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Strange GUI problem, possible cause?

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This is probably one of those questions where I'll realize how stupid it is after I ask. Here goes. I have a gui with multiple tabs. The controls on the first tab overlap all of the other tabs. I used AutoItObject. I put all of my controls into an autoitobject. This is when the problem began. Any ideas? I know, I know, I could just leave the controls outside of an object. But I just want to try this for sh*ts and giggles.

Run this to see what I mean: http://www.mediafire.com/?6887lf2pb8dphid

Here is the code for the first tab if you're curious.

#include <EditConstants.au3>
#include <UpDownConstants.au3>
Global Const $tab_scite1 = GUICtrlCreateTabItem("SciTE 1")
#region - SciTE1 GUI
Func scite1_gui()
Local $this = _AutoItObject_Class()
#region - View
#region - Controls
Local Const $view_group1_r = 12
Local Const $view_group1_h = ($view_group1_r * $row)
Local Const $view_group1_t = 20
         GUICtrlCreateGroup ("View",     $padding2,  $view_group1_t,         $group_width, $view_group1_h)
         GUICtrlCreateLabel ("Left:",            $padding3,  ($view_group1_t + $row1), 40,   $label_height)
Local Const $h_position_left         = GUICtrlCreateInput ('',   ($padding3 + 25), ($view_group1_t + $row1 - 2), 57,     $input_height, $ES_NUMBER)
         GUICtrlCreateUpdown ($h_position_left, $UDS_NOTHOUSANDS)
         GUICtrlSetLimit     (-1, 9999, -1)
         GUICtrlCreateLabel ("Top:",     ($padding3 + 95), ($view_group1_t + $row1), 30,     $label_height)
Local Const $h_position_top      = GUICtrlCreateInput ('',   ($padding3 + 125), ($view_group1_t + $row1 - 2), 57,    $input_height, $ES_NUMBER)
         GUICtrlCreateUpdown ($h_position_top,   $UDS_NOTHOUSANDS)
         GUICtrlSetLimit     (-1, 9999, -1)
         GUICtrlCreateLabel ("Width:",   ($padding3 + 215), ($view_group1_t + $row1), 50,    $label_height)
Local Const $h_position_width        = GUICtrlCreateInput ('',   ($padding3 + 255), ($view_group1_t + $row1 - 2), 57,    $input_height, $ES_NUMBER)
         GUICtrlCreateUpdown ($h_position_width, $UDS_NOTHOUSANDS)
         GUICtrlSetLimit     (-1, 9999, -1)
         GUICtrlCreateLabel ("Height:",  ($padding3 + 330), ($view_group1_t + $row1), 50,    $label_height)
Local Const $h_position_height   = GUICtrlCreateInput ('',   ($padding3 + 375), ($view_group1_t + $row1 - 2), 57,    $input_height, $ES_NUMBER)
         GUICtrlCreateUpdown ($h_position_height, $UDS_NOTHOUSANDS)
         GUICtrlSetLimit     (-1, 9999, -1)
Local Const $h_maximize      = GUICtrlCreateCheckBox("Maximize",         $padding3,      ($view_group1_t + $row2), 80,   $checkbox_height)
Local Const $h_tile          = GUICtrlCreateCheckBox("Tile",         ($padding3 + 90), ($view_group1_t + $row2), 35,     $checkbox_height)
Local Const $h_minimize_to_tray  = GUICtrlCreateCheckBox("Minimize To Tray", ($padding3 + 170), ($view_group1_t + $row2), 105,   $checkbox_height)
Local Const $h_save_position         = GUICtrlCreateCheckBox("Save Position", ($padding3 + 310), ($view_group1_t + $row2), 90,   $checkbox_height)
Local Const $h_tabbar_visible    = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Tabbar Visible", $padding3, ($view_group1_t + $row3), 90,  $checkbox_height)
Local Const $h_tabbar_multiline  = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Tabbar Multiline", ($padding3 + 100), ($view_group1_t + $row3), 105,   $checkbox_height)
Local Const $h_tabbar_hideone    = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Tabbar Hide One", ($padding3 + 210), ($view_group1_t + $row3), 105,    $checkbox_height)
Local Const $h_toolbar_visible   = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Toolbar Visible", $padding3, ($view_group1_t + $row4), 95,     $checkbox_height)
Local Const $h_statusbar_visible     = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Statusbar Visible", $padding3, ($view_group1_t + $row5), 105,  $checkbox_height)
Local Const $h_full_screen_hides_menu = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Full Screen Hides Menu", $padding3, ($view_group1_t + $row6), 140,    $checkbox_height)
         GUICtrlCreateLabel ("Title Full Path:", $padding3, ($view_group1_t + $row7), 105,   $label_height)
Local Const $h_title_full_path   = GUICtrlCreateInput ('',   ($padding3 + 75), ($view_group1_t + $row7 - 2), 40,     $input_height)
         GUICtrlCreateUpdown ($h_title_full_path)
         GUICtrlSetLimit     (-1, 2, 0)
Local Const $h_title_show_buffers    = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Title Show Buffers", ($padding3 + 175), ($view_group1_t + $row7), 105,     $checkbox_height)
         GUICtrlCreateLabel ("Blank Margin Left:", $padding3, ($view_group1_t + $row8 + 1), 105,     $label_height)
