ini", "admin", "BlackAlphaBlending", "1")
IniWrite(@ProgramFilesDir & "UltraVNCultravnc.ini", "admin", "SocketConnect", "1")
IniWrite(@ProgramFilesDir & "UltraVNCultravnc.ini", "admin", "HTTPConnect", "1")
IniWrite(@ProgramFilesDir & "UltraVNCultravnc.ini", "admin", "XDMCPConnect", "0")
IniWrite(@ProgramFilesDir & "UltraVNCultravnc.ini", "admin", "AutoPortSelect", "1")
IniWrite(@ProgramFilesDir & "UltraVNCultravnc.ini", "admin", "PortNumber", "0")
IniWrite(@ProgramFilesDir & "UltraVNCultravnc.ini", "admin", "HTTPPortNumber", "0")
IniWrite(@ProgramFilesDir & "UltraVNCultravnc.ini", "admin", "IdleTimeout", "0")
IniWrite(@ProgramFilesDir & "UltraVNCultravnc.ini", "admin", "RemoveWallpaper", "1")
IniWrite(@ProgramFilesDir & "UltraVNCultravnc.ini", "admin", "RemoveAero", "1")
IniWrite(@ProgramFilesDir & "UltraVNCultravnc.ini", "admin", "QuerySetting", "2")
IniWrite(@ProgramFilesDir & "UltraVNCultravnc.ini", "admin", "QueryTimeout", "0")
IniWrite(@ProgramFilesDir & "UltraVNCultravnc.ini", "admin", "QueryAccept", "1")
IniWrite(@ProgramFilesDir & "UltraVNCultravnc.ini", "admin", "QueryIfNoLogon", "0")
IniWrite(@ProgramFilesDir & "UltraVNCultravnc.ini", "admin", "primary", "1")
IniWrite(@ProgramFilesDir & "UltraVNCultravnc.ini", "admin", "secondary", "1")
IniWrite(@ProgramFilesDir & "UltraVNCultravnc.ini", "admin", "InputsEnabled", "1")
IniWrite(@ProgramFilesDir & "UltraVNCultravnc.ini", "admin", "LockSetting", "0")
IniWrite(@ProgramFilesDir & "UltraVNCultravnc.ini", "admin", "LocalInputsDisabled", "0")
IniWrite(@ProgramFilesDir & "UltraVNCultravnc.ini", "admin", "EnableJapInput", "0")
IniWrite(@ProgramFilesDir & "UltraVNCultravnc.ini", "admin", "FileTransferTimeout", "30")
IniWrite(@ProgramFilesDir & "UltraVNCultravnc.ini", "admin", "DSMPluginConfig", "")
IniWrite(@ProgramFilesDir & "UltraVNCultravnc.ini", "admin", "clearconsole", "0")
IniWrite(@ProgramFilesDir & "UltraVNCultravnc.ini", "admin", "RemoveEffects", "0")
IniWrite(@ProgramFilesDir & "UltraVNCultravnc.ini", "admin", "RemoveFontSmoothing", "0")
IniWrite(@ProgramFilesDir & "UltraVNCultravnc.ini", "admin", "KeepAliveInterval", "5")
IniWrite(@ProgramFilesDir & "UltraVNCultravnc.ini", "admin", "SocketKeepAliveTimeout", "10000")
FileWrite(@ProgramFilesDir & "UltraVNCultravnc.ini", "[ultravnc]" & @CRLF)
IniWrite(@ProgramFilesDir & "UltraVNCultravnc.ini", "ultravnc", "passwd", "somepassword")
IniWrite(@ProgramFilesDir & "UltraVNCultravnc.ini", "ultravnc", "passwd2", "somepassword")
FileWrite(@ProgramFilesDir & "UltraVNCultravnc.ini", "[poll]" & @CRLF)
IniWrite(@ProgramFilesDir & "UltraVNCultravnc.ini", "poll", "TurboMode", "1")
IniWrite(@ProgramFilesDir & "UltraVNCultravnc.ini", "poll", "PollUnderCursor", "1")
IniWrite(@ProgramFilesDir & "UltraVNCultravnc.ini", "poll", "PollForeground", "1")
IniWrite(@ProgramFilesDir & "UltraVNCultravnc.ini", "poll", "PollFullScreen", "1")
IniWrite(@ProgramFilesDir & "UltraVNCultravnc.ini", "poll", "OnlyPollConsole", "0")
IniWrite(@ProgramFilesDir & "UltraVNCultravnc.ini", "poll", "OnlyPollOnEvent", "0")
IniWrite(@ProgramFilesDir & "UltraVNCultravnc.ini", "poll", "EnableDriver", "1")
IniWrite(@ProgramFilesDir & "UltraVNCultravnc.ini", "poll", "EnableHook", "1")
IniWrite(@ProgramFilesDir & "UltraVNCultravnc.ini", "poll", "EnableVirtual", "0")
IniWrite(@ProgramFilesDir & "UltraVNCultravnc.ini", "poll", "SingleWindow", "0")
IniWrite(@ProgramFilesDir & "UltraVNCultravnc.ini", "poll", "SingleWindowName", "")
IniWrite(@ProgramFilesDir & "UltraVNCultravnc.ini", "poll", "MaxCpu", "40")
FileWrite(@ProgramFilesDir & "UltraVNCultravnc.ini", "[Permissions]" & @CRLF)
FileWrite(@ProgramFilesDir & "UltraVNCultravnc.ini", "[admin_auth]" & @CRLF)
IniWrite(@ProgramFilesDir & "UltraVNCultravnc.ini", "admin_auth", "group1", "")
IniWrite(@ProgramFilesDir & "UltraVNCultravnc.ini", "admin_auth", "group2", "")
IniWrite(@ProgramFilesDir & "UltraVNCultravnc.ini", "admin_auth", "group3", "")
IniWrite(@ProgramFilesDir & "UltraVNCultravnc.ini", "admin_auth", "locdom1", "0")
IniWrite(@ProgramFilesDir & "UltraVNCultravnc.ini", "admin_auth", "locdom2", "0")
IniWrite(@ProgramFilesDir & "UltraVNCultravnc.ini", "admin_auth", "locdom3", "0")
FileClose(@ProgramFilesDir & "UltraVNCultravnc.ini")
Edited by lgvlgv
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Your script seems a bit overkill... you can dramatically shorten your script:

Include 'Tasks=installservice,startservice' in your inf file then you can eliminate

the code to install and start the service, unless you have a reason to do it yourself

You can download the installer, schook.dll and drivers once and deploy with your script

along with the installer and inf file.... or check for newer version before downloading

You can also install normally to a machine, setup and save server admin options then

deploy the resulting ultavnc.ini file

Your script downloads the drivers.zip twice. The zip file contains both the 32 and 64 bit

drivers in separate folders.


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