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how to find unicode with stringregexp

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I cannot seem to get this code to work

StringRegExp($iNumber, "[a-zA-Z0-9:+/\0611\0612\0673\0674\0669\0667\0666\0686\0687\0576\0603\0604\0605]{" & StringLen($aBase[1]) & "}", 3)

It is searching for this

$base13 = chrw(611)&","&chrw(612)&","&chrw(673)&","&chrw(674)&","&chrw(669)&","&chrw(667)&","&chrw(666)&","&chrw(686)&","&chrw(687)&","&chrw(576)&","&chrw(603)&","&chrw(604)&","&chrw(605)

I am trying to turn my base 13 unicode back to dec. But I can't get stringregexp to detect the unicode.

credit to malky and joke758 for base conversion codes.

Local $iReturn
Local $aBase = StringSplit($sChar, ",")
Local $iBase = $aBase[0]
Local $aTemp = StringRegExp($iNumber, "[a-zA-Z0-9:+/\0611\0612\0673\0674\0669\0667\0666\0686\0687\0576\0603\0604\0605]{" & StringLen($aBase[1]) & "}", 3)
For $i = 0 To UBound($aTemp) - 1
$iReturn += ($iBase ^ $i) * (_ArraySearch($aBase, $aTemp[UBound($aTemp) - 1 - $i], 0, 0, 1) - 1)
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I'm currently running some tests on my PC so I can't try your code. Although I'm not sure if this will help or not, you might want to take a look at the following function _WinAPI_WideCharToMultiByte(). Like I said I'm not sure, but there's a lot of documentation on MSDN. If the UDF you are refering to converts to base13, I imagine it should also be able to convert it back to decimal. Perhaps you can simplify the task by trying a different approach.

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yes, but stringregex is the best way to do this, let me show you my full code and you will understand what i mean. i just cant get it to match unicode. i will look at that function soon.

#include <Array.au3>
#include <string.au3>
$base13 = chrw(611)&","&chrw(612)&","&chrw(673)&","&chrw(674)&","&chrw(669)&","&chrw(667)&","&chrw(666)&","&chrw(686)&","&chrw(687)&","&chrw(576)&","&chrw(603)&","&chrw(604)&","&chrw(605)

$number = Asc(InputBox ( "Decimal Converter", "Enter a character" ))
$Code = _Base($number, $base13)

$text = "Base13 : " & $Code & " -> Dec: " & _Dec($Code, $base13)

MsgBox(0, 'Base13', $text)

Func _Base($iDecNumber, $sChar)
Local $aBase = StringSplit($sChar, ",")
Local $iBase = $aBase[0]

Local $iLen = Int(Log($iDecNumber) / Log($iBase)) + 1

Dim $iUnit[$iLen + 1]
Local $iReturn
Local $iTemp = $iDecNumber

If $aBase[0] <> $iBase Then
Return -1

If $iDecNumber = 0 Then Return $aBase[1]

For $i = 1 To $iLen
For $i2 = 1 To $i - 1
$iTemp = $iTemp / $iBase
$iUnit[$i] = $aBase[Mod($iTemp, $iBase) + 1]
$iTemp = $iDecNumber

For $i = 1 To $iLen
$iReturn = $iUnit[$i] & $iReturn

Return $iReturn
EndFunc ;==>_Base

Func _Dec($iNumber, $sChar)
Local $iReturn
Local $aBase = StringSplit($sChar, ",")
Local $iBase = $aBase[0]
Local $aTemp = StringRegExp($iNumber, "[a-zA-Z0-9:+/0611061206730674066906670666068606870576060306040605]{" & StringLen($aBase[1]) & "}", 3)
For $i = 0 To UBound($aTemp) - 1
$iReturn += ($iBase ^ $i) * (_ArraySearch($aBase, $aTemp[UBound($aTemp) - 1 - $i], 0, 0, 1) - 1)

Return $iReturn
EndFunc ;==>_Dec
Edited by nullschritt
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