Local Const $h_blank_margin_left     = GUICtrlCreateInput ('',   ($padding3 + 100), ($view_group1_t + $row8), 40,    $input_height)
         GUICtrlCreateUpdown ($h_blank_margin_left)
         GUICtrlSetLimit     (-1, 1000, 0)
         GUICtrlCreateLabel ("Blank Margin Right:", ($padding3 + 180), ($view_group1_t + $row8 + 1), 105,    $label_height)
Local Const $h_blank_margin_right    = GUICtrlCreateInput ('',   ($padding3 + 285), ($view_group1_t + $row8), 40,    $input_height)
         GUICtrlCreateUpdown ($h_blank_margin_right)
         GUICtrlSetLimit     (-1, 1000, 0)
Local Const $view_group2_r = 3
Local Const $view_group2_h = ($view_group2_r * $row)
Local Const $view_group2_t = (($view_group1_r - $view_group2_r) * $row) + $view_group1_t - 5
         GUICtrlCreateGroup ("Console",  ($padding2 + 3), $view_group2_t,    ($group_width - $padding), $view_group2_h)
Local Const $h_console_split_vertical = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Split Vertical",  ($padding3 + 3), ($view_group2_t + $row1), 90,      $checkbox_height)
         GUICtrlCreateLabel ("Vertical:",    ($padding3 + 100), ($view_group2_t + $row1), 45,                $label_height)
Local Const $h_console_vertical  = GUICtrlCreateInput ('',               ($padding3 + 145), ($view_group2_t + $row1 - 1), 55,                $input_height, $ES_NUMBER)
         GUICtrlCreateUpdown ($h_console_vertical, $UDS_NOTHOUSANDS)
         GUICtrlSetLimit     (-1, 9999, 0)
         GUICtrlCreateLabel ("Horizontal:", ($padding3 + 220), ($view_group2_t + $row1), 60,     $label_height)
Local Const $h_console_horizontal    = GUICtrlCreateInput ('',   ($padding3 + 280), ($view_group2_t + $row1 - 1), 55,    $input_height, $ES_NUMBER)
         GUICtrlCreateUpdown ($h_console_horizontal, $UDS_NOTHOUSANDS)
         GUICtrlSetLimit (-1, 9999, 0)
Local Const $h_console_hide_on_open = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Hide on open", ($padding3 + 3), ($view_group2_t + $row2), 90,   $checkbox_height)
#endregion - Controls
#region - Tooltips
_ToolTip_SetText($h_maximize,    "SciTE window is maximized when opened.",           "Maximize On Open")
_ToolTip_SetText($h_tile,            "If there is another copy of SciTE open, set the initial window position to be with the left " & _
         "side at Left + Width so that most of the time you can see both copies at once without overlap." & _
         "Works nicely if Left is set to zero and Width is set to half of the screen width.", "Tile")
_ToolTip_SetText($h_minimize_to_tray, "Minimizes SciTE to the system tray rather than to the task bar.",         "Minimize To Tray")
_ToolTip_SetText($h_save_position, "Setting 'Save Position' causes the SciTE window position on the desktop to be saved on " & _
         "exit in the session file and restored at start up.",       "Save Position")
_ToolTip_SetText($h_tabbar_visible, "Checking 'Tabbar Visible' makes the tab bar visible at start up. The buffers "  & _
         "property must be set to a value greater than 1 for this option to work.",  "Tabbar Visible")
_ToolTip_SetText($h_tabbar_multiline, "Setting 'Tabbar Multiline' uses multiple lines for the tab bar.",         "Tabbar Multiline")
_ToolTip_SetText($h_tabbar_hideone, "Checking 'Tabbar Hide One' hides the tab bar until there is more than one tab.",    "Tabbar Hide One")
_ToolTip_SetText($h_toolbar_visible, "When checked this makes the tool bar visible at start up.",        "Toolbar Visible")
_ToolTip_SetText($h_statusbar_visible, "When checked this makes the status bar visible at start up.",        "Statusbar Visible")
_ToolTip_SetText($h_full_screen_hides_menu, "Checking this hides the menu bar when the Full Screen command is used.",    "Full Screen Hides Menu")
_ToolTip_SetText($h_title_full_path, "Chooses how the file name is displayed in the title bar. When 0 (default) the "    & _
         "file name is displayed. When 1 the full path is displayed. When 2 the window "     & _
         "title displays 'filename in directory'.",          "Title Full Path")
_ToolTip_SetText($h_title_show_buffers, "When checked, shows the current buffer number in the title bar.",       "Title Show Buffers")
_ToolTip_SetText($h_blank_margin_right, "There is a blank margin on both sides of the text. It is drawn in the background color of " & _
         "default text. This defaults to one pixel for both left and right sides but may be altered " & _
         "with these settings. ",                "Blank Margin Right")
_ToolTip_SetText($h_blank_margin_left, "There is a blank margin on both sides of the text. It is drawn in the background color of " & _
         "default text. This defaults to one pixel for both left and right sides but may be altered " & _
         "with these settings. ",                "Blank Margin Left")
