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I need help modifying an array

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I have a script that pulls data from an Internal website. It has the following information:

- First Name

- Last Name

- ID (the only all numeric field)

- Job Title

- Department

- Building

I have about a 1000 users who are stored in a table like this, but not all of the information is listed. I have an array of the information pulled from the website and it looks like this:

0 - First Name

1 - Last Name

2 - ID

3 - Building

4 - First Name1

5 - Last Name1

6 - ID1

7 - Job Title1

8 - Department1

9 - Building1

10 - First Name2

11 - Last Name2

12 - ID2

13 - Department2

14 - Building2

I would like to have the array show the same data for each user. For example, even though First Name2 does not have a "Job Title", I'd still like for there to be an empty array or string with commas indicating the empty fields i.e. , , .

Is there a way I can insert where needed the correct field information? The only pattern that I can see is consistant is that the ID number is always after the names of the user.

I could have the array so that it only displays the First Name, Last Name and ID number. So I would need to delete all array indexes except those that are 2 before the ID number.

Is there a way I can detect the numbers in the array and then keep only the 2 indexes/fields before the ID number.

Here is the code:

#include <Inet.au3>
#include <String.au3>
#include <Array.au3>
Local $array2SizeNew
$webSource = _INetGetSource('http://internal.website.com/stafflookup.aspx') ; get data from Internal website
$array = _StringBetween($webSource, 'size="3">', '</font>') ; extract data and place into an array
$nString = _ArrayToString($array,",") ; separate array into csv
$nString1 = StringStripWS($nString, 4) ; remove spacing
$nString2 = StringReplace($nString1,",&nbsp;","") ; remove html spacing code
ConsoleWrite($nString2) ; output string
$array1 = _StringBetween($nString2, '<a href=', '</a>'); obtain string with unc path to images. These are not needed and are stored in an separate array to be deleted out of the main array later.
$array2 = _StringExplode($nString2,","); create an array
$array1Size = UBound($array1); find the size of the array
$array2Size = UBound($array2)
$array2SizeNew = UBound($array2)
;MsgBox(0,"Array 2 Size",$array2Size)
For $i = 0 To $array2Size -2 ; search through main array to find a match in the array with the unc paths. If there is a match, then remove the index from the array.
If $array2SizeNew -1 = $i Then; when the unc path array has had all the values found, exit the loop.
For $b = 0 To $array1Size - 1
If '<a href=' & $array1[$b] & '</a>' = $array2[$i] Then
;FileWriteLine("C:TempStaffGetLogRemove.txt",$b & " - " & $array1[$b] & " - " & $i)
$newSize = _ArrayDelete($array2,$i)
$array2SizeNew = UBound($array2)
_ArrayDelete($array2, 0); remove unneccessary data
_ArrayDelete($array2, 0)
_ArrayDelete($array2, 0)
_ArrayDelete($array2, 0)
_ArrayDelete($array2, 0)
_ArrayDelete($array2, 0)
_ArrayDelete($array2, 0)
$array2SizeNew = UBound($array2); find the new size of the array
_ArrayDelete($array2, $array2SizeNew -1); delete the last array index as it dosn't get removed in the loop
$nString3 = _ArrayToString($array2,",")
ConsoleWrite(@CR & @CR & @CR & $nString3 & @CR & @CR)
Edited by jazzyjeff
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I would also recommend a new approach. _ietablewritetoarray will create a 2X table with cells aligned. It is then a simple matter to iterate through the table selecting what you need.


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Ah man! You're smart.

You just saying made me look at what I was doing and realised that the way i was extracting the code was all wrong.

So right here I was just getting rid of the space in the table:

$nString2 = StringReplace($nString1,",&nbsp;","") ; remove html spacing code

What I should have done was replace the &nbsp; with a ,.

$nString2 = StringReplace($nString1,",&nbsp;",",") ; remove html spacing code

Thanks for getting me to use my brain better.

Sorry for any bother.

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