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reverse file


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I got this script that will take 1.txt and reverse the text and write it to 2.txt:

$sText = FileRead('1.txt')
$timer = TimerInit()
$aText = StringSplit($sText, '')
$sText = ''
For $i = $aText[0] To 0 Step -1
$sText &= $aText[$i]
Local $file = FileOpen("2.txt", 1)
FileWrite($file, $sText)

The thing is, how would I make it do the opposite thing?

so make a 3.txt where it instead of string split, then joins it, to make the reverse, normal text again.

(also the reversed text is being put in just 1 line, and not 2, if there is 2 lines, in 1.txt)

Edited by legend
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I don't know why but although it reads an enter press as @LF when written back to file, it needs to be @CRLF.the reverse process is the same process on reversed string.

$sText = FileRead('1.txt')
$timer = TimerInit()
$aText = StringSplit($sText, '', 2)

$sText = ''
For $i = UBound($aText) -1  To 0 Step -1
If $aText[$i] = @LF Then
$sText = @CRLF
$sText = $aText[$i]
Local $file = FileOpen("2.txt", 1)
FileWrite($file, $sText)

Also _StringReverse() <- help file.

EDIT: if you opt not to use _StringReverse() then kylomas code below is safer.

Edited by JohnOne

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Here's one way to do this

local $str = 'a bunch of random characters' & @crlf & 'some more characters' & @lf & @CR & 'yet another line' & @crlf & 'finally, the last line'
if fileexists(@scriptdir & 'temp.txt') then filedelete(@scriptdir & 'temp.txt')
filewrite(@scriptdir & 'temp.txt',$str)
$sText = FileRead(@scriptdir & 'temp.txt')
$reverse = _reverse_file($sText)
$reverse = _reverse_file($reverse)
func _reverse_file($str)
 $str = stringreplace($str,@crlf,0x0)
 $str = stringreplace($str,@lf,0x1)
 $str = stringreplace($str,@cr,0x2)
 local $aText = StringSplit($str, '')
 $str = ''
 For $i = $aText[0] To 1 Step -1
  $str &= $aText[$i]
 $str = stringreplace($str,string(0x0),@crlf)
 $str = stringreplace($str,string(0x1),@lf)
 $str = stringreplace($str,string(0x2),@cr)
 return $str


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Yes, I'm sure it does. I've just presented another way to do it, preserving mixed EOL characters, if they exist.

Splitting @CRLF (0x0d & 0x0a) should result in two string characters as demonstrated by this code

#include <array.au3>
local $a10 = stringsplit(@crlf,'',2)
for $i = 0 to ubound($a10) - 1
consolewrite('+ element # ' & $i & ' = ' & string(asc($a10[$i])) & @lf)


edit: the string function within the consolewrite is not neccessary

Edited by kylomas

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"I like pigs.  Dogs look up to us.  Cats look down on us.  Pigs treat us as equals."

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