_ToolTip_SetText($h_console_split_vertical, "If checked then the output pane is to the right of the editing pane. "  & _
         "If unchecked then the output pane is below the editing pane.",         "Split Vertical")
_ToolTip_SetText($h_console_vertical,    "The initial size of the output pane if Split Vertical is unchecked.",  "Vertical Size")
_ToolTip_SetText($h_console_horizontal,  "The initial size of the output pane if Split Vertical is checked.",    "Horizontal Size")
_ToolTip_SetText($h_console_hide_on_open, "If checked then the output pane is hidden when SciTE first starts up; "   & _
         "otherwise the output pane is shown at startup.",           "Hide On Open")
#endregion -- Tooltips
#region - Properties
$this.AddProperty("ViewPositionLeft", $elscope_readonly, $h_position_left)
$this.AddProperty("ViewPositionTop", $elscope_readonly, $h_position_top)
$this.AddProperty("ViewPositionWidth", $elscope_readonly, $h_position_width)
$this.AddProperty("ViewPositionHeight", $elscope_readonly, $h_position_height)
$this.AddProperty("ViewMaximize", $elscope_readonly, $h_maximize)
$this.AddProperty("ViewTile",    $elscope_readonly, $h_tile)
$this.AddProperty("ViewMinimizeToTray", $elscope_readonly, $h_minimize_to_tray)
$this.AddProperty("ViewSavePosition", $elscope_readonly, $h_save_position)
$this.AddProperty("ViewTabbarVisible", $elscope_readonly, $h_tabbar_visible)
$this.AddProperty("ViewTabbarMultiline", $elscope_readonly, $h_tabbar_multiline)
$this.AddProperty("ViewTabbarHideOne", $elscope_readonly, $h_tabbar_hideone)
$this.AddProperty("ViewToolbarVisible", $elscope_readonly, $h_toolbar_visible)
$this.AddProperty("ViewStatusbarVisible", $elscope_readonly, $h_statusbar_visible)
$this.AddProperty("ViewFullScreenHidesMenu", $elscope_readonly, $h_full_screen_hides_menu)
$this.AddProperty("ViewTitleFullPath", $elscope_readonly, $h_title_full_path)
$this.AddProperty("ViewTitleShowBuffers", $elscope_readonly, $h_title_show_buffers)
$this.AddProperty("ViewBlankMarginLeft", $elscope_readonly, $h_blank_margin_left)
$this.AddProperty("ViewBlankMarginRight", $elscope_readonly, $h_blank_margin_right)
$this.AddProperty("ViewSplitVertical", $elscope_readonly, $h_console_split_vertical)
$this.AddProperty("ViewConsoleVertical", $elscope_readonly, $h_console_vertical)
$this.AddProperty("ViewConsoleHorizontal", $elscope_readonly, $h_console_horizontal)
$this.AddProperty("ViewConsoleHideOnOpen", $elscope_readonly, $h_console_hide_on_open)
#endregion - Properties
#endregion - View
#region - Fold
#region - Controls
Local Const $fold_group1_r = 9
Local Const $fold_group1_h = ($fold_group1_r * $row) + 3
Local Const $fold_group1_t = ($view_group1_t + $view_group1_h)
             GUICtrlCreateGroup ("Fold Settings",                            $padding2,      $fold_group1_t,     $group_width, $fold_group1_h)
Local Const $h_fold_onoff    = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("On",                                   $padding3,      ($fold_group1_t + $row1), 34,           $checkbox_height)
Local Const $h_fold_on_open  = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Fold On Open",                             ($padding3 + 49), ($fold_group1_t + $row1), 95,     $checkbox_height)
Local Const $h_fold_compact  = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Compact",                              ($padding3 + 155), ($fold_group1_t + $row1), 65,            $checkbox_height)
Local Const $h_fold_preprocessor         = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Pre-Processor",                            ($padding3 + 235), ($fold_group1_t + $row1), 90,            $checkbox_height)
Local Const $h_fold_comments             = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Comments",                             ($padding3 + 335), ($fold_group1_t + $row1), 73,            $checkbox_height)
             GUICtrlCreateLabel ("Fold Flags:",      $padding3,  ($fold_group1_t + $row2 + 2), 60,   $label_height)
Local Const $h_fold_flags                = GUICtrlCreateCombo ('',           ($padding3 + 60), ($fold_group1_t + $row2), 40,     $combo_height)
             GUICtrlSetData ($h_fold_flags, '')
Local Const $fold_group2_r = 2
Local Const $fold_group2_h = ($fold_group2_r * $row)
Local Const $fold_group2_t = ($fold_group1_t + $row3)
             GUICtrlCreateGroup ("Symbols:",             $padding3,      $fold_group2_t,     ($group_width - $padding2), $fold_group2_h)
Local Const $h_fold_symbol_0 = GUICtrlCreateRadio ('',                                       ($padding3 + $padding), ($fold_group2_t + $row1), 15,           $radio_width)
Local Const $h_fold_symbol_0_pic = GUICtrlCreatePic  ($storage_directory & "IconsFold IconsFold 0 a.jpg", ($padding3 + 20), ($fold_group2_t + $row1 + 2), 14,            11)
Local Const $h_fold_symbol_1 = GUICtrlCreateRadio ('',           ($padding3 + 70), ($fold_group2_t + $row1), 15,             $radio_width)
