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Increase reliability that it sends correctly


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My program is sitting in the background, waiting for a program to stop existing, then execute the if loop when it doesnt exist.

The program will open run, write in the dir to the program manually and press enter. However, sometimes it fails (it seems like the shift key is tampering with it) so what I did was create a Do it again Untill it fits. Still, it sometimes messes it up by doubling it.

While 1

If Not WinExists ("Local Online Communicator") Then
ProcessClose ("LOC.exe")
ProcessWaitClose ("LOC.exe")
Send ("{shiftup}{altup}{ctrlup}")
Send ("#r")
Sleep (100)
If WinExists ("Ejecutar") Then
$winrun = "Ejecutar"
ElseIf WinExists ("Run") Then
$winrun = "Run"
ElseIf WinExists ("Kjør") Then
$winrun = "Kjør"
ControlGetFocus ($winrun)
$locdir = "c:LOCLOC.exe"
SendKeepActive ($winrun)

; here is the problem spot
Sleep (400)
ControlSend ($winrun, "", "[CLASS:Edit; INSTANCE:1]", "{lctrl a}")
ControlSend ($winrun, "", "[CLASS:Edit; INSTANCE:1]", $locdir & "{enter}")
Until ControlGetText ($winrun, "", "[CLASS:Edit; INSTANCE:1]") = $locdir

WinWait ("Local Online Communicator")
WinSetState ("Local Online Communicator", "", @SW_MINIMIZE)
Send ("{shiftup}{altup}{ctrlup}")
Sleep (600)

Any suggestions to increase the reliability? I cannot use run or shellexecute, there seems to be some limitation or security feature in the program itself.

Edited by Aarstad
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Are you sure there is security feature in the program?

I had problems using Run() not running but i noticed i can do this

Run ($path & "" & $program, $path)

that fixed the problem for me.

If you haven't tryed it yet please do and tell me if it helped.

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Are you sure there is security feature in the program?

I had problems using Run() not running but i noticed i can do this

Run ($path & "" & $program, $path)

that fixed the problem for me.

If you haven't tryed it yet please do and tell me if it helped.

Yes I have tried that as well. The problem isn't that the program doesn't run, it runs fine. But all the configs from the installed folder are copied and launched from the script dir, so the program loads without any settings.

This is either some weird bug, or it might be a security feature. Who knows?

I increased the reliability by doing the following:

Controlsend ($window, "", CONTROLID, "{end}+{home}{backspace}")
Controlsend ($window, "", CONTROLID, "write whatever here")
Sleep (5)
Until Controlgettext ($window, "", CONTROLID) = "whatever you want it to be "
Edited by Aarstad
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