Local Const $h_fold_symbol_1_pic = GUICtrlCreatePic  ($storage_directory & "IconsFold IconsFold 1 a.jpg", ($padding3 + 85), ($fold_group2_t + $row1 + 6), 9,             2)
Local Const $h_fold_symbol_2 = GUICtrlCreateRadio ('',           ($padding3 + 135), ($fold_group2_t + $row1), 15,            $radio_width)
Local Const $h_fold_symbol_2_pic = GUICtrlCreatePic  ($storage_directory & "IconsFold IconsFold 2 a.jpg", ($padding3 + 150), ($fold_group2_t + $row1), 14,           14)
Local Const $h_fold_symbol_3 = GUICtrlCreateRadio ('',               ($padding3 + 210), ($fold_group2_t + $row1), 15,            $radio_width)
Local Const $h_fold_symbol_3_pic = GUICtrlCreatePic  ($storage_directory & "IconsFold IconsFold 3 a.jpg", ($padding3 + 225), ($fold_group2_t + $row1), 14,           14)
Local Const $fold_group3_r = 2
Local Const $fold_group3_h = ($fold_group3_r * $row)
Local Const $fold_group3_t = ($fold_group1_t + $row5)
             GUICtrlCreateGroup ("Highlight",            $padding3,      $fold_group3_t,     ($group_width - $padding2), $fold_group3_h)
Local Const $h_fold_highlight = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("On",              ($padding3 + $padding), ($fold_group3_t + $row1), 35,           $checkbox_height)
Local Const $h_fold_highlight_color_label = GUICtrlCreateLabel ('',                  ($padding3 + 95), ($fold_group3_t + $row1 - 2), $small_color_label_w, $small_color_label_h)
Local Const $h_fold_highlight_color      = GUICtrlCreateButton ("Color",             ($padding3 + 115), ($fold_group3_t + $row1 - 3), 50,            ($button_height + 2))
Local Const $fold_group4_r = 2
Local Const $fold_group4_h = ($fold_group4_r * $row)
Local Const $fold_group4_t = ($fold_group1_t + $row7)
             GUICtrlCreateGroup ("Fold Margin",          $padding3,      $fold_group4_t,     ($group_width - $padding2), $fold_group4_h)
Local Const $h_fold_margin_label_highlight = GUICtrlCreateLabel ('',                 ($padding3 + $padding), ($fold_group4_t + $row1 + 1), $small_color_label_w, $small_color_label_h)
Local Const $h_fold_margin_highlightcolor = GUICtrlCreateButton ("Fore",                     ($padding3 + 25), ($fold_group4_t + $row1), 40,             $button_height)
Local Const $h_fold_margin_label_backcolor = GUICtrlCreateLabel ('',                 ($padding3 + 85), ($fold_group4_t + $row1 + 1), $small_color_label_w, $small_color_label_h)
Local Const $h_fold_margin_backcolor     = GUICtrlCreateButton ("Back",              ($padding3 + 105), ($fold_group4_t + $row1), 40,            $button_height)
             GUICtrlCreateLabel ("Width:",                               ($padding3 + 150), ($fold_group4_t + $row1), 35,            $label_height)
Local Const $h_fold_margin_width     = GUICtrlCreateInput ('',                                       ($padding3 + 190), ($fold_group4_t + $row1 - 1), 40,            $input_height, $ES_NUMBER)
             GUICtrlCreateUpdown ($h_fold_margin_width, $UDS_NOTHOUSANDS)
             GUICtrlSetLimit     (-1, 99)
#endregion - Controls
#region -- Tooltips
_ToolTip_SetText($h_fold_onoff,          "Turn folding on or off.",                      "Fold On/Off")
_ToolTip_SetText($h_fold_on_open,            "Check to automatically fold files as much as possible when loaded.",           "Fold On Open")
_ToolTip_SetText($h_fold_compact,            "Turning this option on leads to blank lines following the end of an element folding with that element.",   "Fold Compact")
_ToolTip_SetText($h_fold_preprocessor,   "This option enables folding preprocessor directives such as #Includes.",           "Fold PreProcessor")
_ToolTip_SetText($h_fold_comments,   "This option enables folding block comments.",              "Fold Comments")
_ToolTip_SetText($h_fold_margin_width,   "Sets the width of the fold margin.",                       "Fold Margin Width")
_ToolTip_SetText($h_fold_highlight,          "Check to enable highlight for current folding block (smallest one that contains the caret)."   & _
             "Note: The highlight is enabled only when Symbols equals to two (round headers) or three (square headers).", "Fold Margin Highlight")
_ToolTip_SetText($h_fold_highlight_color,    "Define the color of highlight.",                       "Fold Highlight Color")
_ToolTip_SetText($h_fold_margin_highlightcolor, "Sets the fore color of the fold margin.",                       "Fold Margin Fore Color")
_ToolTip_SetText($h_fold_margin_backcolor, "Sets the back color of the fold margin.",                        "Fold Margin Back Color")
_ToolTip_SetText($h_fold_flags,  "Not really documented. ;) Bit flags which may go away. 2, 4, 8, and 16 control drawing lines above and below " & _
             "folding lines if expanded or not expanded. Set to 64 to help debug folding by showing hexadecimal fold levels in margin.", "Fold Flags")
#endregion -- Tooltips
#region - Properties
$this.AddProperty("FoldOnOff",   $elscope_readonly, $h_fold_onoff)
$this.AddProperty("FoldOnOpen",  $elscope_readonly, $h_fold_on_open)
$this.AddProperty("FoldCompact", $elscope_readonly, $h_fold_compact)
$this.AddProperty("FoldPreProcessor", $elscope_readonly, $h_fold_preprocessor)
$this.AddProperty("FoldComments", $elscope_readonly, $h_fold_comments)
$this.AddProperty("FoldFlags",   $elscope_readonly, $h_fold_flags)
$this.AddProperty("FoldSymbol0", $elscope_readonly, $h_fold_symbol_0)
$this.AddProperty("FoldSymbol0Pic", $elscope_readonly, $h_fold_symbol_0_pic)
$this.AddProperty("FoldSymbol1", $elscope_readonly, $h_fold_symbol_1)
$this.AddProperty("FoldSymbol1Pic", $elscope_readonly, $h_fold_symbol_1_pic)
$this.AddProperty("FoldSymbol2", $elscope_readonly, $h_fold_symbol_2)
$this.AddProperty("FoldSymbol2Pic", $elscope_readonly, $h_fold_symbol_2_pic)
$this.AddProperty("FoldSymbol3", $elscope_readonly, $h_fold_symbol_3)
$this.AddProperty("FoldSymbol3Pic", $elscope_readonly, $h_fold_symbol_3_pic)
$this.AddProperty("FoldHighlight", $elscope_readonly, $h_fold_highlight)
$this.AddProperty("FoldHighlightColorLabel", $elscope_readonly, $h_fold_highlight_color_label)
$this.AddProperty("FoldHighlightColor", $elscope_readonly, $h_fold_highlight_color)
$this.AddProperty("FoldMarginLabelHighlight", $elscope_readonly, $h_fold_margin_label_highlight)
$this.AddProperty("FoldMarginHighlightColor", $elscope_readonly, $h_fold_margin_highlightcolor)
$this.AddProperty("FoldMarginLabelBackColor", $elscope_readonly, $h_fold_margin_label_backcolor)
$this.AddProperty("FoldMarginBackColor", $elscope_readonly, $h_fold_margin_backcolor)
$this.AddProperty("FoldMarginWidth", $elscope_readonly, $h_fold_margin_width)
#endregion - Properties
#endregion - Fold
#region - Indentation
#region - Controls
Local Const $indentation_group1_r = 4
Local Const $indentation_group1_h = ($indentation_group1_r * $row)
Local Const $indentation_group1_t = ($fold_group1_t + $fold_group1_h)
             GUICtrlCreateGroup ("Indentation",  $padding2,      $indentation_group1_t,      $group_width,   $indentation_group1_h)
Local Const $h_use_tabs              = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Use Tabs",         $padding3,      ($indentation_group1_t + $row1),    70,             $checkbox_height)
             GUICtrlCreateLabel ("Tab Size:",        ($padding3 + 90), ($indentation_group1_t + $row1), 70,          $label_height)
Local Const $h_tab_size              = GUICtrlCreateInput ('',               ($padding3 + 143), ($indentation_group1_t + $row1 - 1), 40,             $input_height, $ES_NUMBER)
             GUICtrlCreateUpdown ($h_tab_size, $UDS_NOTHOUSANDS)
             GUICtrlSetLimit     (-1, 99)
Local Const $h_tab_indents           = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Tab Indents",  $padding3, ($indentation_group1_t + $row2), 80,     $checkbox_height)
Local Const $h_backspace_unindents   = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Backspace Unindents", ($padding3 + 90), ($indentation_group1_t + $row2), 135,  $checkbox_height)
             GUICtrlCreateLabel ("Indent Size:",     ($padding3 + 240), ($indentation_group1_t + $row2), 85,     $label_height)
Local Const $h_indent_size           = GUICtrlCreateInput ('',   ($padding3 + 305), ($indentation_group1_t + $row2 - 1), 45,     $input_height)
             GUICtrlCreateUpdown ($h_indent_size, $UDS_NOTHOUSANDS)
             GUICtrlSetLimit     (-1, 20, 0)
Local Const $h_view_indentation_guides   = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("View Indentation Guides", $padding3, ($indentation_group1_t + $row3), 150,     $checkbox_height)
Local Const $h_indentation_fore_label        = GUICtrlCreateLabel ('',   ($padding3 + 170), ($indentation_group1_t + $row3 + 1), $small_color_label_w, $small_color_label_h)
Local Const $h_indentation_forecolor_button = GUICtrlCreateButton ("Fore",       ($padding3 + 190), ($indentation_group1_t + $row3), 40,             $button_height)
Local Const $h_indentation_back_label    = GUICtrlCreateLabel ('',   ($padding3 + 260), ($indentation_group1_t + $row3 + 1), $small_color_label_w, $small_color_label_h)
Local Const $h_indentation_backcolor_button = GUICtrlCreateButton ("Back",       ($padding3 + 280), ($indentation_group1_t + $row3), 40,             $button_height)
#endregion - Controls
#region -- Tooltips
_ToolTip_SetText($h_use_tabs,    "When creating indentation, 'Use Tabs' determines whether the indentation is made up purely from space "        & _
             "characters or from a mix of tabs and spaces using as many tabs as possible.",              "Use Tabs")
_ToolTip_SetText($h_tab_size,    "Sets the size of a tab as a multiple of the size of a space character in the style of the default style definition.",  "Tab Size")
_ToolTip_SetText($h_tab_indents,     "If checked is set then pressing tab within indentation whitespace indents by 'Indent Size' rather than inserting a tab character.", "Tab Indents")
_ToolTip_SetText($h_backspace_unindents, "If checked then pressing backspace within indentation whitespace unindents by 'Indent Size' rather than deleting the character before the caret.", "Backspace Unindents")
_ToolTip_SetText($h_indent_size,     "The indent size is the size to use when performing automatic indentation and may be different from the tab size.",         "Indent Size")
_ToolTip_SetText($h_view_indentation_guides, "Check this to display dotted vertical lines within indentation white space every 'Indent Size' columns.",      "View Indentation Guides")
#endregion -- Tooltips
#region - Properties
$this.AddProperty("IndentationUseTabs", $elscope_readonly, $h_use_tabs)
$this.AddProperty("IndentationTabSize", $elscope_readonly, $h_tab_size)
$this.AddProperty("IndentationTabIndents", $elscope_readonly, $h_tab_indents)
$this.AddProperty("IndentationBackSpaceUnindents", $elscope_readonly, $h_backspace_unindents)
$this.AddProperty("IndentationIndentSize", $elscope_readonly, $h_indent_size)
$this.AddProperty("IndentationGuides", $elscope_readonly, $h_view_indentation_guides)
$this.AddProperty("IndentationForeLabel", $elscope_readonly, $h_indentation_fore_label)
$this.AddProperty("IndentationForeColorButton", $elscope_readonly, $h_indentation_forecolor_button)
$this.AddProperty("IndentationBackLabel", $elscope_readonly, $h_indentation_back_label)
$this.AddProperty("IndentationBackColorButton", $elscope_readonly, $h_indentation_backcolor_button)
#endregion - Properties
#endregion - Indentation
#region - Selection
#region - Controls
Local Const $selection_group1_r = 10
Local Const $selection_group1_h = ($selection_group1_r * $row) + 10
Local Const $selection_group1_t = ($indentation_group1_t + $indentation_group1_h)
                 GUICtrlCreateGroup ("Selection", $padding2,         $selection_group1_t, $group_width, ($selection_group1_h - 6))
Local Const $h_selected_fore_label               = GUICtrlCreateLabel ('',   $padding3,  ($selection_group1_t + 15), $small_color_label_w, $small_color_label_h)
Local Const $h_selected_fore_button              = GUICtrlCreateButton ("Fore",  ($padding3 + 20), ($selection_group1_t + 13), 40,   $button_height)
Local Const $h_selected_back_label               = GUICtrlCreateLabel ('',   ($padding3 + 90), ($selection_group1_t + 15), $small_color_label_w, $small_color_label_h)
Local Const $h_selected_back_button              = GUICtrlCreateButton ("Back",  ($padding3 + 110), ($selection_group1_t + 13), 40,  $button_height)
                 GUICtrlCreateLabel ("Alpha:",   ($padding3 + 170), ($selection_group1_t + 15), 35,          $label_height)
Local Const $h_selected_alpha                    = GUICtrlCreateInput ('',   ($padding3 + 210), ($selection_group1_t + 13), 45,          $input_height, $ES_NUMBER)
                 GUICtrlCreateUpdown ($h_selected_alpha, $UDS_NOTHOUSANDS)
                 GUICtrlSetLimit     (-1, 256, 0)
Local Const $selection_group2_r = 3
Local Const $selection_group2_h = ($selection_group2_r * $row)
Local Const $selection_group2_t = ($row * 2 + $selection_group1_t)
                 GUICtrlCreateGroup ("Additional Selections", ($padding2 + $padding), $selection_group2_t , ($group_width - $padding2), $selection_group2_h)
Local Const $h_additional_selections     = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("On",   ($padding3 + $padding), ($selection_group2_t + 15), 35,             $checkbox_height)
Local Const $h_additional_typing         = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Additional Typing", ($padding3 + 50), ($selection_group2_t + 15), 115,             $checkbox_height)
Local Const $h_additional_fore_label     = GUICtrlCreateLabel ('',       ($padding3 + $padding), ($selection_group2_t + 33), $small_color_label_w, $small_color_label_h)
Local Const $h_additional_fore_button    = GUICtrlCreateButton ("Fore",  ($padding3 + 25), ($selection_group2_t + 33), 40,               $button_height)
Local Const $h_additional_back_label     = GUICtrlCreateLabel ('',       ($padding3 + 90), ($selection_group2_t + 33), $small_color_label_w, $small_color_label_h)
Local Const $h_additional_back_button    = GUICtrlCreateButton ("Back",      ($padding3 + 110), ($selection_group2_t + 32), 40,              $button_height)
                 GUICtrlCreateLabel ("Alpha:",       ($padding3 + 170), ($selection_group2_t + 33), 35,              $label_height)
Local Const $h_additional_alpha      = GUICtrlCreateInput ('',   ($padding3 + 210), ($selection_group2_t + 33), 45,              $input_height, $ES_NUMBER)
                 GUICtrlCreateUpdown ($h_additional_alpha, $UDS_NOTHOUSANDS)
                 GUICtrlSetLimit     (-1, 256, 0)
Local Const $selection_group3_r = 3
Local Const $selection_group3_h = ($selection_group3_r * $row)
Local Const $selection_group3_t = ($selection_group2_r * $row + $selection_group2_t)
                 GUICtrlCreateGroup ("Highlight Current Word", ($padding2 + $padding), $selection_group3_t, ($group_width - $padding2), $selection_group3_h)
Local Const $h_highlight_current_word            = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("On",               ($padding3 + $padding), ($selection_group3_t + $row1), 35,          $checkbox_height)
Local Const $h_highlight_current_word_color      = GUICtrlCreateLabel ('',       ($padding3 + 85), ($selection_group3_t + $row1), $small_color_label_w, $small_color_label_h)
Local Const $h_highlight_current_word_color_button = GUICtrlCreateButton ("Color",   ($padding3 + 105), ($selection_group3_t + $row1 - 1), 60,               $button_height)
Local Const $h_highlight_current_word_bystyle    = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("By Style",             ($padding3 + 220), ($selection_group3_t + $row1), 65,           $checkbox_height)
Local Const $h_highlight_current_word_autoselect     = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Auto Select",          ($padding3 + 320), ($selection_group3_t + $row1), 80,           $checkbox_height)
Local Const $h_highlight_current_word_wholeword  = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Whole Word",           ($padding3 + $padding), ($selection_group3_t + $row2), 85,          $checkbox_height)
Local Const $h_highlight_current_word_matchcase  = GUICtrlCreateCheckbox("Matchcase",            ($padding3 + 120), ($selection_group3_t + $row2), 80,           $checkbox_height)
                 GUICtrlCreateLabel ("Minimum Length:",  ($padding3 + 220), ($selection_group3_t + $row2), 110,              $label_height)
Local Const $h_highlight_current_word_minimumlength = GUICtrlCreateInput ('',            ($padding3 + 320), ($selection_group3_t + $row2 - 2), 45,           $input_height, $ES_NUMBER)
                 GUICtrlCreateUpdown ($h_highlight_current_word_minimumlength, $UDS_NOTHOUSANDS)
                 GUICtrlSetLimit     (-1, 256, 0)
Local Const $selection_group4_r = 2
Local Const $selection_group4_h = ($selection_group4_r * $row)
Local Const $selection_group4_t = ($row * $selection_group3_r + $selection_group3_t)
                 GUICtrlCreateGroup ("Selection Margin", ($padding2 + $padding), $selection_group4_t, ($group_width - $padding2), $selection_group4_h)
                 GUICtrlCreateLabel ("Width:",   ($padding3 + $padding), ($selection_group4_t + 15), 35,                 $label_height)
Local Const $h_selection_margin                  = GUICtrlCreateInput ('',           ($padding3 + 45), ($selection_group4_t + 14), 45,           $input_height, $ES_NUMBER)
                 GUICtrlCreateUpdown ($h_selection_margin, $UDS_NOTHOUSANDS)
                 GUICtrlSetLimit     (-1, 256, 0)
#endregion - Controls
#region -- Tooltips
_ToolTip_SetText($h_selected_fore_button,            "Sets the foreground color of the selected text.",                      "Selection Fore Color")
_ToolTip_SetText($h_selected_back_button,            "Sets the background color of the selected text.",                      "Selection Back Color")
_ToolTip_SetText($h_selected_alpha,          "Sets the alpha of the selected text. 256 turns alpha off.",                                    "Selection Alpha")
_ToolTip_SetText($h_additional_selections,   "Check to make multiple selections with the mouse by holding down the Ctrl key.",               "Additional Selections")
_ToolTip_SetText($h_additional_typing,       "Check to allow typing, backspace, and delete to affect all selections. When unchecked, typing only affects the main selection.",       "Additional Typing")
_ToolTip_SetText($h_additional_fore_button,      "Similiar to 'Selection Fore Color'. Sets the colors used for displaying additional selections when multiple selections are enabled.", "Additional Fore Color")
_ToolTip_SetText($h_additional_back_button,      "Similiar to 'Selection Back Color'. Sets the colors used for displaying additional selections when multiple selections are enabled.", "Additional Back Color")
_ToolTip_SetText($h_additional_alpha,            "Similiar to 'Selection Alpha'. Sets the translucency used for displaying additional selections when multiple selections are enabled.", "Additional Alpha")
_ToolTip_SetText($h_highlight_current_word,          "When checked, all occurrences of the selected word are highlighted with the color defined by 'Highlight Current Word Color'. "             & _
             "By default, this option is disabled.",                                                                                                     "Highlight Current Word")
_ToolTip_SetText($h_highlight_current_word_bystyle,  "If checked, then only words with the same style are highlighted (e.g. if you select this word in a comment, then only occurrences of "     & _
             "words in comments are selected).",                                                                                                         "Highlight Current Word By Style")
_ToolTip_SetText($h_highlight_current_word_wholeword,    "If checked, then only whole words are highlighted.",                                                                                   "Highlight Current Word Whole Word")
_ToolTip_SetText($h_highlight_current_word_matchcase,    "If checked, then only words with the same case are highlighted.",                                                                      "Highlight Current Word Match Case")
_ToolTip_SetText($h_highlight_current_word_minimumlength, "Words will not be highlighted until this amount of characters are selected.",                                                             "Highlight Current Word Minimum Length")
_ToolTip_SetText($h_highlight_current_word_autoselect, "If checked, then words are highlighted when clicked. Unchecked, words are highlighted when selected.",                               "Highlight Current Word AutoSelect")
_ToolTip_SetText($h_highlight_current_word_color_button, "The option 'Highlight Current Word Color' defines the color of highlight. The default value is 0xA0A000.",                                 "Highlight Current Word Color")
_ToolTip_SetText($h_selection_margin,    "Setting this to a number makes SciTE display a selection margin to the left of the text. The value is the number of pixels wide the " & _
             "selection margin should be. Line markers are displayed in the selection margin area.",                                     "Selection Margin")
#endregion -- Tooltips
#region - Controls
$this.AddProperty("SelectionForeLabel",  $elscope_readonly, $h_selected_fore_label)
$this.AddProperty("SelectionForeButton",     $elscope_readonly, $h_selected_fore_button)
$this.AddProperty("SelectionBackLabel",  $elscope_readonly, $h_selected_back_label)
$this.AddProperty("SelectionBackButton",     $elscope_readonly, $h_selected_back_button)
$this.AddProperty("SelectionAlpha",  $elscope_readonly, $h_selected_alpha)
$this.AddProperty("SelectionAdditionalSelections", $elscope_readonly, $h_additional_selections)
$this.AddProperty("SelectionAdditionalTyping",   $elscope_readonly, $h_additional_typing)
$this.AddProperty("SelectionAdditionalForeLabel", $elscope_readonly, $h_additional_fore_label)
$this.AddProperty("SelectionAdditionalForeButton", $elscope_readonly, $h_additional_fore_button)
$this.AddProperty("SelectionAdditionalBackLabel", $elscope_readonly, $h_additional_back_label)
$this.AddProperty("SelectionAdditionalBackButton", $elscope_readonly, $h_additional_back_button)
$this.AddProperty("SelectionAdditionalAlpha",    $elscope_readonly, $h_additional_alpha)
$this.AddProperty("SelectionHighlightCurrentWord", $elscope_readonly, $h_highlight_current_word)
$this.AddProperty("SelectionHighlightCurrentWordColor", $elscope_readonly, $h_highlight_current_word_color)
$this.AddProperty("SelectionHighlightCurrentWordColorButton", $elscope_readonly, $h_highlight_current_word_color_button)
$this.AddProperty("SelectionHighlightCurrentWordByStyle", $elscope_readonly, $h_highlight_current_word_bystyle)
$this.AddProperty("SelectionHighlightCurrentWordAutoSelect", $elscope_readonly, $h_highlight_current_word_autoselect)
$this.AddProperty("SelectionHighlightCurrentWordWholeWord", $elscope_readonly, $h_highlight_current_word_wholeword)
$this.AddProperty("SelectionHighlightCurrentWordMatchCase", $elscope_readonly, $h_highlight_current_word_matchcase)
$this.AddProperty("SelectionHighlightCurrentWordMinimumLength", $elscope_readonly, $h_highlight_current_word_minimumlength)
$this.AddProperty("SelectionMargin",     $elscope_readonly, $h_selection_margin)
#endregion - Controls
#endregion - Selection
Return $this.Object
#endregion - SciTE1 GUI
Edited by LaCastiglione
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Add a line something like

msgbox(262144,'***', 'closing tabs')

before the line


to make sure the latter is actaully executed.

Serial port communications UDF Includes functions for binary transmission and reception.printing UDF Useful for graphs, forms, labels, reports etc.Add User Call Tips to SciTE for functions in UDFs not included with AutoIt and for your own scripts.Functions with parameters in OnEvent mode and for Hot Keys One function replaces GuiSetOnEvent, GuiCtrlSetOnEvent and HotKeySet.UDF IsConnected2 for notification of status of connected state of many urls or IPs, without slowing the script.
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